Sony denies 500 euro PS3

Sony denies 500 euro PS3
Soon after the Internet had swollen with reports claiming that the vice president of SCEE, Georges Fornay, had revealed the price spot for PlayStation 3, Sony called a timeout and started to rectify what actually was told.

Sony says that the reported price fork from 499 to 599 euros was simply mistranslated or misunderstood. What Fornay meant, according to Sony, was that the value of Blu-ray drive would be somewhere around 500 euros. "He summarised by saying that PS3 would be expensive when one looked at the current price of a video games machine, at far below 500 Euros, but extremely good value when looking at the BD and HD technology inside," corrected Nick Sharples from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

The quick and rather strict commenting on the price reports still doesn't shed much light to PS3 price speculations, as it could go both ways from here. Now we are looking at a price spread between 200 and 800 euros. Maybe E3 will finally clarify this.


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Written by: Matti Robinson @ 6 Apr 2006 22:12
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  • Ludikhris

    See... told ya on the other forum. Once again.... Afterdawn is at least 1 day behind. Still... good job guys, i love this site.


    6.4.2006 23:03 #1

  • Ludikhris

    Also to add my $.02, I think the price will be between 500-600 in the US. When you do all the conversion and tax rate math it ends up to be 500-600 before taxes US prices. That seems appropriate to me as well. I am jact to get a BDplayer in the PS3 and it gets me a little creamy to think the BDplayers that are first going to be released will be 1k+, I'm ready to preorder now.


    6.4.2006 23:17 #2

  • spooky2k

    i dont get why people are going crazy about a price point that the PS2 hit in most places when it was first launched...granted, that was for a bundle, not solely for the console.
    after paying around £450 for my PS2 here from the first batch this country had (yes, it still works flawlessly!), i'd be moree than happy to pay the same for a ps3. It's a better machine, and its brand new technology. a £450 pricepoint with a game would be perfect i think.

    7.4.2006 00:15 #3

  • Nick600

    Maybe I misunderstood, but to me, the fact that Sony stated it would be "far below 500 euros" does not translate into the possibility of the price spreading both ways of 500, contrary to what the article says.

    7.4.2006 02:34 #4

  • heappi

    Quote:Maybe I misunderstood, but to me, the fact that Sony stated it would be "far below 500 euros" does not translate into the possibility of the price spreading both ways of 500, contrary to what the article says.What I understood was that at (theoretical) $500 console price, the PS3 would be more expensive than current consoles but less expensive in comparison to other BD and HD devices. The "far below..." -quote was pointing to other consoles.

    7.4.2006 10:10 #5

  • domie

    heappi is correct and Nick600 has misinterpreted the comment, this is obviously going to sell for way in excess of 500 euros but as he says it will be good value compared to first generation Blu-ray players (slated to start at 1500 euros) then we can estimate the price will be between 800-1500 euros

    7.4.2006 10:42 #6

  • vgaddict8

    So how much in U.S. dollars now?

    7.4.2006 19:22 #7

  • neo1000

    Domie`s right, i`m guesing US $800

    7.4.2006 19:39 #8

  • vgaddict8

    AH!!!! HOLY SH*T!!!!! MY GOD!! I thought 500 was alot!!!

    7.4.2006 20:53 #9

  • Nick600

    Ha! That's what I get for reading too fast. :)

    8.4.2006 00:56 #10

  • Ludikhris

    It won't be 800. Where Sony does want to charge a premium for it, they know there is a point where their demographic cant afford the item even if they wanted it. They say "we want someone to be willing to work a little overtime for it" Well to say its going to be over twice the price of a 360 is crazy. More than likely youll see a normal and combo pack, 500 and 600 respectively. That's realistic regardless of what they will lose by selling at that. They are taking chances and by charging less now they will make it up in royalties on BD movies and games at the same time. Its a good strategy if you ask me, but if the games suck and nobody wants the movies it will probably kill Sony.

