Microsoft sets price for Zune

Microsoft sets price for Zune
Microsoft Corp. on Thursday revealed that its upcoming Zune digital music player will retail at the same price as Apple's market-dominating iPod; even though its need to compete with the iPod pricewise may see the world's largest software maker lose money this holiday season.

"We had to look at what was in the market and offer a competitive price," said Scott Erickson, Microsoft's senior director of product marketing for Zune. "We're not going to be profitable this holiday but the Zune project is a multiyear strategy."

Once on sale on November 14, Microsoft's 30gb Zune will cost $249.99, only 99 cents more than the 30gb iPod. Also, songs on the Zune Marketplace, Microsoft's online digital music store, will cost 99 cents - the same price as Apple's iTunes Store, which currently leads the market for 'legal' online digital music downloads.

The Zune, manufactured by Japanese electronics maker Toshiba, faces a tough challenge against an iPod brand which has been around for five years and has sold millions of units worldwide on its way to the summit of the mp3 player market. But it will pack a few feature advantages over its Apple-branded rival, such as wireless connectivity, an integrated FM radio, as well as a large three-inch screen.

Microsoft also said that a subscription pass for its music service will be charged at $14.99 a month, allowing users to listen to any of the 2 million-plus tracks it pledges will be available on the Zune Marketplace at launch. However, once the pass expires, consumers will no longer be able to access the songs.

If one wants to actually own a song, then the Zune Marketplace will sell tracks for 79 Microsoft points. A user can buy 80 Microsoft points for $1 and and points will also be redeemable at its online video game store, Xbox Live Marketplace.

Reuters Canada

Written by: Ben Reid @ 28 Sep 2006 15:48
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  • Venom5880

    It's sad...

    I like the hardware but all the DRM keeps me from ever getting one.

    28.9.2006 16:00 #1

  • gogochar

    HAHAHA! Ain't gettin' one!

    28.9.2006 16:04 #2

  • borhan9

    I would not go near DRM hardware also the wireless is not all that its supposed to b because u can only send file across and not resend it, which is kinda crapp in my book.

    28.9.2006 16:38 #3

  • SovMish

    the screen looks pretty hot though.

    28.9.2006 18:39 #4

  • xyqo

    Sweet!!!! still not getting one any time soon though

    28.9.2006 19:48 #5

  • sam1dog

    5 years to late. Ipod owns

    28.9.2006 20:45 #6

  • oofRome

    I think I'll get new shocks for my vehicle in the meantime.

    mp3 player is back on the waiting list

    28.9.2006 21:55 #7

  • Lethal_B

    Quote:Microsoft also said that a subscription pass for its music service will be charged at $14.99 a month, allowing users to listen to any of the 2 million-plus tracks it pledges will be available on the Zune Marketplace at launch. However, once the pass expires, consumers will no longer be able to access the songs. Geez, don't know if I fancy paying out 15 dollars a month to 'rent' music..

    28.9.2006 23:33 #8

  • ZippyDSM

    Mmmmmm online priceing schemes are pretty bad and msotly high,for a basic premium at the code breaker frums where you can actualy ask for new codes is 9 for 3 months or 30 a year,IGN has one of the most WTF setups at 6-40 a MONTH 0-o
    oy vay......look at MMOs they are going up almost a buck every year or 2 and yet don't offer a limited time package for players that don't play 24/7 ..... alot of things are in need of a price war,insurance and prestriction drugs.....

    29.9.2006 00:25 #9

  • slink

    I'm actaully considering one of these they look pretty cool but i'm getting the feeling you cant add music which you already own and gotta buy everything brand new is this true?

    29.9.2006 05:23 #10

  • Ripper

    Knowing microsoft then yeah probably LOL

    29.9.2006 07:15 #11

  • Mr-Movies

    I might try one of these but will not keep it if it doesn't work and sound good. I would think the iPod cult would think it's pretty and get on board but that is why they are a cult isn't it. I tried the SanDisk just recently but was not impressed with the e270 6GB player, even though it's PRETTY, and returned it promptly.

    I wonder if you can backup the HDD and replace it yourself on any of these types of players. The HDD will go if you bang the unit around eventually so it would be nice to protect your investment.

    As to DRM there isn't many systems that DON'T have DRM it them and those who are worried about that most probably have a system with DRM so that isn't a good basis to repute a product and I as well don't like DRM.

    I don't believe you have to buy into their crummy online subscription, nor would I.

    29.9.2006 09:41 #12

  • GrayArea

    "...DRM...isn't a good basis to repute a product..."

