WOW! 22.2Ch that would be a lot of cables.. heh :-)
7.1.2005 10:19 #1
cool bring on the sickness
7.1.2005 10:57 #2
Ok...motion sickness?
Japanese kids had seizures when watching pokemon. The episode featured a pikachu shock blast and it had a repetative change from blue to red.
7.1.2005 10:58 #3
Not to be racist... but Japanese are pretty fanatical when it comes to the media. But bring on the UHDV. Maybe we'll start taking TV pills! XD
7.1.2005 11:35 #4
I predicted there would be UltraHD!! Look at my last post here:
7.1.2005 15:46 #5
7,680 by 4,320, 60fps, 22.2ch audio, motion sickness, ive been waiting for this.
7.1.2005 20:55 #6
i predict tv will be real pretty soon. Motion sickness is just the first breakthrough, soon people will get shot and raped.
10.1.2005 16:00 #7
11.1.2005 08:25 #8
19.3.2007 14:55 #9
the tv will never shoot and rape their audiance, thats what the RIAA and MPAA are for. :-D
20.3.2007 05:12 #10