    8.4.2006 01:46 #11

  • Joeva

    the games wont suck

    8.4.2006 02:02 #12

  • GregI

    excuse me the ps2 will have the best games ever made and will beat xbox 360 hands down.We have a legacy in the ps3(mgs 4)which will beat any game ever made PERIOD.We also have res 5 which i think will be the second best game ever made for the ps3.Also we will have like pes 6 for ps3 imagine that

    8.4.2006 07:54 #13

  • RHCPfan

    k.....RE5 is for 360 as well

    8.4.2006 09:11 #14

  • jmaestro

    Doesn't Sony have a policy where they don't comment on rumours or speculation? Looks like they broke it. I guess it is a soft policy that they selectively apply only when it benefits them.

    8.4.2006 09:56 #15

  • themind

    If the romuors were $1,000 sony would not have said a word so when the ps3 comes out or when they finly tell us we would be all happy that its only $699. But romours was $500 so they had to jump in quick to make sure people didnt get an unexpected sticker shock. Thats my thought and i would put monie on it that the sucker is going to be far above $500.

    8.4.2006 10:38 #16

  • Alapacas

    Damn thats along way from the $99 NES back in the day. I like Video games almost as much as the next guy, but My God.....I will never pay that much for a video game machine, and it's not because I can't afford it. If Sony puts out this machine at some crazy astronomical price, I hope it backfires on them. If you can't make a machine to compete with Microsoft's at a reasonable cost, then maybe they should stick to making Televisions and DVD players. My God...$600 plus for a freaking game machine...Thats just Insane!

    8.4.2006 11:11 #17

  • phantasee

    "Doesn't Sony have a policy where they don't comment on rumours or speculation? Looks like they broke it. I guess it is a soft policy that they selectively apply only when it benefits them."

    Did you bother reading that over before you hit Post?
    Why would a company blindly follow a policy that would hurt them? It's not that they selectively apply it only when it benefits them, it would be unforgivably stupid of them to not apply it in such a manner.

    Also, even if the NES was 99$, think of inflation, and also increased functionality. Last I checked, my NES didn't play VHS, and definitely not Blu-ray.

    8.4.2006 12:38 #18

  • odreian78

    blu-ray dont mean shyt if you dont have a HDTV

    8.4.2006 13:08 #19

  • jmaestro

    Yes I read it. My point reads true that they either selectively apply the policy, or don't have one. I think it is a bit of a cop out when Sony refers to this as to not reveal information which is true (i.e. not even a rumour). I believe they were doing this back when they released the rootkit.

    It might seem smart to comment, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Customer loyalty is important too.

    8.4.2006 16:56 #20

  • Ludikhris

    Bluray will have a difference on regular TVs but if you want to actually experience it full force you need an HDTV.

    8.4.2006 17:02 #21

  • lxhotboy

    I know we have enough maturity to here to know the ps3 will not in excess of $600 US dollars. I am guessing the ps3 will drop for $499-$550 here in america. Just a guestimate. I cant be more b.c people are not going to buy it if it is too pricey and sony is not that dumb to shoot themselves in the foot.

    8.4.2006 17:55 #22

  • Persbian

    umm..phantasee..did you just say that PS3 and such are more expensive because of inflation? How much does that mcdonalds burger cost you now? how about that movie ticket? probably a lil more--but 6 times more? c'mon, use ur brain and maybe point to increased functionality / usages..which still only gets u so far. alpacas is right on..which is why i like to stick to the PC and emulate--in a game system you are just paying for a 'mini-pc', which you are then going to buy games, buy controllers, and buy online time for? And, what's more, its gona cost more than 100-200? Screw that. I understand it's a matter of supply and demand and also that they lose money on the systems anyway, but this shit is seriously getting out of hand.

    8.4.2006 19:51 #23

  • lxhotboy

    I must say i agree with you on that one. The price is steadily going up faster than inflation so when is this going to stop. If the 360 dropped for $450 this time then will the next system be $600 or more US dollars. Soon they are going to be at the price of a arcade machine. LOL

    8.4.2006 23:28 #24

  • TigraoZT

    I think that their policy does not apply in that case cause this is not a rumours or speculation...
    But a misunderstood of What the vice president of SCEE sad, just like the news say: "Sony says that the reported price fork from 499 to 599 euros was simply mistranslated or misunderstood. What Fornay meant,..."

