Roku set-tops get native YouTube app

Roku set-tops get native YouTube app
The well-received Roku line of set-top boxes have been updated this week with a native YouTube app.

Roku 3 players in the US, Canada, UK and Ireland all have access to the built-in app and billions of videos.

Other devices, including the Roku 2 XS, are expected to get the app update early next year.

Roku 3 owners will get access to HD video, "Send to TV" smartphone/tablet pairing and other features.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Dec 2013 18:05
YouTube roku 3
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  • 1 comment
  • SProdigy

    Come on Roku! My 2XS is running the same OS, how come the delay on these channels and features?

    23.12.2013 14:48 #1

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