Despite rumors that Microsoft may come to save the day, one fan took matters into his own hands, starting a petition on the day of the announcement begging AOL to make the software open-source rather than shutting it down for good.
The petition has now reached 27,000 signatures, with 35,000 being the necessary minimum for "change."
Reads the page:
After more than 15 years and millions of users worldwide, Winamp Media Player will cease forever as of 20th Dec 2013.
Winamp is the best media player ever built. If there were other alternatives that would be fine. But there is nothing that can do what Winamp can do. It is the most versatile media player on earth.
It can't be left to die. It must live on.
If AOL allows it to go open source it WILL live on forever and be in the hands of people who love it and use it every day.
Please help by asking AOL to keep it alive or allow this software to go open source.
By signing this petition you are proving to AOL or other investors that:
1) Winamp has a lot more supporters than they may think. Show them you do care about what happens to Winamp
2) there IS a need to keep this project alive
3) if it cannot be kept alive in one form or another then it's source code needs to be released to the public
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Nov 2013 21:01