    9.4.2006 04:45 #25

  • jmaestro

    Good point, TigraoZT, although I still suppose that this would fall under speculation.

    9.4.2006 05:17 #26

  • mward

    I don' get why people are making a fuss over the price of a video games machine, who really cares what the price of these things are, if you like it you WILL buy it whatever the price is.

    10.4.2006 01:01 #27

  • lxhotboy

    Well i understand what you are saying but you have to think about what you are saying. Do you really think gamers would pay $1000 for a video gaming console??? There is a limit to much a video gaming console could be sold for and still look attractive to consumers.

    10.4.2006 04:40 #28

  • sammorris

    I agree - though a lot of people would extend themselves to a spending vast amounts on a console, a far greater number would probably set themselves a price limit, and I wouldn't mind betting with a lot of these it's below 500 euros.

    10.4.2006 05:24 #29

  • unknown13

    what i dont believe is how people can react in such matter when you all know that the main objective of sony or microsoft is the dollar and nothing else. Your concerns will be answered and believe me when i say sony will try to rip the market first with the price, as there is always the person that will pay the high price in order to say i was one of the firsts to buy it or the hard gamers that will pay anything for the new thrill. when sony finishs with these peoples demand they will reduce the price to the middle man who will pay the 600 to 800 tag, then when their sales start to drop again they will drop the the to the blue collar workers and they would have maDE THEIR PROFIT ALL READY, EVEN WHEN THEY SAY THEY HAVE MADE A LOSS, I JUST CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE SONY WHEN THEY SAY THEY MAKE OR RUN AT A LOSS, REMEBER PEOPLE A COMPANY THAT RUNS ON LOSSES ALL THE TIME WILL GO BANKRUPT. SO THE QUESTION BEGS . IF THEY R RUNNING A LOSS ON THE PS3 WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THE MONEY TO STAY AFLOAT . MY GUESS IS THEY MADE THEIR MONEY FROM INITIAL SALES TO THE DESPERATOES LOL. AND THEY MAKE ENOUGH TO REDUCE TO THE WISHING THEY COULD AFFORD. I DONT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE BY WHAT I SAID. BUT THATS HOW BIG COMPANIES THINK. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AND NOTHING ELSE.

    10.4.2006 15:55 #30

  • phantasee

    I think you forgot a few $.
    But your point is correct, except that by selling at a loss, they can get the console out to more people, who will then spend more on games, which will make them mad cash from all the licensing fees EA and Rare and all those companies have to pay.

    10.4.2006 17:31 #31

  • unknown13

    isnt it funny how the games could cost you 100 dollars yet no one seems to complain about that. i guess priacy is well and living. becareful out there people.

    10.4.2006 20:31 #32

  • Gamerz

    The specs will still be better than my PC, and that cos about $3000. So they do kind of have a point.

    11.4.2006 01:13 #33

  • lxhotboy

    So are you saying that you would pay a $1000 US dollars for a ps3 when it drops???

    11.4.2006 04:59 #34

  • mudearies

    me my self i aint going to pay more than 499$ for ps3 unleast i can buy and play mgs4.

    my bet is ps3 will be 499$ this november and the games will cost 49.99$.

    i can't barely pay for all this ps2 ,psp games im buying lately ,i dont think i cant buy ps3 anytime soon maybe x-mas this year sounds about alright.

    wituout a doubt ps3 is my fv console this new gen ,thanks to the games.

    11.4.2006 08:09 #35

  • sammorris

    The games selection looks good and consequently I'll be up for it eventually. Sony may well be building the PS3 at a loss at first due to the sheer cost of the RSX, Cell and Blu-ray systems. The price of those will come down exponentially however, and I wouldn't mind betting a lot of money goes to sony on their games. Besides, even if it doesn't (and that's unlikely as it is) Sony make steros, TVs and all that other stuff to keep them afloat, but I just know the PS3 won't be a loss leader.

