The renegade mobile plan offers coverage on several regular carriers' networks while the customer get a straightforward payment plan.
Google Fi costs $20/mo for unlimited tests and calls, and another $10 for each gigabyte of data, or $1 per 100 MB for that matter, delivered in LTE speeds.
There's also a Bill Protection cap that ensures you'll never go above $80 as data is free after 6 gigabytes. Although Google will throttle (slow down) data after 15 GB.
Now all this was already there in Project Fi times, but now Google allows customers to bring their own phones to the platform. You will get the same great deal with predictable pricing and roaming-free 170 locations around the world.
However, some features are still only available to Designed for Fi phones, including of course Pixel phones. There might be still some restrictions even with unlocked phones, but you can check compatibility here.
The features only available to official Designed for Fi phones are:
- Stay on the best connection by transitioning among multiple networks
- Automatically connect to secure, high-quality public Wi-Fi networks
- Switch faster from Wi-Fi to data when Wi-Fi is poor
- Protect sensitive information through a Fi VPN
- Make Wi-Fi calls
Google has also revamped the Fi website, at fi.google.com, improved the mobile app, and the brought the more generic Google color theme in.
Written by: Matti Robinson @ 28 Nov 2018 12:15