In May, Tesla raised the price from $5,000 to $6,000, and it was already earlier suggested that another price hike was in the works. Now Musk has revealed on Twitter that its going to be raised another thousand dollars or so in August.
The raise will happen on August 16 after which the option should start at about $7,000, for those who choose the option pre-installed.
After a slight backlash on Twitter, Musk had some better news to share too. According to him, Tesla is going to release Enhanced Summon around the same time.
This means that Tesla vehicles will be capable of driving themselves off the parking spot to your location. There's no exact release date for the feature, though.
Level 5 autonomous driving, FSD or full self-driving as Tesla calls it, seems still far off. It would allow users to get from place to another without ever touching the steering wheel.
Written by: Matti Robinson @ 18 Jul 2019 7:46