From a design standpoint, Apple has made everything sharper, flatter and slimmer, and frankly it looks much, much better.
The company has added a new control panel that slides up from the bottom of the home screen and gives access to your most frequent settings such as airplane mode, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, brightness and also adds a new flashlight, quick access to AirDrop, AirPlay and a slider for your current music.

Here is a look at all the updated icons, redesigned with new a color palette and fonts:

The native stocks, iTunes Store and Newstand applications are completely rehauled, as well:

One of the most popular apps, the Messaging app, is now even more minimalist, with an updated color scheme:

Apple has updated the passcode entry, the weather app, the calendar, the camera, the video player, the notification center, alarms, and removing limitations on folders. Check all the photos here (via BI):