WATCH: John Oliver's Net Neutrality rant leads to FCC website 'difficulties'

WATCH: John Oliver's Net Neutrality rant leads to FCC website 'difficulties'
Comedian John Oliver has provided the FCC with a nice headache after imploring viewers to send comments to the FCC on the issue of Net Neutrality, following a rant about the regulator and the telecommunications industry in America.

On his show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, the host decided to tackle the debate over Net Neutrality in the United States, and the possible creation of a two-speed system that would see Internet providers being paid fees for "faster lane" access to their paying subscribers.

In a fairly epic ~12 minute rant, Oliver uses his comedic routine to expose the monopolistic nature of cable companies and their cushy relationship with the Federal Communications Commission.

Toward the end of the segment, Oliver peaks with an appeal to "monsters", referring to Internet commenters. He ends it with a call to all viewing to go to the FCC's website and leave comments on "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet."

His call to arms worked a bit too well, causing "technical difficulties" (FCC's words..) with the commenting system itself. Visiting the comments page shows that over 45,000 have left comments on the issue already, and while the site appears to work now it is still noticeably slow at times.

To leave a comment yourself visit:

Here's the video of the Net Neutrality segment on John Oliver's show. Be warned that while profanity is censored in the video, it still may not be safe for work and isn't suitable for the kiddies! Enjoy!

Written by: James Delahunty @ 3 Jun 2014 22:49
net neutrality John Oliver
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  • Sontiago

    I realize that the company that's responsible for this is also a huge company, he's still completely correct here....

    6.6.2014 12:35 #1

  • Jemborg

    <sarcasm mode> Yeah sure their site "crashed" or whatever.


    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    DSE VZ300-
    Zilog Z80 CPU, 32KB RAM (16K+16K cartridge), video processor 6847, 2KB video RAM, 16 colours (text mode), 5.25" FDD

    10.6.2014 02:48 #2

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