Update on the AfterDawn staff writer position

Update on the AfterDawn staff writer position
First of all I would like to thank everyone that applied for the position. We were definitely surprised by the number and quality of applications we received! Great job everyone!

That being said, it has taken us quite a while to go through all the applications. With alot of projects and recruiting going on, there's only so much time we have been able to devote to going through the applications. We have just about gone through all the applications now, but it will still be a while before we pick applicants for the second round.

So if you posted an application and haven't heard back from us -- sorry to have kept you waiting, but you neededn't worry! You will hear from us soon enough.

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 2 Mar 2006 4:26
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  • Lethal_B

    Keep up all the good work on the forums, guys

    2.3.2006 05:08 #1

  • Mik3h

    Yup, keep it up. A good idea would be a mod fill out form for mod positions. There are a lot of threads/users that aren't dealt with for quite some time.

    That smurf guy started making all these spam threads/posts at 4am and it wasn't dealth with until 8pm ;)

    There are only 3 active mods.. just a sugestion ;)


    2.3.2006 05:11 #2

  • lawcase

    shoot...i didn't hear about this...what are the requirements? and can i still apply?

    2.3.2006 05:25 #3

  • lawcase

    oh, and if you need more mods...let me know. I mod another site, so i know the drill.

    2.3.2006 05:26 #4

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:shoot...i didn't hear about this...what are the requirements? and can i still apply?No, sorry buddy.

    I think applications closed at the end of 2005.. ;-)

    2.3.2006 06:06 #5

  • DVDBack23

    Good to know, thank you for the update Ketola and keep up the strong work here at aD :)

    2.3.2006 11:32 #6

  • creaky

    there's enough mods, there's just a lot of little rascals and too many forums for them to hide in. the downside of AD being one of the most well known sites is that it attracts the pondlife as well as the swarms of good posters. keep the offensive reports coming

    3.3.2006 01:56 #7

  • darthnip

    which is yet another reason we ask our senior members and addicts to help out.

    3.3.2006 16:01 #8

  • 1hunter

    I FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHT DVD-SHRINK WON'T WORK AFTER BURNING A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF DVDs, I DOWNLOAD DVD COVER PHOTOS FROM CdCovers.com and it turns out if you don't have a good spam blocker or anti-virus they will dump a whole lot of crap into your computer. these viruses or whatever they are corupt everything in your system.... but that did'nt stop me. i figured a way to burn dozens of copy written stuff...

    4.3.2006 16:51 #9

  • Weycraze

    @ 1hunter

    1. Read the Forum Rules B4 U Post.

    2. Are you mentally...? use your imagination!!

    How could you possibly post that reply, which is so off topic to this thread?

    ..a mind is a terrible thing to waste...

    4.3.2006 17:14 #10

  • 1hunter

    you call yourself wayCRAZE, I can understand why. If you would have taken the time to read my second post, you would know that the reason i had problems with DVD Shrink was that another site i was logged on to download dvd covers was unloadind all kinds of trojens, viruses and crap. So mr. crazy, the next time you call someone mental, make sure he really isn't mental enough to track you down !

    roman velez

    4.3.2006 17:32 #11

  • ddp

    1hunter, you are also banned so can't do a reply, dimwit!!!

    4.3.2006 18:02 #12

  • andmerr

    was he really a hunter i thought creaky's terminology more appropriate: pondlife: much more fitting, pity you banned him

    4.3.2006 23:08 #13

  • creaky

    yup, another amoeba on the pond of life..

    gif created by phantom69, he's a good lad

    Forum Rules - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    'Verbatim Taiyo Yuden', Verbatim DataLifePlus, Taiyo Yuden & Ritek G05 are the ONLY media allowed near my Burners.
    ..Memorex/CMC/Imation/TDK - don't let them near your Burner... - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/232406
    .. NO MORE "Help me bridge" ADVERTISEMENT TYPE POSTS... -

    5.3.2006 02:18 #14

  • gwendolin

    And a sergeant to boot.

    Sig created by Jeanc1 & ScubaBud

    Nero guide by alkohol

    guide by Bbmayohttp://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/

    guide by Scubapetehttp://www.dvdplusvideo.com

    5.3.2006 15:17 #15

  • ddp

    i don't think he was a sergeant as i think it was an alias. sergeant rick hunter is from the tv series "hunter" early 90's in california.

    5.3.2006 17:04 #16

  • andmerr

    sgt pondlife has a nice ring to it

    5.3.2006 19:02 #17

  • ZippyDSM

    are there any other posts open I want to be the town drunk!
    0_o LOL

    sorry sorry...couldnt help it >< LOL

    6.3.2006 06:15 #18

  • ddp

    ok, ad drunk!!!

    6.3.2006 14:23 #19

  • ZippyDSM



    6.3.2006 14:49 #20

  • ireland

    the ad drunk,on week ends..
    edit pix out

    6.3.2006 15:05 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    Only on the weekends? I am mentally drunk all the time 0-o

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    6.3.2006 15:09 #22

  • ireland

    edit all pix and quote

    6.3.2006 15:16 #23

  • Auslander

    can i be the official AD Mercenary? please please pllleeeaaaseeeeee! i promise to kill lots and lots of f***tards!

    6.3.2006 16:43 #24

  • andmerr

    hey auslander you dont spell smacktard with an F

    6.3.2006 22:05 #25

  • Lethal_B

    Haha andy, funny guy! :-)

    7.3.2006 08:12 #26

  • Ketola

    Please stick to commenting the news article in this thread. Thanks. =)

    7.3.2006 09:09 #27

  • Lethal_B

    Acknowledged.. sorry, Ketola.

    On topic, I'm looking forward to see who comes out on top. I'm sure whoever it is will be a perfect person for the job - we have so many great people here with huge potential.

    Good luck everyone.

    7.3.2006 09:18 #28

  • Mik3h

    Yep, I'm sure the judges will be perfect at uh..judging? And as Lethal said, the person with the best potention will come out on top. Will be interesting to see who wins :)


    7.3.2006 12:35 #29

  • andmerr

    sorry ketola i'll edit my post if required

    7.3.2006 23:05 #30

  • P_Quinn

    Pondlife! - wish I'd used that for my Username!

    9.3.2006 13:36 #31

  • DVDBack23

    To Ketola and other distinguished admins,

    I was wondering when we would recieve the next update on the writer position?

    MAX OUT DOWNLOAD SPEEDS USING UTORRENT http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/335210
    Alien13 and DVDBack23's Forum http://afterdark13.11.forumer.com/index.php
    How to convert .AVI to DVD with Menus http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/1/272946

    29.4.2006 11:08 #32

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