SpiralFrog's Interface
At first I was a little frustrated by SpiralFrog's interface, and even now I think it needs some work. And to be fair it's already being worked on. My first major problem was finding bands they had downloads for. With no immediate thought on particular music to download I started with SpiralFrog's Genre listings, hoping to find something that would catch my attention. You can also list all bands or filter them by genre in the Artists section. Unless you're using the search feature there's no option to filter the list to only include artists in the SpiralFrog catalog. When you click on an artist you'll be taken to a page with more information, including available downloads and information from the All Music Guide (AMG). Even if the album you want isn't available for download you can read about the act or use the Discography link to see a list of albums.
In order to download a track you simply find the listing for the album (or occasionally a single) it's on and click on a download link. You can also select all the tracks on an album to be downloaded with a single click. Selected tracks are put into your download queue. When you start your first download of a new browser session (or after a long period of inactivity) you're prompted to enter a security code displayed on the screen. The operation of the download queue is largely designed around requiring you to interact with the page where the ads paying for the service are being shown.Working With Your Queue
As each individual track is downloaded you're required to click on a link to download the next one. The download manager can popup a notification in the Windows XP notification area (AKA the Systray) whenever a download finishes so you know to start the next one. While this can get tedious for a large number of tracks, that's the tradeoff for free downloads. Either you're willing to deal with this or you're not. If not, SpiralFrog isn't for you.In truth, I've found that when I'm working on something else it quickly becomes routine to download eight or ten songs. For downloading more than that it's too much of a constant distraction to keep up with unless I give it my full attention. Currently there's no way to save your queue to download later, and no way to re-order selections either. You can already see where they're working on a feature to save the contents of your queue, and I've been assured that the issue of re-ordering tracks in the queue is also being addressed.