    I disagree. MS Zune DRM is imposing a 3 plays or 3 day "life" on ALL files that are transfered via wireless interface REGARDLESS of copyright status. Creative Commons, Public Domain, it doesn't matter. After 3 plays or 3 days the files are unplayable. That is just totally wrong. IMHO don't buy one.

    29.9.2006 11:47 #13

  • voyager

    "Yeah"! and this is stupid i have my files,the music i buy,that is legal,and did you mean that i can transfer to my Zune?will be only playable during 3 days?...and after 3 days will be unplayable?..."My own music"?...But only DRM files?

    29.9.2006 12:34 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    so they turned "MUSIC" into a battery you have to take and recharge for a small fee?

    think about it............................soon they wil be charged for the air you breath.....

    29.9.2006 12:40 #15

  • voyager

    I have many files in MP3 format that are not DRM so i think that those files can be transfer without problems,"i guest"!

    29.9.2006 12:46 #16

  • wolf123

    I want too know how they can do that what do they do put some kind of ultra high sound in the music that says its been copied more then once.

    29.9.2006 20:08 #17

  • punx777

    i dont understand why everyone is compaining..... its the same thing as an ipod, only gives you the options for other online music stores.

    (quote)It's sad...

    I like the hardware but all the DRM keeps me from ever getting one.(/quote)

    how is it diffent from an ipod, fine dont get one!

    (quote)I'm actaully considering one of these they look pretty cool but i'm getting the feeling you cant add music which you already own and gotta buy everything brand new is this true?(/quote)

    no this is not at all true

    (quote)"Yeah"! and this is stupid i have my files,the music i buy,that is legal,and did you mean that i can transfer to my Zune?will be only playable during 3 days?...and after 3 days will be unplayable?..."My own music"?...But only DRM files?(/quote)

    no this isnt true, this is for the song sharing feature over wifi, which allows you to share your songs with your friends

    so they turned "MUSIC" into a battery you have to take and recharge for a small fee?

    think about it............................soon they wil be charged for the air you breath.....(/quote)

    this is just another option that appeals to people, its the same thing as "napster to go" and "yahoo unlimited" all easily cracked by a litle proggy called "Tunebite"

    Im personally excited about this, i know im the only one, but its got a nice screen and the GUI is slick as hell.....i hate apple and so i would never buy anything of theirs.

    29.9.2006 20:44 #18

  • ZippyDSM

    if the feature of the 3 day/3 play limit is on the share over wifi ,then its not that bad.
    altho it wont stop people from shareing music on flash drives and cds and such.....

    29.9.2006 20:55 #19

  • cappyx

    why would i want this when i could have a sirius stilletto?

    30.9.2006 02:38 #20

  • damo_red

    i have an ipod. it plays my mp3s. its not full. why buy another one.

    unless is breaks of course, the radio isent a bad gismo. but i dont want to swap my music, and i would perfer to listen to music then watch movies etc on the move.

    30.9.2006 02:51 #21

  • pcaddict

    Its more of a protected DRM file player than a MP3 player. An alternate solution is to switch back to a portable cd or casette walkman sort of thing. No protections.

    30.9.2006 03:10 #22

  • ZippyDSM

    dose'nt creative make DRMless players?

    30.9.2006 03:15 #23

  • nitrous3

    who would get this?

    30.9.2006 05:03 #24

  • flyingv

    GL to Microsoft on this one. As I've said in previous post, can't they make enough money on the products they already have flooded the market with?!!!

    30.9.2006 11:10 #25

  • adrian089

    creative does make mp3 players that pretty much all u do is drag and drop the mp3s but i dont think anything they have plays videos, i had a 40gb creative nomad but after 1 drop in its protective case the hd broke and it was enormous often mistaken for a cassette player

    30.9.2006 11:35 #26

  • ZippyDSM

    how long before creative makes a vid/media player,even they see a large niche market for non DRM players.

    30.9.2006 11:45 #27

  • rickster9

    Mcft's deal isn't any different than Apples / Napsters/ or any of the other online services. Like it or not folks, it seems that some form of encryption for music purchases online is here. Perhaps the new Vivaldi/Univeral site when up and running in Nov will change it, but I'm not counting on a company that sells music to be in a hurry to change the rules. With the mcft deal you have a can rent music for $15/month or buy tracks at $1 / track...but you do have a choice; it's not one or the other.

    As for the player, it's a tough market out there. Sure I have a few Ipods, but I can say that their colour screens are terrible compared to the latest competition - didn't really matter when they were just music players, but with video, the apples just suck - even the new 5.5 generation (they tried to tweak the settings but the hardware is the same).

