CableLabs keeps the interests of consumers in mind when dealing with the television industry. It strives to enable interoperability among different cable systems, facilitate retail availability of cable modems and advanced services and providing a uniquely broad view of the industry.
Member companies must be exclusively cable system operators. Here is a list of them.
- Access Communications (Canada)
- Advance/Newhouse Communications (“Bright House Networks”)
- Armstrong Utilities, Inc.
- Atlantic Broadband
- Aurora Cable TV, Ltd. (Canada)
- BendBroadband
- Bresnan Communications
- Buckeye Cablevision, Inc.
- Buford Media Group, LLC
- Cable America Corporation
- Cable de Tula, S.A. de C.V. (“Cablemas”) (Mexico)
- Cable One, Inc.
- Cablevision Systems Corporation
- Campbell River TV Association(“CRTV”) (Canada)
- CCS, LLC d/b/a Community Cable Service
- Chambers Communications Corporation
- Charter Communications, Inc.
- Cogeco Cable, Inc. (Canada)
- Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
- Cox Communications, Inc.
- CRRS-TV (Canada)
- EastLink (Canada)
- FamilyView Cablevision
- General Communications, Inc. (“GCI”)
- Insight Communications Company
- Lake Hughes Cable
- Liberty Global Inc.
- Massillon Cable TV, Inc.
- MCT Communications, Inc.
- Mediacom Communications Corporation
- Midcontinent Communications
- Mountain Cablevision Ltd. (Canada)
- Princetown Cable Company
- Rogers Cable, Inc. (Canada)
- Seaside Communications (Canada)
- Shaw Communications Inc. (Canada)
- StarHub (Singapore)
- Suddenlink (“Cequel III”)
- Sunflower Broadband
- Tele-Media Corporation
- Time Warner Cable
- Tri-County Communications Corporation
- Valley Cable TV, Inc.
- Vidéotron Ltée (Canada)
- Westman Communications Group (Canada)
- WinDBreak Cable
DOCSIS 3.0 cable modems being tested - (November 22nd, 2007)
DOCSIS 3.0, the next evolution of DOCSIS for cable net communication, is tested.
CableLabs approves DTCP-IP content protection - (August 23rd, 2007)
DOCSIS 3.0, the next evolution of DOCSIS for cable net communication, is tested.