Noe Iniguez tried to hide behind a fake identity when he posted topless pictures of an ex-girlfriend to her employer's Facebook page, and also described her as a "drunk" and a "slut" while he urged the employer to let her go.
He had been the subject of a restraining order issued in November 2011 following their break up. They had been together for four years, and Iniguez had been sending her harassing text messages in the wake of their relationship.
Under the 'revenge porn' law in California, it is illegal to upload unauthorized nude or sexual images of a person with the sole purpose of causing them distress. It was enacted in October 2013.
Noe Iniguez will now go down in history as the first person convicted under the law. The 36 year old was sentenced to a year in prison and three months of probation. Additionally, he must keep away from his ex-girlfriend and attend counselling.
Written by: James Delahunty @ 4 Dec 2014 17:28