    Will mcft succeed? It depends...I for one, won't ever buy another Ipod...the battery issue has never been solved and I've been forced to buy a new ipod every 1 1/2 or so (the cost of replacement or apple care is just too expensive can buy a new one for just a few extra buxx). And, you are pretty much forced into using ITunes...the latest 7 version being so buggy that people are losing their legit music purchases - so you are forced to go to products like Anapod, Xplay and the like.

    Will I buy Zune or another mcft offering? Guess it depends on how they stack up against the other players out there when the time comes.

    PS: The holiday season won't be profitable my ass....they aren't discounting Zune, and the online store at say $1 / track is something apple makes $$ on. So if they are in it for the long term (and not looking to recover their development costs in one month lol), it will work...just imagine the marketing opportunity...get a free Zune with every purchase of Vista Ultimate.

    30.9.2006 12:46 #28

  • wolf123

    Does anyone know how tyhey copy protect the music

    30.9.2006 13:25 #29

  • ZippyDSM

    Some pitaful DRM that will be "FIXED" in acuple months after its release.....

    30.9.2006 13:26 #30

  • voyager

    Well i think that withtunebite,only $19.90,problem resolved.
    I really like the design of Zune and i want more storage my ipod is almost full.

    30.9.2006 15:19 #31

  • punx777

    IT PLAYS UNPROTECTED WMA AND MP3 quit acting like it doesnt

    Quote:dose'nt creative make DRMless players?what on earth doest that mean? all of creatives players are DRM Wma compatible. THIS IS A GOOD THING, it gives everybody the option of playing music bought LEAGALLY from online stores, or music to rent online stores. such as yahoo, real, [urge].... JUST LIKE THE ZUNE
    Quote:who would get this?me
    how long before creative makes a vid/media player,even they see a large niche market for non DRM players
    they already have several !

    Zen vision M, Zen vision W (wide screen, very slick) and the zen Neon 2 ( i think there may actually be more)

    Quote:Does anyone know how tyhey copy protect the musicas far as anybody knows, it is the same DRM used in yahoo music unlimited and real, which is simply a DrM'd WMA, which is easily fixed by several proggys, including TUNEBITE

    30.9.2006 19:55 #32

  • ZippyDSM


    we got pawned ><

    So this play's DRM and non DRM mp3s?

    30.9.2006 19:58 #33

  • emachine

    Yeah dude idk about that 15 bucks a month and you can't even use it after u bought it. Thats some gayness for me 2 buy this instead of ipod it wouldn't need 2 be 1. cheaper 2. cheaper music dls.

    30.9.2006 20:14 #34

  • bullet159

    I hate apple so the zune should turn out to be wonderful

    1.10.2006 03:01 #35

  • desosav

    i agree with punx777....
    come on guys it's like an ipod, but also has some extras and some of them have their limitations..
    It does nothing less than an ipod...

    the reason why so many people are against zune, is because it's a MS product... grow up dudes

    1.10.2006 05:13 #36

  • voyager

    Not me desovac,i like bcuz is a Microsoft product and i know is completely XB360 compatible only that i have my doubts.
    look at this:
    Hot Zune Specs
    contributed by Zunetastic
    in Zune Forums
    Rumored Specs & Features

    ● might have a 400MHz DSP processor
    ● might have Xbox Live Anywhere integration.
    ● Microsoft will try to buy your way out of iTunes
    ● might be like a..."A Microsoft portable gaming system"
    ● run a program called "Windows Mobile" <<See Windows Mobile below
    ● has the ability to download movies
    ● be able to Wireless connect to the Xbox for exporting music.
    ● have reduced battery life (6 hours max, and a little less than a hour when WiFi is turned on)
    ● User-Customizable Wallpaper skins
    ● probably feature a accessory such as a mini keyboard
    ● be used Vertically, except for widescreen movies.
    ● allows you to stream music to up to 4 other Zune devices.
    ● MIGHT (slim chance) have XM or Sirius satellite services built in.
    ● might have VoIP capabilities<<<See "VoIP" below for definition
    ● might be available in 2 additional colors at launch
    ● might feature anti-shock hard drives and software << See below for def.
    ● release date might be as early as October
    ● Microsoft to ship 3,000,000 units in 2006
    ● Future Zune products may compete with Shuffle, Gameboy, PSP and tablet PC’s
    ● Li-Ion battery
    ● Preloaded audio and video content
    ● Toshiba will manufacture first gen Zune hardware
    ● Zune will be launched in '06, most likely Nov. 14
    ● WiFi (802.11 b/g) connectivity
    ● 30 Giga-Byte Hard Drive
    ● available in 3 different colors, black, brown (chocolate), and white
    ● magnetic headphones.
    ● LCD high resolution screen, the screen is 3.75 inches diagonal
    ● built-in FM radio tuner
    ● TV output connectivity
    ● dedicated song download site
    ● DJ Mode (broadcast what you are listening to)
    ● wheel is NOT a wheel it is simply 4 button (up, down, left right)
    ● Zune brand will eventually include multiple entertainment devices


    VoIP: Also know as Voice over Internet Protocol is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or through any other IP-based network in such case of WiFi.

