Wii Virtual Console to reach 100 game milestone

Wii Virtual Console to reach 100 game milestone
Nintendo is set to add another few games to the Wii Virtual Console service on Monday, including Zelda II, which will bring the total number of games on offer through the service to over 100. In over six months since the console launched, the service has served about 4.7 million downloads or about 16 downloads a minute on average since November 19 last year.

Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario World, and The Legend of Zelda are the top five games to be downloaded (in order). Microsoft's Xbox 360 has well over 100 Xbox Live Arcade titles on offer, leaving Sony trailing with just a few downloads available from the PlayStation Store. Sony does not yet update its service on a weekly basis like Microsoft or Nintendo.

The Wii still remains the only home console on the market without games that offer online multiplayer however, and it is rumored he Wii's online gaming service won't be finished development until next year. "Beyond the Wii Shop Channel, all types of people are getting connected and checking out the information and entertainment options available on the Wii Menu," said Nintendo marketing VP, George Harrison.

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Written by: James Delahunty @ 1 Jun 2007 19:11
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  • borhan9

    I knew their was a good reason for waiting till i get this console.

    1.6.2007 23:26 #1

  • ZippyDSM

    teh VC is rather pitiful wanting 10$ for a game you might already have and then offer no support for the wiimote, come on people I want to remap out the wii mote and numbcuck and play thos old games!

    2.6.2007 00:06 #2

  • SProdigy

    Zippy, why do you always have a problem with pricing for everything? :-) I have a feeling even if everything sold were half price, you would still want it cheaper!

    Just wanted to note that the N64 games are the most expensive, around $10. All the other games are cheaper, especially the NES ones (which they should be!)

    2.6.2007 03:39 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by SProdigy:Zippy, why do you always have a problem with pricing for everything? :-) I have a feeling even if everything sold were half price, you would still want it cheaper!

    Just wanted to note that the N64 games are the most expensive, around $10. All the other games are cheaper, especially the NES ones (which they should be!)
    the 5$ is still a bit much but more reasonable than 10$.

    If you liked being nickeled and dimmed to death be my guess buy 2 of everythign new I'll stick to push for lower pricing :P

    Besides if they sold twice as much or more for half the price it all works out in the end , high prices(and suck products)=piracy :P

    Speaking of high prices I need to sell my soul and preorder the limit edition of bio shock >> damn you EB/GS......at least gettign it from GS is not gettign it directly from EB...LOL

    2.6.2007 03:45 #4

  • navi1199

    Quote:he market without games that offer online multiplayer however, and it is rumored he Wii's online gaming service won't be finished development until next yearThats funny, cause the first online multiplayer game is pokemon and thats coming out this summer...

    2.6.2007 08:13 #5

  • DMW

    Isn't the new Mario Strikers: Charged Football game on-line?

    Must admit 10$ seems a bit much for an old game really, but if they keep selling I can't see them dropping the price just yet.

    2.6.2007 08:58 #6

  • aone

    i want a multiplayer game where your mii can run around and kill other miis. :) teehee cute.

    2.6.2007 09:42 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by DMW:Isn't the new Mario Strikers: Charged Football game on-line?

    Must admit 10$ seems a bit much for an old game really, but if they keep selling I can't see them dropping the price just yet.

    if they added wii mote and numb chuck support and 2 player online support then it would be worth every penny but right now its not better than emulation and it refuses to look and see what it can improve on to make itself better.

    2.6.2007 12:14 #8

  • mododaz

    wtf im sorry but t3h wii can go online and watch youtube videos send emails play flash games and it's got a online game

    3.6.2007 11:22 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by mododaz:wtf im sorry but t3h wii can go online and watch youtube videos send emails play flash games and it's got a online gameIf I want to go online I'll use a computer :P

    3.6.2007 11:29 #10

  • aone

    yes but the thrill of navigating with a giant hand....:P

    3.6.2007 20:11 #11

  • borhan9

    Originally posted by aone:yes but the thrill of navigating with a giant hand....:PIf i am mistaken i have one of those attached to my arm :P

    3.6.2007 20:14 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by aone:yes but the thrill of navigating with a giant hand....:PIf i am mistaken i have one of those attached to my arm :PLOL

    the PS3 has a more open net browser dose it not?

    3.6.2007 20:25 #13

  • Unfocused

    $10 is kind of steep for a game that I already paid $50 for and still have.

    19.7.2007 19:11 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Unfocused: $10 is kind of steep for a game that I already paid $50 for and still have.Ya for me the VC and BWC in general on the WII is meek,they want money for it yet wont give you button mapping,save states and speed hacks and oteh features found in normal emulation that with the 2-4X price on the games and limited number of them they should build a add on to play it, but then they do not care about older consumers who might own their products...

    19.7.2007 19:21 #15

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