Amazon takes down Facebook poll after PS4 destroys Xbox One

Amazon takes down Facebook poll after PS4 destroys Xbox One
On June 13th, Amazon put a poll up on their Video Games division's Facebook page asking consumers one simple question; Do you prefer the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One.

Three days and over 40,000 votes later, the etailing giant has taken down the poll prematurely, as it was set to run until June 20th.

The PS4 absolutely demolished the Xbox One, with 38,984 votes for the Sony console and just 2162 votes for the Microsoft rival.

At this point in the next-gen console wars, it appears Sony has the upper hand, thanks to a more pro-consumer approach.

Sony has no restrictions on used discs being played on any console, does not require online authentication to play single player modes, and costs $399 compared to the Xbox at $499, although that does include the Kinect system, as well.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 Jun 2013 22:54
Sony PlayStation 4 Microsoft Xbox One
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  • DarthMopar

    It appears the proverbial "writing is on the wall".

    16.6.2013 23:32 #1

  • Red_Forman

    I'm starting to think Bill Gates is behind all of this, just so he could return like a Messiah to save the company in true Jobs fashion.

    I'll stick my foot up your ass.

    16.6.2013 23:34 #2

  • Mrmars

     friend of mine excitedly said the ps4 is almost too good to be true sometime later that left me with a bad feeling Sony said everything that gamers wanted to hear and not one thing they didn't not want ok the + thing but you knew that was coming I'm going to wait 6 month ot a year for the other shoe to drop before I get mine

    17.6.2013 02:26 #3

  • manitoba

    Just remember what Sony did with the PS3. Do not think it will be different with the PS4.

    17.6.2013 02:35 #4

  • joebloe12

    @manitoba...Oh give me a BREAK! Yes Sony has screwed over consumers in the past and so has Microsoft, but I think Sony has learned their lesson this time around.

    And one OTHER THING...those numbers do not lie about how people are feeling about this DRM crap Microsoft is trying to push off on their customers.

    If things stay as they are, Microsoft could get demolished in sales and it would be their fault for doing it!

    17.6.2013 03:12 #5

  • Mysttic

    Quote:Just remember what Sony did with the PS3. Do not think it will be different with the PS4.
    Just remember what Anonymous did after, we do not forget.

    17.6.2013 03:13 #6

  • Dragon3000

    mmm, I think those votes for the Xbox One came from Microsoft staff.

    17.6.2013 08:48 #7

  • A5J4DX


    17.6.2013 08:57 #8

  • Mrmars

    Originally posted by joebloe12: @manitoba...Oh give me a BREAK! Yes Sony has screwed over consumers in the past and so has Microsoft, but I think Sony has learned their lesson this time around.

    And one OTHER THING...those numbers do not lie about how people are feeling about this DRM crap Microsoft is trying to push off on their customers.

    If things stay as they are, Microsoft could get demolished in sales and it would be their fault for doing it!
    Sony is going to slip that DRM in your drink as soon as you're not looking and don't count on that backwards compatibility either they said its rolling out in 2014 as soon as you forget or no longer care its one less feature they have to give to you the only lesson they've learned is how to make people forget what they done in the past DRM coming to a PS4 near you 2014 update
    I'm not trying to tell you to buy one gaming system over another who am I to tell you how to spend your money but I know this the DRM is coming because the developers want it


    17.6.2013 11:47 #9

  • Mysttic

    Quote:don't count on that backwards compatibility either they said its rolling out in 2014 as soon as you forget or no longer care its one less feature they have to give to you Although true in some ways, your mistaken on one here: Sony never said backwards compatibility was coming for the PS4, they simply can not do it for PS4 and that has been their stance all along. They said you can play previous generation of PS titles over Gakai when it becomes active in 2014: not the same thing. Your comment insinuates hardware level function which Sony never agreed existed, what Sony was talking about is Cloud service, which is more possible to become into fruition considering they bought Gakai's servers, likely to compete with MS.

    However where you stand absolutely correct is Sony is a company that when they feel a service isn't working or not wanted by the majority, they'll remove it. They also attempt to slip DRM whenever feasible as if these companies need to keep testing that water in hopes one day consumers will simply just give up the fight.

