Silk Road drug market is back online

Silk Road drug market is back online
The Silk Road appears to be back online and being run by some of those involved in running it before it was shut down by the FBI last month.

The administrator of the revived Silk Road is using the handle Dread Pirate Roberts, which is the handle the Feds allege was used by 29-year-old Ross Ulbricht who has been charged with running the service. Ulbricht is denying the charges.

There were some suggestions that the new Silk Road could be a scam, but Ken Westin, a researcher with security firm TripWire, said the site looks genuine. "It appears to be run by the same folks that were running it before," he said.

"They are not going to be able to kill it. It is going to be a game of cat and mouse with the FBI."

We checked to see if the site was online and were greeted with an edited law enforcement seizure notice that crossed out "been seized" and also added a stamp that reads "This site has risen again." A login prompt appears over the image when you place the pointer on it.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 6 Nov 2013 17:46
Silk Road
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  • hearme0

    Good! I hate the authority the US gov't has over things it disapproves of. This is no longer an issue of "the people of the United States don't approve" but rather the rampant issue of "our political corruption and pay to play schemes and misappropriation of funds/services/etc doesn't approve because we can't scam off you"

    7.11.2013 14:08 #1

  • xboxdvl2

    i have an interesting theory on it.what if the owner is actually working with fbi and passing on dealers details in other to secure immunity.
    ^^^hope paranoid druggies read that.

    Quote:Good! I hate the authority the US gov't has over things it disapproves of. This is no longer an issue of "the people of the United States don't approve" but rather the rampant issue of "our political corruption and pay to play schemes and misappropriation of funds/services/etc doesn't approve because we can't scam off you" personally i think the USA government shouldn't have any control over internet activities outside of USA.

    i have the big screen tv,a ps3 and 5.1 channel surround still runs smooth and computer still works but its a bit outdated.

    8.11.2013 07:05 #2

  • Bozobub

    I'd say there's a better than 50% chance you're correct, xboxdv12...

    8.11.2013 15:08 #3

  • Mrguss

    In another theory:
    The CIA is the main source of drugs for them to sale now.
    Just like the corrupt UK Govt. and Banks, running $100 Billion a year Afghan drug industry !?

    I also know that the illegal drug industry run by the CIA (Who deal with only 2 Mexican Drug Cartels out of the big 6) equal to 1/3 of the total U.S. import economy (I just need better sources, ...working on it).
    It probably include the Big Pharma.


    8.11.2013 16:50 #4

  • Ripper

    And suddenly waves of teenagers start buying class As over the internet!

    8.11.2013 17:42 #5

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