Nintendo 'sorry' for gay marriage controversy

Nintendo 'sorry' for gay marriage controversy
Nintendo has apologized for 'not recognizing' same-sex relationships in Tomodachi Life, after a Social Media campaign sought to force changes to the life-simulation world.

In Tomodachi Life, players are represented by their Mii characters and can carry out plenty of different activities in their virtual world, including going on dates with others, and getting married. Two Miis of the same gender cannot marry, however.

This prompted Tye Marini, a 23-year-old man from Arizona, to launch a social media campaign urging Nintendo to permit same-sex marriages in the game, so that he could virtually marry his real-world fiance.

Nintendo responded to the social media campaign, saying that the game would not be changed to allow for virtual gay marriages, and stressing that Nintendo is not trying to "make any form of social commentary" with Tomodachi Life.

That response is fairly reasonable, but the media reaction to it was less so in some quarters, and Nintendo has decided it would be best to apologize for the situation.

"We apologise for disappointing many people by failing to include same-sex relationships in Tomodachi Life. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to change this game's design, and such a significant development change can't be accomplished with a post-ship patch," a Nintendo statement reads.

"We pledge that if we create a next instalment in the Tomodachi series, we will strive to design a game-play experience from the ground up that is more inclusive, and better represents all players."

Written by: James Delahunty @ 12 May 2014 9:23
Nintendo Tomodachi Life
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  • KillerBug

    So they allow gay dating but not gay marriage? Game creators can be so unimaginative FarmVille not letting you grow marijuana or opium poppies.

    12.5.2014 10:30 #1

  • mightyzog

    This is getting ridiculous. So now gay rights people are gonna tell game developers what they can and can not put in their games? While I am not gay and don't really care what you do in the privacy of your own home....stop telling others how they should think and act. If you are gay.., that is YOUR choice... Stop trying to force everyone to agree with your CHOICE!!! If you don't want to play the game because it doesn't have gay marriage in it the that is another CHOICE. Buy something else... Or make your own damn game.

    12.5.2014 13:12 #2

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by mightyzog: This is getting ridiculous. So now gay rights people are gonna tell game developers what they can and can not put in their games? While I am not gay and don't really care what you do in the privacy of your own home....stop telling others how they should think and act. If you are gay.., that is YOUR choice... Stop trying to force everyone to agree with your CHOICE!!! If you don't want to play the game because it doesn't have gay marriage in it the that is another CHOICE. Buy something else... Or make your own damn game. AMEN!!! My words exactly and you put it so perfectly. I mean really, now we are teaching young kids that play video games that are 5+ years old to say "mommy, daddy, I want to be gay" because that's what they see each time they play the video game.

    Do what you want in the privacy of your own home and I don't care about your sexual preference, but now a days if your not gay your not normal it seems. Stop forcing this down our throats, I'm so sick of hearing crap like this.

    Let's leave video game development to developers and not gay activist. If they had it their way, say good-bye to Call of Duty or Battlefield games that use guns in the game, instead they will shoot others with "Fairy Dust". LOL

    12.5.2014 13:20 #3

  • Ripper

    Neither of you have put it even remotely close to perfectly. I would imagine that gay men and women do not view their sexuality as a "choice" at all but rather inherently who they are. I did not "choose" to be heterosexual, for example, but I am.

    Quote: Let's leave video game development to developers and not gay activist. If they had it their way, say good-bye to Call of Duty or Battlefield games that use guns in the game, instead they will shoot others with "Fairy Dust". LOL Presumably you would have Michael Sam play the next season of the NFL out dressed in pink, too!

    Come on people, ignorance is neither clever nor is it an acceptable compromise for understanding.

    As for the matter at hand, I think game developers should be able to do what they like with their games and they aren't going to please everyone, but in this instance it was probably an unwelcome oversight.

    12.5.2014 15:27 #4

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by Ripper: Neither of you have put it even remotely close to perfectly. I would imagine that gay men and women do not view their sexuality as a "choice" at all but rather inherently who they are. I did not "choose" to be heterosexual, for example, but I am.

    Presumably you would have Michael Sam play the next season of the NFL out dressed in pink, too!

    Come on people, ignorance is neither clever nor is it an acceptable compromise for understanding.