    11.4.2006 08:37 #36

  • Gamerz

    How much I would pay depends on the implementation of the Cell. I read something about how the cell will be used in a variety of Sony products. So your TV could help out with the processing for a BD Recorder which in turn could help with the graphics of your PS3. Though to be honest since it is only a games console and doesn't offer the functionality of a PC, I probably wouldn't buy one straight away.

    The future of technology isn't only in being faster, it is in inder-device communication. Now I am more excited by the idea of if I'm abroad being able to set the World Cup to record on my HTPC, have it stored on my network drive, and download it via VPN to my laptop than I am of being able to load Windows a couple of seconds faster.

    11.4.2006 12:39 #37

  • sammorris

    Well definitely. Loading windows faster is also a lot easier, but that's beside the point. From my perspective we're going to see game memory size on the disc slowly increase, and number of cores being used increase slowly from 1 and 5GB up to 7 and 45GB, to the point where 360 owners will have to suffer inferior gameplay, and thus the 720 will need to be launched a lot earlier than the PS4 to compensate, to the disgust of those who handed yet more of their savings over to Mr. Gates.
    I have nothing against any particular person at Microsoft, not even the president, but I don't like the 360 much, I don't like the company's business practices, and I don't really like the company as a whole. But there we go, they're just my personal prejudices, and despite these I try my best to keep an open mind.
    I must admit, the demo of the 360 I saw today for the 6/7th time still really impresses me, but I still found myself criticising it one way or the other.

    11.4.2006 13:44 #38

  • lxhotboy

    Well we know it is a given that the ps3 will be sold at a loss. Systems will always have to do that when first released. I myself am hoping for a $499 US price but i would be willing to pay up to $550. I dont have a problem coming up with the money but then again how much is too much to pay for a gaming console now days. I have been wondering how the B-ray and DVD thing will workout eventually with the ps3 and xbox360. I know games will not fill up a entire BR Disc for quite sometime if ever at all. I guess if they did start to somehow take advantage off all the storage with the BR disc with games then they could always split the games onto more than one disc for the xbox360 version. I heard Microsoft say that if they release a HDdvd drive it wouldnot be used for gaming. Just the movies.

    11.4.2006 14:36 #39

  • lxhotboy

    If sony is smart they would sit down with a team and figure out how to use a lot of space in the games so that microsoft would have to start using more than one disc. Taking advantage of all the storage space would force microsoft to do something if other developers followed sony's lead with making a game 25 gigs or so. But then how much would sony charge for a game like that. $100??? LOL

    11.4.2006 14:39 #40

  • sammorris

    Quote:but then again how much is too much to pay for a gaming console now days. How long is a piece of string?
    Quote:I know games will not fill up a entire BR Disc for quite sometime if ever at all. Gran Turismo 4 nearly filled a dual-layer disc. I'd imagine the PS3 can take things a lot further than that.
    Quote:But then how much would sony charge for a game like that. $100??? LOL N64 games used to cost that much, and they were 8MB!
    Quote: I heard Microsoft say that if they release a HDdvd drive it wouldnot be used for gaming. Just the movies. As have we all. It's yet more expense anyway.
    Quote:I guess if they did start to somehow take advantage off all the storage with the BR disc with games then they could always split the games onto more than one disc for the xbox360 version.It's what I can see happening, and it'll drive 360 owners Mad.

    11.4.2006 14:50 #41

  • ZippyDSM

    so if by saying its not 500 but more likely above it wont that hurt them as much as not saying anything and it came out higher? *L*

    Well Gameing consoles have gotten more powerfull but they forget people are going to only be willing to spend so much on them,they realy need to balance the cost out,I would rather pay 200 for the console and at max 100 the games and a extra 20-50 for controllers and mem sticks and the like then pay 500 or 400 for the system games that cost nearly 70 and such...