    17.6.2013 12:43 #10

  • Bryan3404

    I hope this will make Microsoft see that you should make a system for your consumers and not against them. I enjoy my 360, but I want the right to play a rented game if I so choose to. I don't think I will be getting the "One" unless they change their restrictions.

    17.6.2013 18:24 #11

  • joebloe12

    Originally posted by Mrmars: Originally posted by joebloe12: @manitoba...Oh give me a BREAK! Yes Sony has screwed over consumers in the past and so has Microsoft, but I think Sony has learned their lesson this time around.

    And one OTHER THING...those numbers do not lie about how people are feeling about this DRM crap Microsoft is trying to push off on their customers.

    If things stay as they are, Microsoft could get demolished in sales and it would be their fault for doing it!
    Sony is going to slip that DRM in your drink as soon as you're not looking and don't count on that backwards compatibility either they said its rolling out in 2014 as soon as you forget or no longer care its one less feature they have to give to you the only lesson they've learned is how to make people forget what they done in the past DRM coming to a PS4 near you 2014 update
    I'm not trying to tell you to buy one gaming system over another who am I to tell you how to spend your money but I know this the DRM is coming because the developers want it
    Again I never said Sony was pure or that they never tried to screw over their customers, but if you think buying an xbox one is smart, then I feel sorry for you.

    You can buy one if you want, but I will not be buying one...I can tell you that!
    And you seem to ignore the results of the poll know...the amazon poll where Microshaft got tromped.

    17.6.2013 19:46 #12

  • GryphB

    The old skeletons in their closet will come out eventually.

    17.6.2013 23:48 #13

  • Mrmars

    this was not attack on you please don't take it that way the only part of your statement I disagreed with what's the fact that Sony has learned it's lesson the last time Sony did something dirty to gamers wasn't the first time and the next time won't be the last I just find that we consumers tend to give corporations a pass we have short memories and I'm guilty of it too I was ready to get my PS4 pre order until a friend of mine asked me if I've seen the ps4 conference excitingly said it was too good to be true he got everything he wanted except for the Next uncharted
    game and that's when I started to feel like I was being played we are getting too much of what we want way too much I'm sure you could see why I'm worried


    18.6.2013 11:23 #14

  • DarthMopar

    Ran out of mental breath reading above post...PLEASE USE PERIODS!!!

    I do agree that Sony's offering seems almost too good to be true. I keep waiting for the next foot to drop, but it's possible that they've learned from their mistakes. At this point, Sony would really have to f*** up to match the SpyBox debacle.

    18.6.2013 12:37 #15

  • Mysttic

    Quote:game and that's when I started to feel like I was being played we are getting too much of what we want way too much I'm sure you could see why I'm worried I myself look at it this way: for everything you do in life no matter what it is, there is always risk and there is always reward, (both positive and negative). PS3 did have some major hurdles and Sony screwed up bad enough to be hacked over and over and over throughout all divisions of their company. It nearly crippled them from coming back at all.

    Sony took their sweet time telling us they were compromised, then blamed it on the community, then kept PSN off for over a month with numerous down times afterward, as far as I know they never found out who stole their data to begin with, and then have been suffering since. They screwed us and got screwed in return, sound like karma? Maybe, but consumers won't stand to be bullied or left in the dark.

    Now that was back in what, 2010, 11? Sony has rehashed PS+ to give us a free title damn near every week since to those who trusted Sony enough to warrant a purchase and stick with them. They practically gave away music unlimited for free, and have been sending out as much positive vibes they can regarding the PS4.

    Along comes MS, they been hacked too, hey had downtimes as well; but they never kept the consumers in the dark about it as long as Sony has. Nonetheless MS is in it to own the living room, every living room and always has. They never put you first, they put themselves first, and that arrogance had shrouded ever since Windows first desktop was formed with grace in 3.1. You had a license to use their software then and today it's no surprise if you have actually agreed to an EULA or TOS that claims you are only licensing the hardware now. Even if not that dramatic, MS needs and wants to continue to make $; their issue was trying to find the right balance to please publishers as well as consumers. They are so blind by pleasing publishers first, they forgotten who moves their products. They added quite amount of restrictions to Xbox One where Sony lifted restrictions in PS4. One catered to consumers, the other publishers.