    Windows Mobile: Windows Mobile is a compact operating system combined with a suite of basic applications for mobile devices based on the Microsoft Win32 API. Devices which run Windows Mobile include Pocket PCs, Smartphones, and Portable Media Centers. It is designed to be somewhat similar to desktop versions of Windows.

    Anti-Shock: A common software and integrated into the hard drive to help prevent the crash of your hard drive. By detecting sudden movements (similar to dropping the Zune) the software will automatically kick in and help “cushion” the fall by placing the hard drive into a low battery use state, so if it is to have bad effects they wont be as bad cause its as if it's almost off.
    Go to this link there are some videos and scrrenshots in the factory building Zune.

    1.10.2006 08:45 #37

  • ZippyDSM

    I thought MS was going to bend of for the RIAA like they did for the movie industry for vista,so long story short its just a true Ipod clone.

    that is if the 360 is working :P

    the 360 and PS3 have left me cold,altho the 360 at least is loking up right now the new 65n new revisions will be out soonish :3

    1.10.2006 08:51 #38

  • voyager

    did you check the Zune teaser ..(new Zune teaser)
    what is the meaning of those birds burning in this new Zune teaser video?

    "360 at least is loking up right now the new 65n new revisions will be out soonish"
    what is this 65n?

    1.10.2006 08:59 #39

  • ZippyDSM

    there goign with the 65N CPU and a slight mobo redesign its the first revision almost a mini overhaul :3

    and the 360 needs one badly this has always been number 3 to me bad hardware 1 is BWC and 2 is games ,and to think they could kil 2 birds with ne stone doing full bwc....oh well its to late I already got a Xbox.

    1.10.2006 09:02 #40

  • punx777

    Quote:did you check the Zune teaser ..(new Zune teaser)
    what is the meaning of those birds burning in this new Zune teaser video?
    i love this video! its so much cooler then shadows dancing haha

    1.10.2006 13:38 #41

  • emachine

    Future Zune products may compete with Shuffle, Gameboy, PSP and tablet PC’s

    I don't thinks so......

    1.10.2006 17:45 #42

  • punx777

    the oragami is on its way, which i believe is just a umpc, and there is talk of a psp rival/portable xbox i belive.

    1.10.2006 21:22 #43

  • mystic

    everyone should slow down and look around for other manufactures that offer music players or pmp's so your choices go up korea has been flooding the market with some of the newest toys on their pmp's like G.P.S. ans fm radio that records the songs to internal hdd's as mp3's along with other non-dmr advantages... my I-station from digital cube rocks and it ran me $200.00 usd for the unit along with extra battery and it plays DivX avi's mp3's games and stores photos comes with a dictionary and acts like a fire wire drive when plugged it to an apple on the usb cable its way kewler then an Ipod at half the cost... and its 30bg hdd holds 35 movies or 7000 songs see its all about how much do you need to do what.. how about someone builds one that that will play all nedia not just one kind like Itunes howabout one that plays linux apple and microsoft files all one one then throw a cam on it and you have the world at your finger tips... because it'll be your namebrand in hand not theirs.....

    2.10.2006 06:14 #44

  • paullycee

    ouch u deleted all my loverly spam :(

    2.10.2006 19:11 #45

  • punx777

    get the hell out of here, this is not a marketplace and nobody wants to hear it. TAKE IT TO EBAY

    2.10.2006 19:44 #46

  • voyager

    .....??? Why this marketplace here what's the deal with Zune?

    3.10.2006 00:35 #47

  • borhan9

    Why is this guy spaming everywhere.

    Can a mod please deal with this guys stupidity.

    3.10.2006 03:07 #48

  • voyager

    WOW! nice go to the link there was a contest at Engadget:

    24.11.2006 02:02 #49

  • msitarski

    Hopefuly prices drop over time.

    24.11.2006 11:33 #50

  • CJMcPhee

    What are the new product and product reviews and quotes does Microsoft uses? If I want to do my games now I start it with a bang, from my favorite were I bought my headset and audio appliances.

    3.7.2009 11:45 #51

  • CJMcPhee

    That sure is something,. But am happy with my gadgets right now, I bought them at stuffs are great for gamers and professional gamers alike.

    Christopher John

    17.7.2009 16:37 #52

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