YouTube starts ranking ISPs for best streaming experience

YouTube starts ranking ISPs for best streaming experience
Google has begun ranking ISPs in order of their streaming experience for customers in an effort to ensure ISPs offer service that allows for buffer-free HD streaming on YouTube.

So far, the company has only released a report for U.S. ISPs, but it is expected to move globally in the future.

The report names ISPs as "HD verified" if they can "consistently deliver HD video, a resolution of at least 720p, without buffering or interruptions -- it's HD Verified." YouTube monitored streams for a month, and HD Verified ISPs had to deliver the aforementioned performance at least 90 percent of the time.

Additionally, the report shows which ISPs deliver SD streams without buffering and who delivers the worst performance.

Check your ISP here: Google Video Quality Report

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 31 May 2014 12:45
streaming Google YouTube ISPs
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  • Tazer247

    Glad my 60mb/s internet can stream in standard definition without issue.... Hopefully my ISP takes some responsibility after this and stops throttling youtube.

    31.5.2014 13:13 #1

  • hearme0

    Pot calling the kettle black!!!

    Youtube is a lousy service!

    THe ability to fast forward and rewind videos on sucks! Always a buffer circle and sometimes it just sits there waiting for GOD knows what. I hate youtube as a technology. Total crap.

    I have Uverse with 24Mbps down and 1.6 up. I buffer on Youtube no matter where I am. It's Google's fault!

    2.6.2014 14:23 #2

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