HD-DVD launch may be delayed again

HD-DVD launch may be delayed again
Toshiba, the company leading the HD-DVD group has hinted that the next generation optical disc format, HD-DVD, may be delayed again. The company blames the delay in the finalizing of the Advanced Access Content System (AACS) for any potential delays. It said it has "completed the design of HD DVD players for the US and Japanese markets and are ready for volume production at our manufacturing facilities in Japan."

However, one more comment was made. "Toshiba will only launch its HD DVD products after AACS is finalized.... Under these circumstances, Toshiba plans to launch HD DVD players and notebook PCs with HD DVD drives in Japan promptly following the implementation of AACS into hardware and software products." HD-DVD was already delayed to Spring 2006 (Q4 2005 was original target) presumably for the same reasons.

The AACS Licensing Authority (AACSLA) published v0.9 of the AACS specification in April earlier this year and then said it would aim to make the final release, v1.0 by the end of the year. Toshiba's comments indicate that it doesn't expect AACS 1.0 to appear anytime soon. The AACS Licensing Authority (AACSLA) was co-founded by Toshiba.

The Register

Written by: James Delahunty @ 15 Dec 2005 6:31
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  • nonoitall

    It seems to me like copy-protection is a big hassle to just about everybody.

    15.12.2005 09:48 #1

  • GrayArea

    Advanced Access Content System (AACS)

    Don't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

    Perhaps they should call it the "We're gonna figure out a way to screw up this Hi-Def thing even if it kills us System"?

    I have an idea I'm going to patent. It's DRM for eyelids. If you do not have the proper permissions to watch "portected" content, YOUR EYES WON'T OPEN!!! I'll be RICH!!!

    15.12.2005 12:06 #2

  • GrayArea

    "portected" heh

    15.12.2005 12:07 #3

  • JaguarGod

    I bet you AACS will be cracked within 3 years, but maybe sonner if the new formats are popular.


    Eyelid DRM is still in beta development. There have been too many problems with people going blind. What they do instead is, change the light frequency of a movie an insignificant amount, but incredibly rapidly causing an unviewable flash.

    This "Flashing" of the video causes synoptic failure and also increased electric Impulse Discharge within your brain. This causes you to become more relaxed, but at the same time, it destroys brain cells which have been accessed recently causing you to "forget" what you watched and have a hard time to recall it.

    Newer experimenting is being done where the brain is temporarily neutralized. This will cause you to enter a vegetative state while watching movies in Theatre. So far it is effective on tests with lab mice, but some side effects like Nausia, loss of equilibrium, and other related side effects have occurred.

    If you can get your DRM to work, then you will be so rich, that Bill Gates will wiping your arse when you are finished using the toilet!!!

    15.12.2005 15:22 #4

  • llongtheD

    JaguarGod, don't get people all excited about this newest DRM research. You forgot to mention the side effect that "they" are trying to keep on the down low.
    Once you enter the vegitative state you inadvertantly lose control of your bodily functions, and more often than not, end up dropping a deuce in your shorts. Macrovision, Sony, and other DRM companys are discouraged by this, however adult diaper companys are pouring money into its research.

    15.12.2005 18:42 #5

  • GrayArea

    So? A few bucks in Sony's pocket and a turd in your drawers? Where's the down side? I'm seeing this "never get off the couch" thing as a great marketing angle!

    "Ooooh look! 'Miss Congeniality' is on Starz tonight! Get my Depends and the Cheezy Poofs honey!"

    16.12.2005 07:47 #6

  • llongtheD

    LMAO GrayArea!

    16.12.2005 14:14 #7

  • bee2005

    If there's a copy protect but I'm sure it cannot be protected forever.

    16.12.2005 15:42 #8

  • esrever

    This conversation is like one big pile of brain diharrea.

    17.12.2005 19:57 #9

  • llongtheD

    And so are "their" futile attempts at DRM.

    17.12.2005 20:02 #10

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