    As for the matter at hand, I think game developers should be able to do what they like with their games and they aren't going to please everyone, but in this instance it was probably an unwelcome oversight.
    Your comments are so predictable of people today being "Politically Correct". Just as I put in my comments earlier, that if your not gay your not right. It's like we are looked down upon because we are not gay, I'm so sorry I'm not gay. Of course it is a choice, because for years people see it on TV, movies, etc. and they become immune to it and think it's natural and then end result it becomes a choice. If it was not a choice then why would people who are gay say they felt something weird, don't know how to explain it and don't feel normal like other people; remember the old expression coming out of the closet... that's when they start feeling like it's a choice and not born with it. No kid is born being gay, that is such BS. The say that only hoping people will understand them better and say, "Oh well, he was born with it, I guess it's not his fault that he's gay".

    I don't care for anyone sexual preference or religion, I'm just saying stop crying out and forcing others to accept it. If you are so much for gay rights and you say your heterosexual, why don't you let a guy stick his junk in you from either your top or bottom end and see if you like it. I mean your so happy and proud for them, why don't you practice what you preach... let me guess it's a no because it grosses you out. Well that's all I'm saying, stop forcing crap like that down our throats.

    12.5.2014 18:38 #5

  • Ripper

    I've said all I care to say on the matter but it would rude not to acknowledge this outstanding quote..

    Originally posted by g_slide: If you are so much for gay rights and you say your heterosexual, why don't you let a guy stick his junk in you from either your top or bottom end and see if you like it.

    12.5.2014 20:34 #6

  • Dragon3000

    Oh for **** sake! get a bloody life you donkey.

    ZX Spectrum 128K

    13.5.2014 03:14 #7

  • xboxdvl2

    i don't think nintendo did anything wrong,if the gay people have so much power and so many protesters why don't they make there own video game?????thousands can come together to protest world wide but can't make a video game??????

    I actually agree with mightydog and g_slide give gay people the same rights and shut up about the whole thing,sick of the whole media focusing on gay and lesbian rights.they deserve rights like anyone else but no need to keep shoving it down our throats.Also do wanna point out its not a choice to be sexually attracted to members of the same gender, living like a fairy in a way people steriotype gays is a choice.

    custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.

    13.5.2014 04:15 #8

  • deucezulu22

    Originally posted by g_slide: Originally posted by Ripper: Neither of you have put it even remotely close to perfectly. I would imagine that gay men and women do not view their sexuality as a "choice" at all but rather inherently who they are. I did not "choose" to be heterosexual, for example, but I am.

    Presumably you would have Michael Sam play the next season of the NFL out dressed in pink, too!

    Come on people, ignorance is neither clever nor is it an acceptable compromise for understanding.

    As for the matter at hand, I think game developers should be able to do what they like with their games and they aren't going to please everyone, but in this instance it was probably an unwelcome oversight.
    Your comments are so predictable of people today being "Politically Correct". Just as I put in my comments earlier, that if your not gay your not right. It's like we are looked down upon because we are not gay, I'm so sorry I'm not gay. Of course it is a choice, because for years people see it on TV, movies, etc. and they become immune to it and think it's natural and then end result it becomes a choice. If it was not a choice then why would people who are gay say they felt something weird, don't know how to explain it and don't feel normal like other people; remember the old expression coming out of the closet... that's when they start feeling like it's a choice and not born with it. No kid is born being gay, that is such BS. The say that only hoping people will understand them better and say, "Oh well, he was born with it, I guess it's not his fault that he's gay".

    I don't care for anyone sexual preference or religion, I'm just saying stop crying out and forcing others to accept it. If you are so much for gay rights and you say your heterosexual, why don't you let a guy stick his junk in you from either your top or bottom end and see if you like it. I mean your so happy and proud for them, why don't you practice what you preach... let me guess it's a no because it grosses you out. Well that's all I'm saying, stop forcing crap like that down our throats.
    Lol, that makes no sense. You don't have to experience something to be accepting. And I don't see how people who are not gay can deem that the matter is a choice?

    Anyhow, I do agree that Nintendo or any other developer should not be forced to implement something into their own creation. If the individual who is gay wants gay marriage in his/her video games, then they need to find something else to play that has what they want.

    13.5.2014 07:57 #9

  • SProdigy

    Originally posted by deucezulu22: Anyhow, I do agree that Nintendo or any other developer should not be forced to implement something into their own creation. If the individual who is gay wants gay marriage in his/her video games, then they need to find something else to play that has what they want. Bingo!

