Project Scarlett was detailed in some ways at E3 this year when Microsoft said that it would be approximately four times as powerful as the Xbox One X. Besides providing for better graphics, Spencer said they are focused on how smoothly games run on the new system, with a view toward ensuring the maximum frame rate at 4K.
"People love 60 frames-per-second games, so getting games to run at 4K 60 [FPS] I think will be a real design goal for us.," Spencer said, while also emphasizing the desire to have games load incredibly fast.
Beyond that, there is also good news for those who care about backward compatibility.
"Making sure that all four generations of content--so the original Xbox games that run on your Xbox One today, the OG Xbox; the 360 games that run on your Xbox One; your Xbox One games; and the new generation games--all run on the next platform is important to us," Spencer said.
He also confirmed that cross-generational play will be supported, so you can continue to play against others on older hardware. Additionally, Spencer said Microsoft is aiming to make sure that controllers bought for the Xbox One X will be compatible with newer hardware.
The full interview can be read at Gamespot.com
Written by: James Delahunty @ 13 Aug 2019 20:34