    11.4.2006 16:32 #42

  • sammorris

    Hmm, I don't think Sony can really afford to do that. They may make as much profit in the end, but if some of their big-hitting games go a bit wrong and don't sell very well, that's a lot of loss they're not making up.
    In reality, I don't see the situation being much different from previous consoles. My reckoning?

    12.4.2006 00:55 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    so in the end any system cant change the price field of it and its stuff they are doomed to be what the company thinks it can get away with?
    I can see why the PS3 cant paly with the priceing its the B-R that alone makes the PS3 worth 800 add gameing thats another 200-300 0-o

    12.4.2006 05:58 #44

  • sammorris

    Let's think about it from the point of view of the technology it contains.
    A Blu-ray drive itself would be, about what you say $800.
    The cell is basically three times current dual cores so say $900.
    The RSX is supposedly as good as two 6800 ultras so let's add another $500.
    It also includes pHysx so add another $300.
    The components added up like that come to nearly $3000 when you take the bluetooth controllers etc, so I wouldn't say even $800 would be a raw deal.

    12.4.2006 06:12 #45

  • ZippyDSM

    Very ture,very ture,but its a game system for the most part and thus Sony will get the raw end of the deal untill B R goes mainstream and that wont be for a few more years if at all.

    I guess we are lucky it will be under 600 *L*

    12.4.2006 09:55 #46

  • sammorris

    Mmm, hopefully... I wonder if Sony are reading this...

    12.4.2006 10:14 #47

  • neo1000

    One thing`s for sure,better start saving.

    12.4.2006 11:29 #48

  • sammorris

    I won't be buying one anywhere near the release date anyway, us university-goers aren't the richest of folks.

    12.4.2006 13:19 #49

  • lxhotboy

    Thats what those student loan refund checks are for. LOL

    If they drop the ps3 at $499 then microsoft needs to lower there price with the 360 that comes with all the extras. Either that or start making the 360 with the HD dvd drive and sell it for $499.

    13.4.2006 04:20 #50

  • sammorris

    Quote: Thats what those student loan refund checks are for. LOL Don't, I'm supposed to be getting a new PC in the summer! Quote:microsoft needs to lower there price with the 360 that comes with all the extras.Absolutely right, though a lowered price wouldn't make me want to buy one.

    13.4.2006 04:29 #51

  • ggo70

    Sure Sony will take a loss for the first PS3 produced. The same was true for the first Xbox 360, $321 loss was reported.

    What they don't report is the fact that the cost drops greatly based on the numbers produced and sold. After millions of the Xbox 360's were made and shipped worldwide, the cost is a lot less to produce now than the first Xbox shipped. They probably started to profit after the 10,000th unit sold. Just a guess, but I would like to see the contract signed with the developers and manufacturers.

    These companies are making a fortune. Even with the license and game profits, do the math, no company would profit and survive if the cost of production did not drop for them. The only gamble that these companies take is, on how well the units sell. more they sell = cheaper production cost = more money for all.

    I can't wait for Sony to state the cost and release date for the PS3 at E3 so the people can start to line up and start camping at the stores. Regardless of what Sony states the loss is, the PS3 will sell and they will make a fortune too.

    14.4.2006 10:10 #52

  • ZippyDSM

    nicely said!

    14.4.2006 10:29 #53

  • Real1

    About a week or so after the ps2 came out here I bought it. Along with it I bought a memory card, extra controller and game. It was sooo cool. The game sucked, but we didnt care. We didnt even flinch, too much, at the fact that we just spent almost $900cdn. So as far as the ps3, I'm guessing that no matter how much I piss and moan about the price, I'll end up paying top dollar for it again. But this time, I believe, I'll be getting my moneys worth.

    14.4.2006 16:45 #54

  • sammorris

    And you didn't last time?

    18.4.2006 00:39 #55

  • Real1

    The first ps2...NO. I got my monies worth out of my version 4 which is still running. The first one died 3 times and the following model died twice. I had to pay for replacement, and put up with $ony insisting that I either dropped it constantly or played while in the shower. None were dropped, however our humidity can be very high here summer months. I BELIEVE that with the additions they claim will be included with the ps3, that I will be getting my moneys worth THIS TIME...I hope.

