Sony PlayStation 4 outsells Microsoft Xbox One for fourth straight month

Sony PlayStation 4 outsells Microsoft Xbox One for fourth straight month
According to the latest NPD figures, the Sony PlayStation 4 was the best selling console for the fourth month in a row, easily beating out the Xbox One.

"Life to date, sales of PS4 and Xbox One hardware have more than doubled the combined sales of PS3 and 360 hardware through their first six months of sales," NPD analyst Liam Callahan added.

Overall console sales jumped 120 percent YoY from April 2013, and hardware saw a 76 percent revenue boost from last year. Hardware grew to $192.8 million while software fell 10 percent to $227.9 million.

Microsoft confirmed it shipped 115,000 Xbox One for the month, and Sony did not reveal an exact number.

Sony has shipped over 7 million PS4 since launch, while Microsoft has shipped just over 5 million. Microsoft is looking to boost sales by dropping Kinect as a mandatory bundle with the console, and selling the device with the motion control accessory for $399, the same price as the PS4. The company has also dropped the need for an Xbox Live Gold subscription if just using entertainment apps like Netflix.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 May 2014 13:44
consoles NPD Sony PlayStation 4 Microsoft Xbox One
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  • borhan9

    I am a PS supporter but i still want to get a Xbox 1 just for the heck of it.
    Just to see what their technology can do.

    Edited by DVDBack23

    "the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward

    18.5.2014 21:08 #1

  • hearme0

    They're the wouldn't notice a daggone difference w/o them being side-by-side and even then, it would be negligible.

    Both pale in comparison to the PC anyway.

    20.5.2014 23:45 #2

  • voyager

    Meaning that M$ heard the xbox community.

    23.5.2014 16:15 #3

  • kutulu1

    Well seeing as how the xbone is the weaker system, paying the same cost as a PS4 is still a ripoff. If it was $299, then you got a deal MS.

    23.5.2014 21:18 #4

  • Jemborg

    Not surprised... probably entering snowballing territory.

    Also, I'm seeing ton after ton of games being released on PC and PS4 but no Xbone! At first I thought it was my imagination...

    Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little but blow me if it doesn't seem the case. I suppose an Xbone version may come out later but for now...

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    24.5.2014 12:01 #5

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