Lord_Anubis squashes ShareConnector rumors

Lord_Anubis squashes ShareConnector rumors
Just as in the ShareReactor case, the closure of ShareConnector has been met by false rumors spread by individuals who just want the attention or just want to cause panic to the users of the site. Lord_Anubis, a staff member of ShareConnector has made an interesting post on Simon Moon's RespectP2P site. This is what he said:


As most of you might know me from almost all sites I am on, I am a staff member of ShareConnector, am mod on some places and admin on others.

Since SC went down there have been rumors all over the net, rumors starting from arrests of people to rumors about the database being hacked and all IPs being traced and all members of SC's forum being in danger now.

I had contact with the admins and hosts of SC since the day it was taken down and know some things that I think need to be said to stop this b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t. I read here in the other thread.

First off all, let me cut down to the rumors:
- yes, some people got arrested, however each and every one of them has been released the next day.
- yes, the servers have been taken down, but lawyers are working on the case, it just takes time.
- no, the database has not been hacked or made public.
- no, not even to Interpol, Scotland Yard or the MPAA.
- no, the site host has not been arrested, nor has he talked or given out any kind of information about the users.
- no, the money from the donations has not "vanished", nor has it been used for anything else than the servers, and that was the intention in the first place. The hardware is there, it just needs clearance to get set up.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of rumors being spread over the net, all in all the same crap, nothing of it is true in any case.

Now let me go back to Xvid_man's talk: I have seen you in the SC-chan, I am there 24/7 and I am logging each part of the convos there, I know what has been said, and your "idea" of the users being in danger is more than far-fetched, as no one confirmed that, it was denied by the mods/ops who were there, and that is the truth. The database is safe, and its users are safe. So far there is not even a hint of any kind of prosecution of any user from SC, apart from those who are known to share bucket loads of files, and they have been hunted for ages, in fact long before SC, long before SC, as they are considered the "baddies". But let me get back to the topic.

Look up, if you want, the laws for the Netherlands, I am sure they are online somewhere as a digital version, and look up on user-protection and confidentiality. I am sure they are backing that up as well.

Lastly, if anyone was to be prosecuted, don't you think it would have already happened? When was SC taken offline? How many days was that? Do you really think that they would not have done anything by now?

And finally, to close with the words of SC's staff: "Yes, we are taken down, but we will be back!"

- in the name of the admins of SC

Read the source thread here.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 8 Jan 2005 3:39
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  • Toiletman

    This is good to know. After the closing of ShareConnector, I shied away from the ed2k network and instead turned to BT. Hopefully, with the return of ShareConnector, I will use both P2P programs and hell, this is a great site.

    8.1.2005 12:03 #1

  • jimplovel

    Are you stating that Shareconnector is coming back online???

    Please say yes! because frankly I think BT does not beat the way of ed2k but then who can complain!

    Jim P L

    9.1.2005 15:22 #2

  • terrye60

    glad to here shareconnector is coming back and my donation was worth it after all but what site should i use till u come back toletman says he uses BT where do i go for that and if anyone knows of good sites please let me know regards Iguessyouwanttogetbanned@hotmail.com

    16.1.2005 07:25 #3

  • Toiletman

    Terry, no email addresses and if you look around the FileSharing forum, you'll find LOADS.

    Everyone is entitled to their own true opinion. Either respect that or don't.

    16.1.2005 07:44 #4

  • Oner

    Please read the rules. No email addresses allowed.

    16.1.2005 07:56 #5

  • DaOsT

    yeah I am glad that he came out to squash the stupid rumours about SC
    no one around the scene or knew anything about SC would of believed such rumours for a second

    atleast they are quashed

    ::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....::DonT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::..
    ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM

    16.1.2005 09:08 #6

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