Sony releases PSP 2.50 firmware

Sony releases PSP 2.50 firmware
Sony has released the latest Firmware updates for its PlayStation Portable console on the official Japanese and North American PlayStation sites. This comes after the 2.0 update was released just to fix a security flaw in 2.00 that allowed users to run some unauthorized "homebrew" code - eventually leading to the release of a working downgrader for the PSP.

This update however has added some features to the PSP and probably will have made it even more hard for hackers to find ways to run code on the device. Here is the changelog...

  • [LocationFree™ Player] has been added as a feature under [Network].
  • [Auto-Select] and [Unicode (UTF-8)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar.
  • Settings for [Text Size] and [Display Mode] in [Internet Browser] can now be saved.
  • The input history of online forms accessed through [Internet Browser] can now be saved.

  • Copyright-protected video can now be played under [Video]. (This applies to video saved on Memory Stick Duo™ media).
    • For details, contact the video content provider.
    • Note that fees may be charged to obtain or use copyright-protected video.
    • Downloadable copyright-protected video may not be available in all countries and regions.

  • [Set via Internet] has been added as an option to [Date and Time] in [Date & Time Settings] under [Settings].
  • [WPA-PSK (AES)] has been added as a security method under [Network Settings].

  • Korean input mode has been added to the on-screen keyboard.

If you wish to run homebrew code on your PSP, then upgrading to v2.50 is not recommended at this time. Anything over 2.00 leaves you completely in the dark in terms of homebrew. If you have 2.00 firmware and would sacrifice the extra features to run homebrew games and applications, then you might want to consider downgrading to v1.50.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 14 Oct 2005 14:02
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  • Glitched

    I dont think Any one from AD is going to upgrade lol

    14.10.2005 15:16 #1

  • Doggy_Bot

    I was going to by a PSP, but the new iPod looks really cool!! XD

    14.10.2005 15:36 #2

  • rihgt682


    14.10.2005 16:01 #3

  • ToxicFish

    Quote:Settings for [Text Size] and [Display Mode] in [Internet Browser] can now be saved.Awesome, I'm going to download it right now!

    14.10.2005 16:15 #4

  • 3lite

    Theres no way that im upgrading

    14.10.2005 16:41 #5

  • MrToast

    Screw the PSP! The new Ipod Video is going to get my money!! Games on the go? Nice? UMD movies at 20-30 bucks? F-THAT! Ipod Video: 150 Hours of movies (FREE) and a 20 hour battery? KICK F'N ASS!

    Psp is cool but the new Ipod is great

    14.10.2005 18:32 #6

  • rihgt682

    Don't forget that IPOD comes with 4games.

    14.10.2005 18:43 #7

  • arcanix

    150 hours of video on 320x240 small lcd. So sweet.

    15.10.2005 00:08 #8

  • Doggy_Bot

    Godbless the iPod!

    15.10.2005 07:09 #9

  • 3lite

    It just kind of sucks that it only gets 3 hours of battery life for videos

    15.10.2005 07:52 #10

  • Binighted

    jajaj Funniest thread ever sell my psp for an ipod??WTF???NEVER! My winning combination is ps and gmini 402 8 to 10 hours of video on the go with tv out and can see DivX and XviD ipod 3 hours :P and only can see mp4 laame...another reason ipod sucks...get bored play with my psp! i dont think i can play mega man legends in an ipod :P

    15.10.2005 13:53 #11

  • MrToast

    It will come down to SNOWny making you upgrade... it will most likely be an automatic thing that happens on new games or movies... insert a game... automatic update! Although some day someone will figure out what to do with the PSP to make it not matter... but Im not getting a PSP not that Crapple has the Ipod Video!!!

    15.10.2005 19:53 #12

  • IMMickeyD

    psps destroy the compitition, dont give in to the crappy mainstream ipod stuff, be a rebel, be a pirate, actually know what your talking about while transfering info from mediad devices, sinch iv had my psp iv learned many a thing about computers and psps have such a huge potential and can be used for so many things, if u can keep the psp and have it be v 1.5 so u can do anything and everything (soon to come)

    16.10.2005 20:12 #13

  • BSS13

    Screw the ipod! Psp is WAY better.

    18.10.2005 13:10 #14

  • lxhotboy

    PSP is the dominate handheld and it still has not reached it full potential with all the extras hacks that is can do. now that there is going to be a 4gig hard drive on the market windows xp homebrew will probably be one of the next things someone will be working on to get the PSP to another level of uses for the consumers.

    18.10.2005 13:53 #15

  • IMMickeyD

    hell ya im with u guys all the way BSS13 and lxhotboy know what its all about

    18.10.2005 16:20 #16

  • BSS13

    MrToast,Whatever you may think,the psp is great.NOT THE IPOD!

    18.10.2005 17:30 #17

  • rainofire

    hell yah, but i could go all the things the psp 1.5 on my 2.00 n its rocks. oh yah, screw the ipod.

    5.11.2005 20:18 #18

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