Tesla confirms Semi and minibus for next year

Tesla confirms Semi and minibus for next year
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has confirmed that the car company will unveil an electric semi truck and minibus next year, part of his ambitious "master plan part 2."

"We expect to unveil those for the middle of next year, maybe the next six to nine months type of thing. And then [we'd] have a better, more fleshed-out plan for when those would enter production," Musk said.

As with most things Tesla does, the timing seems aggressive especially given the fact that there was no acknowledgment of the electric trucks even existing until last week.

Both models "would enter production within low-single digit years," added Musk, although we hope that is closer to 1 then, say, 5.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 Aug 2016 21:37
Tesla Elon Musk Electric Truck
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  • Mrguss

    Electric vehicles was killed at the end of the 18 century by the greedy Oil corps.
    The world we live today could be positively much better without carbon pollution.

    It's a shame that few billionaires change human history for good ...the other 99% live a parasite life: feeding on us (Middle n poor class).

    Live Free or Die.
    The rule above all the rules is: Survive !
    Capitalism: Funnel most of the $$$ to the already rich.

    7.8.2016 16:07 #1

  • Bozobub

    Pardon me? Every electric vehicle you see, except for those that are either directly or indirectly solar (or other alternative energy) powered, generates just about the same pollution as any internal combustion vehicle. It just happens at the power plant rather than where the vehicle actually is, as the only difference.

    Additionally, only recently has battery and/or fuel cell technology advanced to the point where electric vehicles are practical for common use, much less affordable.

    FUD does NOT help the cause of alternative energy.

    11.8.2016 01:12 #2

  • KillerBug

    I wonder if he realizes how semi trucks are used? I can't even imagine the battery pack that would allow you to pull 80,000LBS AT LEAST 600 miles, although few will want them if they can't hit 700 miles with a good reserve to cover the extra energy used for hills. Plus there is basically no charging available...most truck stops don't even offer 120V plugs, let alone the monster it would take to charge such a giant in 10 hours. Heck, most truck stops don't even have enough parking...but drivers would have to find parking at a truck stop with the charging stations every night. It just isn't realistic...not when you can pump 1,200 miles worth of diesel in 10 minutes.

    Some trucks are local and go to a terminal every night...they may even get as much as 12 hours of down time per night. Still, to charge even a small fleet of these things overnight would require an insane amount of power...like running new lines to the facility kind of power.

    Assuming the battery didn't cost more than a whole diesel truck and assuming the charging issue was solved, there would still be a weight issue. Semi trucks can only be 80,000LBS total...that's tractor, trailer, and cargo combined. A typical tractor/trailer empty weight is around 25-35,000LBS...that leaves about 40,000LBS for cargo. If the battery pack adds 10,000LBS to the weight of the tractor then many industries simply won't be able to use them to haul standard-sized loads.

    On top of that, trucks put on a lot of miles and reliability is expected. 300,000 miles warranties are not uncommon, and hitting 1,000,000 miles with nothing but minor repairs and maintenance is the norm. If you need to replace the battery that costs more than a new engine every 200,000 miles then no one will buy.

    Probably best to start with the minibus...a large electric van is totally feasible.

    11.8.2016 21:54 #3

  • Jemborg

    I don't think he meant semi-trailer KB.


    And Bozobub, whilst what you say is true, it could be argued that electric may be more efficient... look at the F1 power units.

    Its a lot easier being righteous than right.

    DSE VZ300-
    Zilog Z80 CPU, 32KB RAM (16K+16K cartridge), video processor 6847, 2KB video RAM, 16 colours (text mode), 5.25" FDD

    12.8.2016 18:35 #4

  • Bozobub

    Combustion/electric setups (such as used in diesel-electric trains) are more efficient IF you generate power on-site. Otherwise, it's far less certain — transmission/transformer losses are significant — and ends reasonably comparable to efficient, direct internal combustion.

    Now, full-electric vehicles do let you move pollution to a more bearable location and concentrate all those emissions, so it should be possible to control it better. But we don't yet.

    12.8.2016 18:43 #5

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by Jemborg: I don't think he meant semi-trailer KB.


    And Bozobub, whilst what you say is true, it could be argued that electric may be more efficient... look at the F1 power units.
    He said "Semi Truck"...that is a shortened version of "Semi Trailer Truck"...a truck that can pull a "Semi Trailer". Something like a big u-haul is called a box truck. He wants to send colonists to Mars...so building an electric semi truck wouldn't be too hard...making it compete with diesel and CNG would be the challenge.

    Also, you may want to double-check your facts about F1 cars. They are not hybrids the way you seem to think they are. They capture heat from the exhaust and they capture kinetic energy from braking, something they did before the "Power Units". This power is stored in super-capacitors to give a short boost in addition to full throttle. They are not Hybrids like the Prius where the electric motor means the engine runs less...nor like a locomotive where the electric motor runs off a petroleum generator. They just capture some of what would have been wasted and use it to boost performance, not efficiency. If you want to see actual electric cars racing, check out Formula E...it is more effective than Temazepam.

    12.8.2016 22:37 #6

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