    This world anymore, I tell you. Almost every problem can be solved by taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and making your own frigging decision. You have the choice to change the channel, not play a game or go eat somewhere else. Stop forcing your agenda on others!

    13.5.2014 15:43 #10

  • Mrguss

    Nintendo & everybody else should make Straight and Gay versions if they go after money. ....$ !?

    LGBT population is around -5% [Bisexual are the majority of them].
    8% experienced by don't like it.
    11% still in the closet.

    Live Free or Die.
    The rule above all the rules is: Survive !
    Capitalism: Funnel most of the $$$ to the already rich.

    13.5.2014 16:09 #11

  • Jemborg

    Homophobia is alive and well on this thread.

    I'm kinda shocked at how whiny these guys posts are.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    14.5.2014 05:16 #12

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by Jemborg: Homophobia is alive and well on this thread.

    I'm kinda shocked at how whiny these guys posts are.
    You sound heterophobic. Also if you read the comments, clearly everyone stated that their is no hate/disagree with gay rights or marriages... we only ask to stop forcing it down our throats and making it seam like it's the norm.

    14.5.2014 15:30 #13

  • Ripper

    14.5.2014 16:19 #14

  • mightyzog

    Originally posted by Ripper: Presumably you would have Michael Sam play the next season of the NFL out dressed in pink, too! You assume that he actually will play. And if he is cut during training camp, does that mean that the Rams are homophobic?? Or that he got a wrong deal. What disgusted me about Michael Sam was the fact that he went out of his way to swap spit with his " boyfriend " when he was selected. You don't see that from players drafted that far down in the draft( even hetero) . He obviously did that for the shock value.

    14.5.2014 17:24 #15

  • SProdigy

    Originally posted by mightyzog: Originally posted by Ripper: Presumably you would have Michael Sam play the next season of the NFL out dressed in pink, too! You assume that he actually will play. And if he is cut during training camp, does that mean that the Rams are homophobic?? Or that he got a wrong deal. What disgusted me about Michael Sam was the fact that he went out of his way to swap spit with his " boyfriend " when he was selected. You don't see that from players drafted that far down in the draft( even hetero) . He obviously did that for the shock value. Rams are being praised right now, for having the courage to select him (and deal with the media circus.) But I too wondered what happens if he gets cut? Does he say it's because he was gay, causing a further media frenzy? What if he makes the team and a straight player accuses the team of giving preference to Sam because he's gay? The entire situation is a Catch-22.

    And what if the Patriots took him and then closed their doors to the media, as they did with Tebow the previous season? Does that make New England homophones?

    I'm just sick of the labels and the "you can only do wrong" PC mentality that's out there anymore. On topic with this game, it doesn't let me marry a tree, so are my rights being violated? Of course not: if I were that deeply offended, I'd just avoid it entirely.

    14.5.2014 17:40 #16

  • g_slide

    @Ripper - "I ain't Mad at ya... do your thing boy". I actually like the animated gif applause and cartoon image you referenced... it actually made me laugh a lot. I think I laughed more the way the Rock applause and shakes his head of disbelief, as I read your comments. Cool stuff!!

    14.5.2014 17:42 #17

  • Ripper

    You misunderstand, my NFL remark was merely referencing g_slide's use of an outdated stereotype. Unfortunately, though, the mainstream American media manages to sensationalize almost everything so I don't doubt there will a shitstorm coming for the Rams regardless - but that doesn't interest me.

    Anyway, this is all good stuff guys; keeping us honest here in 2014!

    14.5.2014 18:43 #18

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by Ripper: You misunderstand, my NFL remark was merely referencing g_slide's use of an outdated stereotype. Unfortunately, though, the mainstream American media manages to sensationalize almost everything so I don't doubt there will a shitstorm coming for the Rams regardless - but that doesn't interest me.

    Anyway, this is all good stuff guys; keeping us honest here in 2014!
    If my comments are outdated stereotype, so are the comments you made in this modern day of age. Do you remember my first comment about people being "Politically Correct" about gay issues? You and everyone else just jump on the band wagon how it's sooo ok to be gay and free, blah blah blah. I'm so sick of hearing about it and so are some of the people this forum.

    You forced it so much down my throat that I literally became bulimic of this bs. ha-ha

    14.5.2014 18:55 #19

  • Ripper

    Ah good, we've reached that point in the thread where frustration is beginning to creep in to your replies.

