"There are currently no plans to release an Xbox 360 equipped with a next generation DVD player." he added. Japanese news agency Jiji made a report recently that Microsoft was set to release a version of the Xbox 360 console that included a HD-DVD drive. Concerns from game developers have been spreading as many claim they are struggling to fit games on DVD-9 discs.
Two major Microsoft names, Bill Gates and Yoshihiro Maruyama have indicated in the past that it is a possibility we will see a next generation disc drive included in a future release of the Xbox 360. In August, Gates said the company was "looking at whether future versions of Xbox 360 will incorporate an additional capacity of an HD-DVD player or something else". Maruyama said last month too that it is a possibility but most likely just for playback of movies, not games.
The Register
Written by: James Delahunty @ 15 Dec 2005 7:30