Console makers respond to NPD figures

Console makers respond to NPD figures
Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have all had their personal response to the NPD figures for February hardware and software sales, which showed Nintendo's Wii as the dominating console in the United States. Nintendo wasted no time in issuing a press release about the 335,000 Wii units and 485,000 DS units sold, accounting for 54% of (gaming) hardware sales for the month.

Nintendo also pointed out that of the four best selling games, three were for Nintendo systems. Microsoft responded to the figures by pointing out that the title Crackdown for the Xbox 360, was the best selling for the month. The company also said that an average of 5.4 games were sold to each Xbox 360 owner, compared to PlayStation 3's ratio of 2.3, and the Wii's rate of 2.8. Microsoft claimed that at the same point in the Xbox 360's lifespan, the attach rate was 3.8.

As for Sony, the company compared the month against February 2006, and told GameSpot that it brought in 67% more retail dollars in February 2007. "The PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5 percent of total sales," a representative said.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 18 Mar 2007 19:10
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  • BobbyBlu

    Quote:Microsoft responded to the figures by pointing out that the title Crackdown for the Xbox 360, was the best selling for the month. The company also said that an average of 5.4 games were sold to each Xbox 360 owner, compared to PlayStation 3's ratio of 2.3, and the Wii's rate of 2.8. Microsoft claimed that at the same point in the Xbox 360's lifespan, the attach rate was 3.8.Somebody lying either Microsoft or Nintendo,but knowing Microsoft track record i bet its them.PS3 only had two games come out in FEB Sonic & VF5.I would like to see March numbers when april comes.I'm willing to bet it going to be a totally different story no game going to out sale GOW2 this month or next.

    18.3.2007 21:43 #1

  • handsom

    I'm sure GoW2 is going to be a hit; but it wasn't really that big of a chart topper. The early Tomb Raider games had a much stronger resounding sales high than it did. But we haven't really had a big 'smash hit' like that lately, there was Halo2 a few years ago; even San Andreas wasn't that big, when it comes to dominating sales charts. Clearly, one title doesn't make a lineup, except for rare, almost yearly events. I don't believe that GoW2 is that event. Maybe GoW3 on the PS3; but that's kind of pushing it. Halo3 might be that event, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

    Every company has their own way to look at the numbers, and appear stronger than they are; it looks good for share holders. "Yeah, but we're doing a lot better than the month before, because one of our games is selling like crazy!" and "Our sales are up 67%" are great strategies for a company to use. Sure, they don't reflect real numbers, because it's hard to do worse than January sales(Sales are low right after Christmas) so yes, sales are probably up in February. If your new game releases then, it probably is doing okay; because it's one of the only major titles this time of year. It's not incorrect, it's just not a full picture.

    NPD is great at getting figures that show a FULL picture. Unfortunately, when you are Sony or MS, and you're not looking all that hot -you'd rather publish a skewed number that only reflects your success, It's just normal business practice. Nintendo was doing it too with the gamecube; they don't need to right now because they're still doing tremendously well with the Wii and the DS.

    I don't blame the companies for hyper-focusing on their successes; but it doesn't change that the market is bad this time of year...

    19.3.2007 07:45 #2

  • kabledog

    Originally posted by handsom:because it's hard to do worse than January sales(Sales are low right after Christmas).........
    .........................but it doesn't change that the market is bad this time of year...
    Can't really tell this to Nintendo or by their numbers can you?

    19.3.2007 09:41 #3

  • handsom

    LOL; no, you can't. But that goes to show, that a truly killer new product can brave the worst lulls in the industry. Being able to produce such an original feeling new experience, for a fraction of your competition certainly qualfies for that, whether you like Nintendo or not; but I guess that's why I've got one sitting on top of my entertainment center right now, isn't it? ^.^

    The fact that Nintendo is the only company actually making money per system sold, rather than trying to comp it back on the games. Another benchmark in about ten years. Also the first system in a decade to come with a pack in game at launch.

    My explanation is that Nintendo really broke the mold; and that's the only way to do well this time of year.

    Professional Grade Glass Etching - Get your favorite Game/Movie/Anime logos etched into glass, PM me for info.

    19.3.2007 10:14 #4

  • wampired

    Well I have a feeling the Wii is going to do ok this month, as I had to drive 12 miles to pick up the very last copy of Tiger Woods 2007 for the Wii today, all usual shops sold out, and it was released four days ago and thats with a Wii shortage in the UK !

    19.3.2007 13:56 #5

  • club42

    Quote:Every company has their own way to look at the numbers, and appear stronger than they are; it looks good for share holders. "Yeah, but we're doing a lot better than the month before, because one of our games is selling like crazy!" and "Our sales are up 67%" are great strategies for a company to use. Sure, they don't reflect real numbers, because it's hard to do worse than January sales(Sales are low right after Christmas) so yes, sales are probably up in February. If your new game releases then, it probably is doing okay; because it's one of the only major titles this time of year. It's not incorrect, it's just not a full picture. Very well put!

    19.3.2007 16:32 #6

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