    Publishers siding with MS believe there is too much risk to develop for Sony's PS4 due to how open it is: they worry their products will be pirated again, or they worry Sony's take on pricing for their own products will set the bar on how much a consumer is willing to pay rather than believing in their own product enough to show us value to pay more. Consumers are siding with PS4 over Xbox One because they believe the Xbox risks outweigh the reward because there are too many things to consider. Limits on Used Game trading, kinect always on and capable of spying, always-on net connection: in many ways MS limited their global demographic solely on attempting to prevent piracy (a noble attempt sure, but one that hasn't proven to work in the past by any who has tried.).

    In bold I wrote risk and reward, so that you can see for yourself, that although you can worry about Sony returning to their past stupidity all you want, while at the same time watching MS do worst. At the end of the day though, only you and you alone (regardless of who whines and calls you an MS fanboy and other names); only you can decide for yourself what risk you are willing to accept for the reward you will gain. Last for those of us who did accept Sony's story and are ordering a PS4, even should Sony turn on us: it takes nothing out of our lives to simply sell the console and games or toss it in the garbage at worst.

    18.6.2013 12:38 #16

  • Gnawnivek

    How's a console allows you to play used game and doesn't require internet connectivity is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE?


    18.6.2013 15:01 #17

  • oneguy

    so is multiplayer free on ps4?

    18.6.2013 21:50 #18

  • Bozobub

    PSN has always supported free multiplayer. Even I know that, and I haven't owned a console since the PS1 ^^' ...

    18.6.2013 22:59 #19


    Originally posted by Mrmars: Originally posted by joebloe12: @manitoba...Oh give me a BREAK! Yes Sony has screwed over consumers in the past and so has Microsoft, but I think Sony has learned their lesson this time around.

    And one OTHER THING...those numbers do not lie about how people are feeling about this DRM crap Microsoft is trying to push off on their customers.

    If things stay as they are, Microsoft could get demolished in sales and it would be their fault for doing it!
    Sony is going to slip that DRM in your drink as soon as you're not looking and don't count on that backwards compatibility either they said its rolling out in 2014 as soon as you forget or no longer care its one less feature they have to give to you the only lesson they've learned is how to make people forget what they done in the past DRM coming to a PS4 near you 2014 update
    I'm not trying to tell you to buy one gaming system over another who am I to tell you how to spend your money but I know this the DRM is coming because the developers want it
    backwards compatibility isn't really an issue. Or at least it shouldn't be. Many people including myself will keep the PS3. I also still have my PS and PS2. So if I truly need to play games for those specific consoles I have no issue. I doubt the devs will push DRM as they've seen what could possibly happen to the SpyBoxOne. If the devs do start using DRM I'm sure people will start complaining and somewhat boycott it and it will change. If not the game will disappear and layoffs happen.


    18.6.2013 23:47 #20

  • Famouskid7

    Originally posted by oneguy: so is multiplayer free on ps4? No, they said you need to have playstation plus in order to play online.

    19.6.2013 02:40 #21

  • Jemborg

    "Johnny, we bought you a present."

    "It's not my birthday."

    "We know, but you've been such a great kid we thought we'd treat you. We got it on special."

    "I love you mum&dad... what is it?"

    "It's the new Xbox!"



    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    19.6.2013 10:28 #22

  • Bozobub

    Originally posted by SAW_FIEND: {snip}I also still have my PS and PS2. So if I truly need to play games for those specific consoles I have no issue.{/snip}
    You really ought to try one of the PS1 emulators (either ePSXe or FPSe). They're VERY solid, and you can actually achieve better graphics and sound than the original PS1 was capable of.

    Hell, I even have a PS1 emulator for my phone ^^' .

    19.6.2013 11:20 #23

  • oneguy

    Originally posted by Famouskid7: Originally posted by oneguy: so is multiplayer free on ps4? No, they said you need to have playstation plus in order to play online.
    do you know if we keep our psn usernames or do me make new ones for the ps4?

    19.6.2013 14:06 #24

  • Famouskid7

    Originally posted by oneguy: Originally posted by Famouskid7: Originally posted by oneguy: so is multiplayer free on ps4? No, they said you need to have playstation plus in order to play online.
    do you know if we keep our psn usernames or do me make new ones for the ps4?
    They will transfer over. The only thing is you would have to upgrade your account to playstation plus in order to play online multiplayer. Thats what I was told at E3.