    There is a difference between the issue of political "over-correctness" (the article) and badly disguised homophobia (your comments). Terribly sorry if you're out of your comfort zone!

    Don't stop posting though, we're short on contributing users (no matter how bad) and you're just about getting the hang of posting images!

    14.5.2014 19:12 #20

  • g_slide

    Thank you, but I have to give all the credit to you and how you posted your images. I didn't realize it accepts markup language or guess I really didn't bother to research into it.

    I'm not frustrated, I'm actually having fun with this... plus you don't see me using all caps, color letters, or crazy punctuation out of anger. This is actually best conversation I've had all week, although it might not be with the most intelligent person, but whom am I to judge based on your silly tactics from the comments you post.

    BTW - The link below will help you on what I mean by "Politically Correct" and perhaps assist you in creating better valid arguments.

    To save you time I also placed the definition in quotes below: :-)

    Quote: agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people Quote: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated Cheerio!

    14.5.2014 20:10 #21

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by g_slide: Originally posted by Jemborg: Homophobia is alive and well on this thread.

    I'm kinda shocked at how whiny these guys posts are.
    You sound heterophobic. Also if you read the comments, clearly everyone stated that their is no hate/disagree with gay rights or marriages... we only ask to stop forcing it down our throats and making it seam like it's the norm.

    Hey, how about that Conchita Wurst winning Eurovision?

    I'm sorry... is that 'forcing-it-down-your-throat'?



    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    14.5.2014 22:30 #22

  • mightyzog


    She'll force something down your throat.

    14.5.2014 23:19 #23

  • Jemborg

    Her trophy??


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    15.5.2014 06:33 #24

  • Oner

    Originally posted by Jemborg: Homophobia is alive and well on this thread.

    I'm kinda shocked at how whiny these guys posts are.

    15.5.2014 11:30 #25

  • KillerBug


    1.) Heterosexuals are not being persecuted. No one is going around protesting funerals with signs that say, "Got hates straights". No one is attempting to outlaw straight marriage. If this game had gay marriage, it would still have straight marriage too. Rights are not limited quantity items. You don't lose your right to marry by giving it to someone else.

    2.) If a game dev wants to include or not include same sex marriage (for whatever reason) that is up to them. They should not be forced to include it.

    15.5.2014 16:05 #26

  • g_slide

    I'm not stating that straight marriages will lose anything from this game, I'm just tired of gay people complaining foul play when they are not included in every little thing. They are forcing us to cater to their needs, just for example like we do for the handicap people. What I mean by that is with handicap people having their own special parking, not a big deal but we cater to their needs. Now with gay people, they want us to cater to their needs for everything just like how this guy want to marry their boyfriend on a video game... just stop winning about feeling left out and demanding so much from everyone, and forcing us to accept everything you do.

    It's so funny when I made a comment twice about how would any of you guys like to get flip over and get it down from your top or bottom from a another guy... none of you responded to that. So perhaps you are homophobic because you can't accept the idea of you craving gay acts. It's a shame your still in the closet, be happy and gay for yourself... just keep it to yourself because we don't care.

    15.5.2014 19:01 #27

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by g_slide: I'm not stating that straight marriages will lose anything from this game, I'm just tired of gay people complaining foul play when they are not included in every little thing. They are forcing us to cater to their needs, just for example like we do for the handicap people. What I mean by that is with handicap people having their own special parking, not a big deal but we cater to their needs. Now with gay people, they want us to cater to their needs for everything just like how this guy want to marry their boyfriend on a video game... just stop winning about feeling left out and demanding so much from everyone, and forcing us to accept everything you do.

    It's so funny when I made a comment twice about how would any of you guys like to get flip over and get it down from your top or bottom from a another guy... none of you responded to that. So perhaps you are homophobic because you can't accept the idea of you craving gay acts. It's a shame your still in the closet, be happy and gay for yourself... just keep it to yourself because we don't care.
    They are not forcing anyone to do anything. They are bringing something to light so that other gay people don't make the mistake of buying the game too. If you bought a game to find that it was missing a feature that you found vital and there was no way to get a refund, you would post too.

    That is part of how the free market is supposed to work...if you make a product that excludes people those people are going to alert each other so that most of them don't buy it.

