LabelFlash has some of the following features and drawbacks:
- 1000 dpi resolution
- Up to 256 colors on the image being burned
- Four color monochromatic usage in development
- Burn times depend on the image being produced and can take up to at least seven minutes
- Requires specialized media that is currently double the price of standard DVD media
- Discs use 0.6mm thick top coating to avoid fading
- Discs are blue in color on the top to provide greater contrast to the image
- DiskT@2 is a part of Labelflash technology so burning on bottom side (data side) of disc area which is not used by data is possible with any DVD ħR media
The NEC ND-3550A, ND-3551A, ND-4550A, ND-4551A all share the same hardware but only the ND-3551A and ND-4551A are sold with Labelflash software. Additionally, NEC sold the ND-4571A DVD burning Labelflash drive and also the Sony NEC Optiarc drives AD-7173, AD-7543, AD-7633 and AD-7913 supporting Labelflash writing. There are third party developers who have produced a Firmware flash for many popular drives that enable LabelFlash capabilities. The last known and most widely used aftermarket firmware developer is a group by the name of The Liggy and Dee team.
Macintosh support of this technology is only known currently to run via Windows XP in a virtual machine within the Mac.