    19.6.2013 14:34 #25


    Microsoft has changed its policies regarding Xbox One’s internet requirements, used game restrictions and more.

    Contrary to the details announced earlier this month, Microsoft has now confirmed news originally reported on Giant Bomb that Xbox One will not require an internet connection to play offline games or need to check in every 24 hours; instead, internet will only be required when initially setting up the console.

    "After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again," Microsoft wrote. "There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360."

    Like on Xbox 360, "playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray."

    Xbox One will also no longer restrict used games, and will instead allow discs to be exchanged in the same way they are on Xbox 360. There will be no additional restrictions for trade-ins or lending games to friends. The system is also no longer be region locked and all downloaded games will function the same way whether your console is connected or not.

    "Since unveiling our plans for Xbox One, my team and I have heard directly from many of you, read your comments and listened to your feedback," Microsoft's Don Mattrick wrote. "I would like to take the opportunity today to thank you for your assistance in helping us to reshape the future of Xbox One. You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world."

    In addition to being available in retail stores, Xbox One games will still be available for download on day one and will be playable on any Xbox One console.

    "These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One," Mattrick noted. "The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold."

    "We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity," Mattrick concluded. "While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds."

    Microsoft's decision follows mass confusion following the announcement of Xbox One in May. At E3 last week, Sony announced similar policies for PlayStation 4, which will not require an internet connection or periodic authentication and does not restrict used games.

    No time for Leap frog!!!

    19.6.2013 18:31 #26

  • rosedog


    19.6.2013 20:51 #27

  • SomeBozo

    Originally posted by JOHNSTARR:
    "After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again," Microsoft wrote. "There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360."
    I'm not even liking this requirement.

    20.6.2013 00:50 #28

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by SomeBozo: Originally posted by JOHNSTARR:
    "After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again," Microsoft wrote. "There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360."
    I'm not even liking this requirement.

    What's the reason for even this?

    PS: Still doesn't make up for what seems a lackluster machine anyway.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    20.6.2013 05:39 #29

  • Dragon3000

    Well it seems that Microsoft have now taken a U-Turn and have removed restrictions. No DRM rubbish and you now can play used games! all they need to do now is reduce the price.

    20.6.2013 08:50 #30

  • ChiefBrdy

    Mattrick and everyone else involved in this big-brother scheme should be fired immediately. Maybe they can find a job with a Chinese spy company.

    Microsoft says "We listened." Pleeeeze. They f..ked up and the backlash was going to hurt their bottom line. They couldn't care less about the consumer.

    20.6.2013 09:53 #31

  • SomeBozo

    Originally posted by Jemborg: Originally posted by SomeBozo: Originally posted by JOHNSTARR:
    "After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again," Microsoft wrote. "There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360."
    I'm not even liking this requirement.

    What's the reason for even this?

    PS: Still doesn't make up for what seems a lackluster machine anyway.
    I'm pretty sure it will be to brand your machine and allow anyone to track you... The only reason I can see this is you have to enter all your information, to end up with a GUID that MS will kindly put on your machine to uniquely identify you, from then on you will be branded for life...

    20.6.2013 14:45 #32

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by SomeBozo: Originally posted by Jemborg: Originally posted by SomeBozo: Originally posted by JOHNSTARR:
    "After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again," Microsoft wrote. "There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360."
    I'm not even liking this requirement.

    What's the reason for even this?

    PS: Still doesn't make up for what seems a lackluster machine anyway.
    I'm pretty sure it will be to brand your machine and allow anyone to track you... The only reason I can see this is you have to enter all your information, to end up with a GUID that MS will kindly put on your machine to uniquely identify you, from then on you will be branded for life...

    They also talked about a hardware update (the update getting rid of the online BS).

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    20.6.2013 15:05 #33

  • Todge

    Originally posted by ChiefBrdy: Mattrick and everyone else involved in this big-brother scheme should be fired immediately. Maybe they can find a job with a Chinese spy company.

    Microsoft says "We listened." Pleeeeze. They f..ked up and the backlash was going to hurt their bottom line. They couldn't care less about the consumer.
    Isn't that listening? It's the same with ANY company that changes their policies because of feedback, it's so they don't loose your custom, plain and simple.. Why do you think Sony backtracked?