    As to your "like to get flip over and get it down from your top" nonsense, many people responded about how irrational homophobic people can be...maybe if people had some idea what you were trying to say with your scrambled rant someone would respond directly. All I can figure from it is that you are calling everyone who doesn't hate gay people gay...and obviously you think that this is a terrible insult because you hate gay people...either that, or you are saying everyone who claims not to be gay is in fact gay, and you claim not to be gay the loudest so you are the most gay? Not entirely sure.

    BTW...for all we know Nintendo may have meant this to be a commentary on old laws...same sex marriage is a hot button issue in Japan as well. They may just be trying to bring attention to the issue.

    15.5.2014 21:23 #28

  • xboxdvl2

    i don't have the game but i'm wondering if it contains
    disabled people & religious people (they have to include every religion even ones nintendo knows nothing about so they don't disciminate),
    does it contain swear words (wouldn't wanna discriminated against foul mouth people)???
    does it include every language knows to man and klingon of course (wouldn't wannna discriminated against people or trekkies).
    does it contains crimes (wouldn't wanna discriminate against criminals).

    now by my example you can see how hard it would be to make a politically correct game, i honestly have no actual interest in the game.

    custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.

    16.5.2014 00:15 #29

  • Jemborg

    Perhaps they aught to include wankers too?



    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    16.5.2014 00:40 #30

  • Ripper

    Quote: It's so funny when I made a comment twice about how would any of you guys like to get flip over and get it down from your top or bottom from a another guy... none of you responded to that. So perhaps you are homophobic because you can't accept the idea of you craving gay acts. It's a shame your still in the closet, be happy and gay for yourself... just keep it to yourself because we don't care.
    Repeatedly describes gay fantasy on the internet..

    ..says everyone else is in the closet!

    16.5.2014 04:44 #31

  • Jemborg

    Originally posted by Ripper: Quote: It's so funny when I made a comment twice about how would any of you guys like to get flip over and get it down from your top or bottom from a another guy... none of you responded to that. So perhaps you are homophobic because you can't accept the idea of you craving gay acts. It's a shame your still in the closet, be happy and gay for yourself... just keep it to yourself because we don't care.
    Repeatedly describes gay fantasy on the internet..

    ..says everyone else is in the closet!
    Hahaha. +1

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    16.5.2014 05:02 #32

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by xboxdvl2: i don't have the game but i'm wondering if it contains
    disabled people & religious people (they have to include every religion even ones nintendo knows nothing about so they don't disciminate),
    does it contain swear words (wouldn't wanna discriminated against foul mouth people)???
    does it include every language knows to man and klingon of course (wouldn't wannna discriminated against people or trekkies).
    does it contains crimes (wouldn't wanna discriminate against criminals).

    now by my example you can see how hard it would be to make a politically correct game, i honestly have no actual interest in the game.
    Glad to know someone else sees my point. Do we need to change everything we do just to please everyone. We have to walk on egg shells just to be careful not to have someone feeling left out... the world doesn't work that way and it's time to man-up and stop complaining so much and waiting peoples time.

    Originally posted by Ripper: Repeatedly describes gay fantasy on the internet..

    ..says everyone else is in the closet!
    No, I was just reading your bio on this site and wanted to point it out (j/k). Seriously, nobody still has no real valid response to comment in question, so you must still be in the closet. You’re not agreeing or denying it so that only leads us to believe this. No big deal you if you like to get the big stiffy, just be proud and wave your Rainbow Flag proudly like your significant other.

    16.5.2014 15:16 #33

  • KillerBug

    You insist on a response (I wonder if they have trolls in the game?) I'll respond to your first post in this thread as it is at least somewhat legible.

    Originally posted by g_slide:
    Your comments are so predictable of people today being "Politically Correct". Just as I put in my comments earlier, that if your not gay your not right. It's like we are looked down upon because we are not gay, I'm so sorry I'm not gay.

    No one is looking down on you because you are not gay...just because you sound like a bigot. It isn't that being straight makes anyone is that being opposed to the rights of others when they have nothing to do with them makes you wrong.

    Originally posted by g_slide:
    Of course it is a choice, because for years people see it on TV, movies, etc. and they become immune to it and think it's natural and then end result it becomes a choice.

    Yes, let's base everything on what we see on TV. I'm gonna start stockpiling crossbows for when the walking dead arrive.

    Originally posted by g_slide:
    If it was not a choice then why would people who are gay say they felt something weird, don't know how to explain it and don't feel normal like other people; remember the old expression coming out of the closet... that's when they start feeling like it's a choice and not born with it.