    18.4.2006 02:23 #56

  • ZippyDSM

    its not hard not to,with 12 revisions they messed up a few times,its still rare to ahve a 1-4 version going strong today without any repalcement parts in it.

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    18.4.2006 08:21 #57

  • sammorris

    so where does a SCPH-39003 stand?

    What I Have:
    Athlon XP 3000+ Barton, 1GB RAM, 2x250GB WD Caviar, 1x40GB Diamondmax+8
    MSI MS-6775 KT600, Akasa/Western Digital Caviar 160GB USB
    19" viewsonic G90f+/B (1920x1440), Creative T3000 2.1+Philips MC-70 (total 129W 4.3), Trust 751B 5.1 Headset
    256MB Sapphire X800PRO AGP, Hiper 480W Type R Red PSU
    LG GSA-4163B DL DVD+/-RW RAM, Artec 48x16 DVD-ROM, SuperFLower SF-464T2-S Case
    What I want:

    Athlon64 X2 4200+ Manchester, 2GB RAM, 512MB X1900XT

    Repeat after me... DUAL core CPU, SINGLE Graphics card. That's how computing should be.

    Do you get in the game or play it the way it's meant to be played? I get in the game, it's more fun!

    18.4.2006 08:35 #58

  • ZippyDSM

    its a V7 or V8

    V7 seems to be the hardest longest working,I could be wrong tho.

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    18.4.2006 08:39 #59

  • sammorris

    Hardest longest working?
    What's that mean?
    I've had it since Xmas 2002 and so far no problems

    What I Have:
    Athlon XP 3000+ Barton, 1GB RAM, 2x250GB WD Caviar, 1x40GB Diamondmax+8
    MSI MS-6775 KT600, Akasa/Western Digital Caviar 160GB USB
    19" viewsonic G90f+/B (1920x1440), Creative T3000 2.1+Philips MC-70 (total 129W 4.3), Trust 751B 5.1 Headset
    256MB Sapphire X800PRO AGP, Hiper 480W Type R Red PSU
    LG GSA-4163B DL DVD+/-RW RAM, Artec 48x16 DVD-ROM, SuperFLower SF-464T2-S Case
    What I want:

    Athlon64 X2 4200+ Manchester, 2GB RAM, 512MB X1900XT

    Repeat after me... DUAL core CPU, SINGLE Graphics card. That's how computing should be.

    Do you get in the game or play it the way it's meant to be played? I get in the game, it's more fun!

    18.4.2006 08:43 #60

  • ZippyDSM

    *blink blink*
    damn IQ glitchs....
    v7 seems to be the longest lasting of the lot but the only way to tell a V7 from a V8 is to pull the board *L*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    18.4.2006 08:46 #61

  • sammorris

    Guess I picked the right one then!
    I don't really fancy looking inside just to know the version! If it still works, that seems little short of a miracle...

    What I Have:
    Athlon XP 3000+ Barton, 1GB RAM, 2x250GB WD Caviar, 1x40GB Diamondmax+8
    MSI MS-6775 KT600, Akasa/Western Digital Caviar 160GB USB
    19" viewsonic G90f+/B (1920x1440), Creative T3000 2.1+Philips MC-70 (total 129W 4.3), Trust 751B 5.1 Headset
    256MB Sapphire X800PRO AGP, Hiper 480W Type R Red PSU
    LG GSA-4163B DL DVD+/-RW RAM, Artec 48x16 DVD-ROM, SuperFLower SF-464T2-S Case
    What I want:

    Athlon64 X2 4200+ Manchester, 2GB RAM, 512MB X1900XT

    Repeat after me... DUAL core CPU, SINGLE Graphics card. That's how computing should be.

    Do you get in the game or play it the way it's meant to be played? I get in the game, it's more fun!