    That being said, I don't trust Sony either, and fully believe that after sales of the PS4 have taken off, they will murder that console just like they did the PS3.. Sony is all for DRM, they even tried to add it to their music CDs, and you can bet your bottom dollar that they will try to get it on the PS4 some time in the future, using updates that you are forced to download or lose the ability to play new games etc.. They have already refused to add backward compatibility to ensure you update/buy new games (do you really think that the PS4 is 'incapable' of playing games from the previous PlayStations? They are just unwilling to add it.)

    Hi there.......

    20.6.2013 16:00 #34

  • ChiefBrdy

    Then I must have read the wrong article. MS's rub was that they were back peddling because they care about the consumer's gaming experience. Nowhere in the article did Mattrick say they were doing it for financial reasons or to rub the crap from all over his face.

    20.6.2013 16:10 #35

  • Gnawnivek

    Originally posted by Todge: Originally posted by ChiefBrdy: Mattrick and everyone else involved in this big-brother scheme should be fired immediately. Maybe they can find a job with a Chinese spy company.

    Microsoft says "We listened." Pleeeeze. They f..ked up and the backlash was going to hurt their bottom line. They couldn't care less about the consumer.
    Isn't that listening? It's the same with ANY company that changes their policies because of feedback, it's so they don't loose your custom, plain and simple.. Why do you think Sony backtracked?

    That being said, I don't trust Sony either, and fully believe that after sales of the PS4 have taken off, they will murder that console just like they did the PS3.. Sony is all for DRM, they even tried to add it to their music CDs, and you can bet your bottom dollar that they will try to get it on the PS4 some time in the future, using updates that you are forced to download or lose the ability to play new games etc.. They have already refused to add backward compatibility to ensure you update/buy new games (do you really think that the PS4 is 'incapable' of playing games from the previous PlayStations? They are just unwilling to add it.)
    Back off on the BC (backward compatibility). No company wants to support old versions, it's not in its interest. The launch PS3 is the only one offers BC for PS2 games, even then it's not 100%. Stop talking about BC like it's a big deal, it's NOT! It's not about the new gadgets can play the older generation software, it's about SUPPORTS! If you label BC on the new gadgets then you better gear up because there always some old titles will not work.

    This is the same reason behind software versions, most older versions are obsolete, developers simply stop supporting them (either upgrade or use the hardware configuration that runs the old versions).


    20.6.2013 16:32 #36

  • Todge

    Of cause they will say that, they are using it to try and regain the trust they may have lost with the restrictions.

    They made a mistake, and with the backlash they got, it obviously hit home. Microsoft want your money, and need it to ensure the future of the console, so they change policies to be more customer friendly to try and make sure they get the support.

    They are hardly going to make an announcement along the lines of 'Sh!t, we screwed up, we'll change it so you give your cash to US, not them (pointing at Sony)', they try and turn it into a point for them.

    My point was, that they DID listen to people, and made changes because of it.

    Hi there.......

    20.6.2013 16:39 #37

  • bigk1010

    Originally posted by Mrmars: Originally posted by joebloe12: @manitoba...Oh give me a BREAK! Yes Sony has screwed over consumers in the past and so has Microsoft, but I think Sony has learned their lesson this time around.

    And one OTHER THING...those numbers do not lie about how people are feeling about this DRM crap Microsoft is trying to push off on their customers.

    If things stay as they are, Microsoft could get demolished in sales and it would be their fault for doing it!
    Sony is going to slip that DRM in your drink as soon as you're not looking and don't count on that backwards compatibility either they said its rolling out in 2014 as soon as you forget or no longer care its one less feature they have to give to you the only lesson they've learned is how to make people forget what they done in the past DRM coming to a PS4 near you 2014 update
    I'm not trying to tell you to buy one gaming system over another who am I to tell you how to spend your money but I know this the DRM is coming because the developers want it

    I'm sorry can you be a little more consice ? I'd like to know one programmer or coder that wants to waste their life on DRM ! Please enlighten me !

    22.6.2013 18:32 #38

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by bigk1010: I'm sorry can you be a little more consice(sic) ? I'd like to know one programmer or coder that wants to waste their life on DRM ! Please enlighten me !
    Ones that make money out of it obviously... concise enough?


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    22.6.2013 22:55 #39

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