Microsoft to launch Xbox One in Asia in late 2014

Microsoft to launch Xbox One in Asia in late 2014
A day after announcing the console would launch in North America and Europe in November, the company confirmed that the Xbox One will not reach Asia until 2014.

The software giant says the rollout is part of a "staged approach" to marketing the new console.

Alan Bowman, Microsoft's regional vice president for sales and marketing in Asia, says the company is working hard on "ensuring a great experience for customers" in the region, including the addition of more localized content and services.

Notably, Bowman says the device will only be released in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and India; leaving China and Japan out. The company says those nations are high-growth for consoles, and have seen decent sales for the Xbox 360.

The console will sell for $500 in the U.S. when it is released.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Jun 2013 19:35
Microsoft Xbox One
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  • megadunderhead

    wait wait wait so your leaving out japan i dont get this at all morons you leave out the country where video games are developed ????

    dumb dumb dumb alert

    12.6.2013 00:31 #1

  • Frogfart

    The Xbox never sold well or appealed to the Japanese market. MS don't want any bad publicity or a like for like race that shows them as doing badly during the Xbox One release.

    12.6.2013 05:17 #2

  • xaznboitx

    Originally posted by megadunderhead: wait wait wait so your leaving out japan i dont get this at all morons you leave out the country where video games are developed ????

    dumb dumb dumb alert
    um, any of ms console doesn't sell in jp so...

    12.6.2013 20:17 #3

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