Australian PS3 midnight launch event announced

Australian PS3 midnight launch event announced
Sony Computer Entertainment Australia (SCEA) has announced it will hold its official midnight launch event for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console in Sydney's Pitt St Mall. Retailer Myer has teamed up with SCEA for the event. The retailer will set up a big viewing space outside its store and will hold a free public screening of Casino Royale for the gamers waiting to get their hands on a PS3.

The film will be played directly from a PlayStation 3 and will begin at 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22. Sydney radio personality Lizzy Lovett from 2Day FM will be the host for the event and gamers will get a chance to play the PS3 on the big screen and there will also be "PlayStation-themed" giveaways.

Additionally, Myer will provide a free Blu-ray copy of Talladega Nights to the first 100 people who buy a PS3 console (The first 20,000 Australian users to register their PS3s on the PlayStation Network will get a copy of Casino Royale). The 60GB version of the console will be available for purchase for A$999.95 from March 23rd.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 18 Mar 2007 19:21
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  • killa85rz

    Yay can’t wait
    I pre ordered mine few weeks back at Myers. Bought a Xbox 360 and it over heated so I took it back for a ps3 pre order. Well worth the $999.95 price tag when you consider the blu ray player. Don’t know what game to get yet either resistance or motorstorm. Anyone know what one has better online play?


    18.3.2007 20:07 #1

  • plutonash

    Are u f'ken serious calm the hell down no 1 wants this thing.

    18.3.2007 20:57 #2

  • BobbyBlu

    Quote:Are u f'ken serious calm the hell down no 1 wants this thing.
    Not everyone see things your way so you need to chill & respect his opinion.Weather you like it or not PS3 is selling regardless of how you or i feel so have some class.

    Microsoft: Ps3 cant do 60fps on 1080p. Guess what they were WRONG!!!!!
    (11/19/05 - 9/19/06) Microsoft: Sony's 1080p support on PS3 is all Hype and Not Needed.
    (9/20/06) Microsoft: Xbox 360 to add 1080p support.

    18.3.2007 21:35 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Sold in the night,for its shunned in the light...hehehehehe

    19.3.2007 03:39 #4

  • gozilla

    Quote:Are u f'ken serious calm the hell down no 1 wants this thing.killa85rz wants want one. :p

    i'd like one.

    so there you go, there are two people on the planet that would like a PS3.

    Please to prevent a flame war, don't take this comment seriously

    19.3.2007 03:58 #5

  • wasprider

    I have a wii and love it. I plan on getting a ps3 in the future. Also a 360 so I can play Halo.

    19.3.2007 05:40 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by wasprider:I have a wii and love it. I plan on getting a ps3 in the future. Also a 360 so I can play Halo.I need a "2nd wii" 0-o

    I am waiting on MS to update the 360.

    As for the PS3 in time yes but for now NO.

    19.3.2007 05:46 #7

  • Hopium

    lmao @ online play on the ps3. first spend you $1000 and another $50 for a bluetooth headset, and then another 50 hours trying to enjoy resistance online cause its garbage. second i traded my ps3 in on another one cause it overheated. so far not a single game has impressed me on my ps3 besides god of war 2 which is a ps2 game, it took me 30 tries to play god of war on it though cause it kept telling me to connect a duelshock controller. also buy a ps3 now before they remove the emotion engine and ship with cheaper chips. if you wanna play online stick with the 360 if you want something besides hardcore action games buy a ps3. if you want girls to come back to your apartment buy a wii. or do like i did and buy all 3 :D

    19.3.2007 06:50 #8

  • ZippyDSM

    I have not heard of the PS3 having major issues with hardware,these things take time to come to a head,so waiting a year or 2 is a good way to save money and frustration!

    19.3.2007 07:05 #9

  • Hopium

    if you wait a year you won't get the Emotion backwards compatabilty engines, ps3 is going ways of emulation like the 360 to play old games so it would mean less support of older games. also its bad to buy first gen consoles cause of hardware ect bugs whatever. but in the ps3 case its not cause they are already start to cheap it down with cheaper cell processors and dirt cheap blue diodes.

    19.3.2007 07:14 #10

  • handsom

    I'm surprised to see that $ony left australians out for this long, we've had these for about four months, and japan is what, around six months now? I thought we waited a good while. And the UK seems to get the shaft on this stuff too.

    I know there's a delay, but geeze.

    19.3.2007 07:57 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by handsom:I'm surprised to see that $ony left australians out for this long, we've had these for about four months, and japan is what, around six months now? I thought we waited a good while. And the UK seems to get the shaft on this stuff too.

    I know there's a delay, but geeze.
    Delays,price hikes,soul stealign go hand in hand with raping and pillaging the corporate horde dose so well ^^

    19.3.2007 09:35 #12

  • Hopium

    Delays,price hikes,soul stealign go hand in hand with raping and pillaging the corporate horde dose so well ^^

    19.3.2007 11:05 #13

  • neo1000

    Well i`d like to get my hands on a ps3 too but it won`t happend in a near future, maybe when price drops for now i`ll keep playing with my wii(the console).

    19.3.2007 11:17 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    Delays,price hikes,soul stealign go hand in hand with raping and pillaging the corporate horde dose so well ^^
    well it is the corporate way ^^

    BTW I am keeping a eye on used PS3s so I can get a "real" one. ^^

    But frankly a 70%+ emulation rate ain't half bad,its already better than the 360s emu 0_o

    19.3.2007 11:25 #15

  • gozilla

    Quote:if you wait a year you won't get the Emotion backwards compatabilty engines, ps3 is going ways of emulation like the 360 to play old games so it would mean less support of older games.the ps3 released in the UK/Europe and AUS already have backwards compatibility done through software instead of hardware.

    19.3.2007 14:22 #16

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