Sony apologizes for GTA V digital distribution issues

Sony apologizes for GTA V digital distribution issues
While Sony has made a grand effort to make their digital distribution platform a success, it is certainly not without its problems, as seen by the recent Grand Theft Auto V launch this month.

A significant number of PSN users have reported failed downloads of the game, or other errors, some that have spanned days.

With a total file size approaching 18GB through the PlayStation Store, corrupted or failed downloads is not something you want to see, and Sony has apologized for the experience.

PlayStation UK head Fergal Gara says the experience will be completely revamped in time for the launch of the PlayStation 4, on November 15th.

"There are big innovations in the PS4 to make it more attractive," he added, including the fact that gamers can begin playing their PS4 downloads before it has completed. "We've done a lot of work on pre-delivering files. It's not perfect. It's not seamless. But it's a major area of focus"

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Sep 2013 20:54
Digital Distribution Sony PlayStation 4
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  • hearme0

    SORRY doesn't make it right nor does it make up for the bullsh*t hassles!

    And I ask............what about making it "attractive" for those NOT buying into the crappy, nonsense, non-innovative, waste-of-money PS4 huh??? How dare they use the 'innovative' nature of a platform that has yet to be released as an "out" for their shortcomings of distributing a game that is available NOW!

    Nothing innovative about the PS4 and people are truly ridiculous for buying into a system that only has "Sharing" as a new feature...........(essentially)

    F off Sony!!

    30.9.2013 14:47 #1


    18GB downloads hardly seem convienient for the average person. Would be quicker to go buy a copy or worth the shipping for those very issues. Seems like a no brainer to me.

    30.9.2013 17:36 #2

  • DarthMopar

    Never DL'd an 18GB anything before. Hell, by the time the dl was done, I could have gone to the store, bought it, and been home before it was finished, PLUS I have the physical media in my hands so I can share it with friends.

    30.9.2013 19:23 #3

  • A5J4DX

    come on sony...

    1.10.2013 17:29 #4

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