    18.4.2006 08:49 #62

  • ZippyDSM

    Mm its been awhile sicne I open upone the board number is ether on the top or the bottom the its on the edge so you dont have to fully dismantel it just take the heatsink screws out around the mobo and open it up alittle.but if its working I wouldnt *L*

    I have a brain...I think......

    Windows Vister
    I dub thee vister untill thee can prove thyself.

    I aint the brightest bulb around but I can feel my way in the dark...

    I fuzzy braind mew =0_o=

    18.4.2006 08:53 #63

  • sammorris

    Don't worry I'm not going to!

    What I Have:
    Athlon XP 3000+ Barton, 1GB RAM, 2x250GB WD Caviar, 1x40GB Diamondmax+8
    MSI MS-6775 KT600, Akasa/Western Digital Caviar 160GB USB
    19" viewsonic G90f+/B (1920x1440), Creative T3000 2.1+Philips MC-70 (total 129W 4.3), Trust 751B 5.1 Headset
    256MB Sapphire X800PRO AGP, Hiper 480W Type R Red PSU
    LG GSA-4163B DL DVD+/-RW RAM, Artec 48x16 DVD-ROM, SuperFLower SF-464T2-S Case
    What I want:

    Athlon64 X2 4200+ Manchester, 2GB RAM, 512MB X1900XT

    Repeat after me... DUAL core CPU, SINGLE Graphics card. That's how computing should be.

    Do you get in the game or play it the way it's meant to be played? I get in the game, it's more fun!

    18.4.2006 10:42 #64

  • qwerty40

    i was wondering how a v12 stands as in quality cause i see you guys talking about v7s and v4 lasting pretty long. the v12 i have was the first edition of the slimline

    26.4.2006 20:25 #65

  • ZippyDSM

    From the research I did and from asking everyone that has one its pretty soild the only reason why I didnt go ga ga for a slimeline not alot of mod chips for it at the time,I think it might have a sodlerless one now not sure,I am happy with my V7 I guess *L* at least enough not to put another 100 and soemthing into it *L*

    26.4.2006 20:40 #66

  • sammorris

    I heard the first slim was a bit problematic, but it lasts longer tha the early originals.

    27.4.2006 03:15 #67

  • qwerty40

    ok thats good to hear so at least ill be set till the ps3 becomes affordable. haha its gonna take a long time till that happens though.

    27.4.2006 18:26 #68

  • ZippyDSM

    It seems anything early with the PS2 it had one issues or another 0_o ,I hope and pray the PS3 has less ,altho I soemhow dout it *L*
    Altho this timeit dosent feel like they are rushing so mabye it wont have many issues in any case sicne I have a PS2 I dout I will get a PS3 in the frist year,you know its funny as off balanced as the 360 is I would have been happy to get one if it had full backwords compailty out of the box 0_o I gues with all the issues it had from the start I am glad I didnt get one,the new revised version seems to be the one to watch I hope they get all the bugs coughqauiltycoughcontrolcough out of the hardware its a ok system.

    27.4.2006 19:59 #69

  • sammorris

    Sony have learnt from the rather iffy M$ launch and realise that the console needs to be properly finished before release, so I'm hoping that should result in fewer issues. No issues is expecting the impractical, but it should be a smoother launch, plus they can get a few more off the production line too, without a two month gap.

    28.4.2006 11:13 #70

  • ZippyDSM

    I hope so..but much like US voters short memoires they have >< ah well I am in no hurry the 360 ismore or less disspointing and the PS3 wont ahve enough worth while games on it for 2 years after launch so eh...I can wait *L*

    28.4.2006 12:14 #71

  • sammorris

    It won't have enough worthwhile games until 2 years after launch? Wow, you're not easy to impress are you???

    28.4.2006 12:40 #72

  • ZippyDSM

    Like I say I am a jaded Old shcool gamer,most new games lack quailty and are not as fun as some older games are,it would be great if they focused on quailty but I dout it,I can take that time and fill out my current gen game selection andmabye try and start filing out my 32 and 16 bit collections ^^

    28.4.2006 15:06 #73

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