    They feel like they are not the standard that society tells them to be. This makes them feel "weird". It isn't that they feel like aliens from another planet...they just don't feel like other guys; for some reason they don't like looking at chicks. Coming out of the closet is a choice; but it isn't choosing to be gay or is only choosing to admit your own nature to the world. A tough choice when people like you are out there.

    Originally posted by g_slide:
    No kid is born being gay, that is such BS. The say that only hoping people will understand them better and say, "Oh well, he was born with it, I guess it's not his fault that he's gay".

    What proof do you have that no one is born gay? Even some catholic priests have admitted to being born gay...they choose to be celibate but they are still gay.

    Originally posted by g_slide: I don't care for anyone sexual preference or religion, I'm just saying stop crying out and forcing others to accept it.
    I don't care if you accept can think the earth is flat and unicorns fart rainbows. Just don't force your views on others, don't get mad when a gay group points out a feature they want in a game.

    Originally posted by g_slide: If you are so much for gay rights and you say your heterosexual, why don't you let a guy stick his junk in you from either your top or bottom end and see if you like it.
    I don't do that because I am not gay. By your logic, any woman who supports straight marriage should let me f**k her any time I want.

    Originally posted by g_slide: I mean your so happy and proud for them, why don't you practice what you preach... let me guess it's a no because it grosses you out. Well that's all I'm saying, stop forcing crap like that down our throats.
    Yes, it does gross me out. I'm not about to buy any gay porn. I don't "preach" that everyone should be gay. I just don't think anyone should have anyone else's views imposed on them and it is hardly limited to this subject. If you think weed is the devil's candy that's fine...don't smoke it, but don't vote for laws making it illegal for me. If you think that guns kill people don't buy one...but don't try to stop me from defending myself legally from someone who got a gun illegally. Gay people fighting for gay rights makes applies to them directly. Why exactly do you feel the need to fight against gay rights when they would have no effect on you? Do you think god will destroy all mankind if same sex marriage is included in the next version of this game? If not, the only logical stake you might have in fighting same sex marriage in games or in real life is that you don't want your boyfriend pressuring you into marriage...and honestly after dealing with that from a couple of girlfriends, I would support you in that. No one should get married...but if anyone is dumb enough to want marriage, they should be able to make that mistake.

    16.5.2014 16:25 #34

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by KillerBug:
    WOW you have a lot of times on your hands, maybe that's why it shows you as a AfterDawn Addict. Get off the computer and step out of your home once a awhile.

    Anyways I didn't bother reading what you wrote, it's just too long and the comment in question was only about if you would like to get flip over and... well you no the rest... at least I thought you did, at this point who cares we are so way off the topic now.

    You WIN!, good job... now get some exercise in your life.

    16.5.2014 21:12 #35

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by g_slide: Originally posted by KillerBug:
    WOW you have a lot of times on your hands, maybe that's why it shows you as a AfterDawn Addict. Get off the computer and step out of your home once a awhile.

    Anyways I didn't bother reading what you wrote, it's just too long and the comment in question was only about if you would like to get flip over and... well you no the rest... at least I thought you did, at this point who cares we are so way off the topic now.

    You WIN!, good job... now get some exercise in your life.

    Hey...what do you know...I beat a troll!

    16.5.2014 21:17 #36

  • g_slide

    Originally posted by KillerBug:
    Hey...what do you know...I beat a troll!
    Yes, we are so proud of you. You are our god savior from this forum and we worship every unbiased comments you make... did you notice the sarcasm in that sentence?. Of course you avoided the obvious comments again, oh well we can't expect to receive an actual intellectual thought from a guy who is still in his high-school/junior college years. Good luck with that English 1A exam your taking, your going to need it.

    Your "special-ed" yellow school bus is arriving, it's time for mommy to pack your lunch and head to class.

    17.5.2014 14:53 #37

  • Mrguss

    Originally posted by g_slide:'s time for mommy... Mommy time was long time ago,
    Today is Grandma, basement time.
    Tomorrow who' knows:
    Maybe a "King of the GIF-Trolls" !?

    Nintendo gay wedding:

    Live Free or Die.
    The rule above all the rules is: Survive !
    Capitalism: Funnel most of the $$$ to the already rich.

    19.5.2014 15:29 #38

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