IDC: U.S. tablet market reaching saturation

IDC: U.S. tablet market reaching saturation
According to research firm IDC, the U.S. tablet market may already be reaching saturation, just four years after Apple unveiled the original iPad.

Says the firm: "It's becoming increasingly clear that markets such as the US are reaching high levels of consumer saturation and while emerging markets continue to show strong growth this has not been enough to sustain the dramatic worldwide growth rates of years past."

Overall shipments grew to 76.9 million in the Q4, up 28.3 percent year-over-year.

Apple remained the market leader for the quarter, shipping 26 million iPads, good for 33.8 percent share. Samsung came in second at 14.5 million units shipped, followed by Amazon at 5.8 million Kindle Fires shipped. Those figures gave the companies 18.8 percent and 7.6 percent market share, respectively.

Amazon saw a significant drop year-over-year, while Lenovo saw the biggest jump, at 325 percent from the same quarter in 2012.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Jan 2014 21:17
Apple tablets IDC
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  • hearme0


    Ya Think?????????????????

    Anyone surprised by this or shocked is a goof, living under a rock.

    We have Apple to thank for this. They saturate everything. No responsibility of recycling.......just push out new product every year and encourage people to just toss their hardware and litter the dumps.

    Samsung is doing the same lame-ass thing with cell phones by bringing out the Galaxy every year to compete with Apple. Both should take a 2 year sabbatical on production to let technology catch up and offer the public something INNOVATIVE for a change rather than the measly increase in proc GHz and slight bumps in RAM.

    31.1.2014 14:04 #1

  • Jemborg

    Again there's a jump with Lenovo. Hmmm.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    1.2.2014 22:42 #2

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