Sony promises 100 PlayStation 4 games for 2014

Sony promises 100 PlayStation 4 games for 2014
Sony has made gamers happy by promising there will be over 100 games released for the PlayStation 4 console during 2014.

The titles will be both physical and digital-only releases, and will include smaller indie titles, as well.

Sony made the announcement during their Media Preview Event, where they made numerous other announcements.

Among the stats are 1.7 million hours of gaming have been live streamed and there's been over 172 million hours of online gaming since launch.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Feb 2014 21:29
games Sony PlayStation 4
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  • Mysttic

    Here's a more fun fact: produce it then talk about it, otherwise you got nothing. (and about 70 of those are likely PSN titles only)

    11.2.2014 21:36 #1

  • bhetrick

    When you throw indie titles in to the mix, 100 games isn't anything. PC gamers have always been enjoying this. It's nice to see the console mfg's starting to open up more.

    I'd rather have access to 100's of good games instead of a handful of "exclusives" every year.

    12.2.2014 09:51 #2

  • Mysttic

    Most indy games aren't even worth the time it takes to download them though; I not saying there isn't any good ones, just when indy support gets flood-gates open, it's no end to clone apps and un-originality. I'd rather pick through a handful of exclusives than mine through 100 games of crap.

    12.2.2014 10:21 #3

  • molsen

    Originally posted by Mysttic: Most indy games aren't even worth the time it takes to download them though; I not saying there isn't any good ones, just when indy support gets flood-gates open, it's no end to clone apps and un-originality. I'd rather pick through a handful of exclusives than mine through 100 games of crap. I agree, I miss the days of having decent titles to choose from, instead of rehashed yearly updates of games...

    12.2.2014 11:22 #4

  • stardata

    If some of these new ps4 games come to fruition in real good programmed games then OK. But the continuous external production of games that are... kill this, shoot that, blow this up can feck off.
    I have been involved in gaming since pong and I have to say, lately, the games are all just blow the world up and anything in your way. Just destroy it all with no real brain-power substance.

    I was a hard-core Tomb-Raider fan but they turned that into a shoot-emm-up as well, so that leaves me in the wild regarding puzzle games of the like of Tomb-Raider.

    Is it all going to be like this constantly ? or will some true game programmers inflict excellence in their gaming approach, and add a new game or two that has real depth and puzzle solving for the mind, or will it continue into a blood-fest of kill this, shoot that, blow it all up scenario.

    It's like game programmers nowadays just want to fit the time-line for production of a usually straight-forward game mechanic and make money. Just look at the excellence that went into Half-Life... I have a feeling that it is all about fast tracking games now, and putting the programmers under stress to make a game to fit a time-line for production, no matter what pile of junk it is.

    12.2.2014 17:07 #5

  • Interestx

    Don't get me wrong, it's not always a bad thing, but how many of these are real new games or reheated PS3 games?

    12.2.2014 20:01 #6

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by stardata:
    I have been involved in gaming since pong and I have to say, lately, the games are all just blow the world up and anything in your way. Just destroy it all with no real brain-power substance.
    "It just ain't like the good old days, is it?" :)

    My first game was pong too but I can't say I agree Stardata. There's a lot of variation out there and some truly fabulous games.


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    13.2.2014 02:24 #7

  • bhetrick

    Originally posted by Jemborg: Originally posted by stardata:
    I have been involved in gaming since pong and I have to say, lately, the games are all just blow the world up and anything in your way. Just destroy it all with no real brain-power substance.
    "It just ain't like the good old days, is it?" :)

    My first game was pong too but I can't say I agree Stardata. There's a lot of variation out there and some truly fabulous games.

    I agree with there being variation and, in my opinion, that's where the indies come in to play. Sure, there's a lot of digging to do to find the gems, but I better than not having much to choose from at all.

    With the AAA publishers, if it isn't sports (which seem to be thinning out) then it's about hurting and killing.

    13.2.2014 09:25 #8

  • g_slide

    It's not about "quantity" it's about "quality" and if you are pushing that many titles in a year, we all know what type of crap that will be put out.

    I'm sure there will be a lot of stupid kids games (i.e. Legos, the next big kids movie, etc.)

    13.2.2014 14:35 #9

  • bhetrick

    Originally posted by g_slide: It's not about "quantity" it's about "quality" and if you are pushing that many titles in a year, we all know what type of crap that will be put out. I agree, but that would only stand true if it were just one studio pushing out all that many titles, but surely that's not the case here.

    13.2.2014 15:36 #10

  • KillerBug

    They are going to port 95 PS3 games and release 5 new games? Cool...that will make the system almost as good as the PS3!

    Seriously tho...if I didn't have a PC, I might actually get a PS4 if they re-released fallout 3 & NV as well as skyrim on the PS4; with enough ram it might be possible to complete those games.

    16.2.2014 19:01 #11

  • TrinUK

    Originally posted by stardata: If some of these new ps4 games come to fruition in real good programmed games then OK. But the continuous external production of games that are... kill this, shoot that, blow this up can feck off.
    I have been involved in gaming since pong and I have to say, lately, the games are all just blow the world up and anything in your way. Just destroy it all with no real brain-power substance.

    I was a hard-core Tomb-Raider fan but they turned that into a shoot-emm-up as well, so that leaves me in the wild regarding puzzle games of the like of Tomb-Raider.

    Is it all going to be like this constantly ? or will some true game programmers inflict excellence in their gaming approach, and add a new game or two that has real depth and puzzle solving for the mind, or will it continue into a blood-fest of kill this, shoot that, blow it all up scenario.

    It's like game programmers nowadays just want to fit the time-line for production of a usually straight-forward game mechanic and make money. Just look at the excellence that went into Half-Life... I have a feeling that it is all about fast tracking games now, and putting the programmers under stress to make a game to fit a time-line for production, no matter what pile of junk it is.
    I agree 100%. I remember when Sega re-released Altered Beast on the PS2 which was nothing like the original but more like a poor mans Resident Evil. I'm sick of these bloomin shooters!

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    17.2.2014 09:52 #12

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