Netflix bills customers multiple times in error

Netflix bills customers multiple times in error
A Netflix billing glitch has resulted in some customers reporting that their accounts were charged the monthly fee for the service multiple times in a single day.

The error seems to be limited to customers in Australia and New Zealand. One customer reported that he had been charged 11 times on Sunday by Netflix, before going into redraw.

Another customer in New Zealand tweeted that, "Netflix just charged me my monthly fee of $12.99 FOUR TIMES IN ONE DAY," adding that "And they're trying to charge me again but it won't let them because they've taken all the f***ing money out of my account."

Netflix said the problem has only affected a small number of its users in the region.

"While no extra money was withdrawn from users' accounts, it may take several days for the authorisations to drop from users' bank accounts," Neflix said in a statement.

"Members may contact Netflix customer service if they have additional issues. We regret any inconvenience related to the problem."

Written by: James Delahunty @ 25 May 2015 6:29
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  • Dr_Shifty

    Similar thing happened to me some years ago when my ISP started billing my bank account for the monthly subscriptions of other members. It went on the the whole weekend. I tried to pay my car insurance on the monday morning and the insurance office said my card was refused and referred me to my bank.

    I went straight to the bank and the manager came out from her office as I walked in the door, she said there was a problem with my account being overdrawn. She logged in to my account and the withdrawals were still coming in as we looked at the screen. So she shut down the account while they checked it out.

    Seems the ISP had a computer glitch and hit my visa card for several thousand dollars worth of other people's monthly charges.

    To top it off, we had to fight the bank to have all the bogus withdrawal fees refunded.

    25.5.2015 07:29 #1

  • ddp

    & that is why my bank account is not setup for automatic billing withdraws.

    25.5.2015 11:22 #2

  • DXR88

    one would figure netflex would have fixed that by now, its only happened a million times already.

    if granny doesn't notice its more money for netflex.

    25.5.2015 14:42 #3


    Is it possible to pay monthly without having automatic payments with Netflix? If so, I definitely want to change that...or is my question better suited to Netflix directly?

    25.5.2015 20:27 #4

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by YOBUZZB: Is it possible to pay monthly without having automatic payments with Netflix? If so, I definitely want to change that...or is my question better suited to Netflix directly? you have to change it on your banks end, i have all my Automatic withdrawals in a confirmation queue helps to know where my money's going, in case I'm short cash a month what non essential services i can let lapse.

    you can also use paypal to a similar effect by only putting in enough money for one month.

    26.5.2015 06:31 #5

  • Skullet

    What's missing from that Netflix statement is a grovelling apology, they are acting as if it's ok to freeze money in peoples accounts and leave them with nothing.

    I worked for a UK bank and it can take up to 7 working days before the payment authorisation is dropped, I'm not sure if this is the case in OZ and NZ but if it is then I'd be raging if I was left with no money for what is in reality 9 days when you add the weekend.

    26.5.2015 19:07 #6

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