Call of Duty played for 25 billion hours, with 32.3 quadrillion shots fired

Call of Duty played for 25 billion hours, with 32.3 quadrillion shots fired
Activision has boasted the success of its Call of Duty franchise with a new infographic that shows the mind-numbing amount of time spent playing the games.

Since the release of Call of Duty 4 (2007), Activision claims that over 100 million people have played a CoD title, which is larger than the populations of many countries, like the United Kingdom, France or Germany. CoD gamers have clocked up an impressive 25 billion hours playing the games, or about 2.85 million years, which the infographic points out is longer than humanity has been around, which it is by more than ten fold.

In all that combat, more than 32.3 quadrillion (32,300,000,000,000,000) shots have been fired, while over 5 billion cars have been destroyed. Players have called in 31 billion Care Packages since the features was introduced in Modern Warfare 2.

Here is the graphic.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 14 Aug 2013 14:53
Activision Blizzard Call of Duty
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  • baxter00

    And they say you don't learn anything from playing video games.

    14.8.2013 16:11 #1

  • DXR88

    The last decent CoD was CoD2. i do have my eye's on the new COD to be released later this year, maybe i'll eat my own words.

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    14.8.2013 19:44 #2

  • A5J4DX


    15.8.2013 09:19 #3

  • trevora

    Ho Hum....

    18.8.2013 04:08 #4

  • xboxd00d

    Mind blowing figures, and to my other half stats of sad gamers, she soon shut up when I said "yea cos all the millions of people spending hours on Facebook comparing lives and telling all their friends they r 'enjoying a cup of coffee' is time well spent"

    18.8.2013 04:17 #5

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