Pandora unveils app built for Android tablets

Pandora unveils app built for Android tablets
Popular Internet Radio provider Pandora has unveiled a new version of their app built specifically for Android tablets.

The app, Pandora 5.0 for Android, optimizes the larger tablet screen sizes and resolutions.

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Here are some more details of what you will experience with Pandora 5.0 for Android tablets:

Enhanced Listening Experience & Personalization – App interface is optimized for larger screens and features upgraded core Pandora functionality, such as adding variety to a station and viewing station details, in addition to the ability to easily shuffle, rename and delete stations.

Deeper Music Discovery & Exploration –Explore more about the artist and album that is currently playing with enriched artist pages that include similar artists and genome traits of the current track playing, plus lyrics, artist biographies and album discographies.

Your Personal Profile & Music Feed – Your detailed timeline Capture your music preferences on this detailed timeline, such as stations created, bookmarked tracks and thumb history and choose to make your profile either public or private. The Music Feed offers a centralized place to view music activity, making it easy to explore what friends and other listeners with similar musical tastes are discovering and enjoying on Pandora.

The Ability to Connect & Share Music with Friends – Social sharing features are now easier than ever to navigate on Android tablets with the updated user interface. Listeners can publish their music activity to Facebook with the Pandora Timeline app, as well as manually share links to favorite stations with followers on Twitter.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 Nov 2013 0:42
tablets Pandora
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  • blueboy09

    Hell, the tablet version alone for Pandora would be justified to get a tablet. Pandora is currently my favorite, as you can like/dislike and can even see artist's bio which is pretty cool.Also since they lifted that 40 hr/mnth cap, and added even a sleep timer to fall asleep to music, makes it even more of a reason to snag it for tablet lovers out there..

    Chance prepares the favored mind. Look up once in a while and you might learn something. - BLUEBOY

    1.11.2013 12:47 #1

  • gnovak1

    I am one of those tablet lovers and yes I am going to download this tonight. Looks good !!!

    1.11.2013 14:59 #2

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