10,000 devices will be built this month, and Oculus says over half of the units will reach dev's mail boxes by the end of the month.
Over 45,000 consumers pre-ordered the DK2 at $350, and everyone is likely to receive their device by the end of September. The DK2 is the final model before the company releases a consumer version of the Rift next year. Says the company: "We're now over 45,000 DK2 pre-orders, which is incredibly exciting. That said, we're slightly behind in manufacturing and there's currently a high chance that some developers with estimated shipping in July may not have their DK2s shipped until August. We have a team in China working on continued ramp of production at our factory, and we'll work our way through the queue as fast as we can."
As an upgrade to the previous kit, the DK2 now has a 1080p OLED display, a huge improvement on the 720p resolution of the previous model. Additionally, the device comes with a tracking camera that allows for real-time incorporation of your head movements to make the VR experience more natural. The tracking should also reduce blurring and motion sickness, which is a huge positive for consumers.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 5 Jul 2014 17:04