Apple to ship 4 million iPhones by end of 07

Apple to ship 4 million iPhones by end of 07
According to a new report by Merrill Lynch, Apple is ready to sell more iPhones then they originally anticipated. The analyst group has estimated that to start, production will be at about 200,000 to 300,000 per month and then gradually increase until production hits 1 million in December. That would result in 4 million units being produced by the end of 2007 and after prduction levels, about 12 million being shipped during 2008.

In January, at the Macworld conference, Steve Jobs said he hoped to sell a total of 10 million phones by the end of 2008, a number far lower than Merril Lynch's predictions.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 Jun 2007 12:12
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  • rihgt682

    Unless they drop that price, NO

    1.6.2007 18:57 #1

  • i1der

    launch this amazing phone already!!!!!! i hope this will be available to T-mobile (US) soon...

    1.6.2007 19:36 #2

  • borhan9

    I just wanna know the price im tired of all the hype. I hope its worth all the hype. My question is this phone durable. All my phones that i have had have been strong as an ox. I hope this one would be the same if i decide to get one. I have a feeling thogh the price will be the stumbling block :)

    1.6.2007 23:24 #3

  • rihgt682

    bor they released the price awhile ago. $500 4gb $600 8gb

    1.6.2007 23:40 #4

  • borhan9

    Originally posted by rihgt682:bor they released the price awhile ago. $500 4gb $600 8gbThanxs man :)

    Well for that price im not going near it till it drops.

    2.6.2007 00:13 #5

  • Unfocused

    4 Million! So much for a unique phone that nobody else has. While the price tag is high, that never stopped the iPod from being scooped up by all of the sheeple.

    19.7.2007 19:13 #6

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