Halo 3 beta ends as a success

Halo 3 beta ends as a success
Today, Microsoft announced that it had concluded its multi-player beta of the upcoming Halo 3 game and noted that it was a huge success which had attracted over 820,000 unique participants and 12 million hours of game play.

Microsoft is now turning its focus towards Halo-related merchandise by allowing pre-orders of accessories such as special edition controllers and headsets. There will also be a special edition Halo Zune and a Marvel comic series by September.

Microsoft and Bungie launched the beta last month and the strain on XBL was huge. Downloads of the beta equaled 350 terabytes of data.

"The participation in the 'Halo 3' beta was staggering,"
said Shane Kim, corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios. "Witnessing such a great reaction to a small portion of the game has been inspiring."

Halo 3 will hit shelves on September 25th.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Jun 2007 17:00
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  • b18bek9

    it was fun why it lasted but i do have to say it does look alot like Halo 2 but i'lll still play an buy it as well...i hope jsut hope the campaign has a good story to it

    13.6.2007 17:22 #1

  • gallagher

    I think the Halo-fan world is divided in two. Those who like the story and those who just like the multiplayer gameplay. I fall into the latter. I wish they would continue to release new boards and allow other gametypes to emerge that use the same controls. There could be a police game, a military game, etc. The various controls are what make Halo unique.

    13.6.2007 17:31 #2

  • fgamer

    With the hype that this game gets it's no surprise to me. I played the beta and to be honest it wasn't the best experience like people are claiming. I guess I'll be more into the single player when it's released.

    13.6.2007 19:11 #3

  • scott2k7

    is this how many people bought crackdown omg!

    13.6.2007 22:59 #4

  • thejammy

    is that the offical case of halo? ugly....
    hmmm halo pc is coming too. is that totally new halo, or just Halo2 and some new stuff? in pictures there are some new toys, like flamethrower :P

    13.6.2007 23:33 #5

  • thekingo7

    that flamethrower looks terrible, I hope they change the skins a bit before release.

    14.6.2007 04:53 #6

  • 2f4st4u

    i didnt play the beta but from what i saw on tv it looks really sweet especialy the awesome man cannon that shoots you across the level...;P

    14.6.2007 13:26 #7

  • 2f4st4u

    i didnt play the beta but from what i saw on tv it looks really sweet especialy the awesome man cannon that shoots you across the level...;P

    14.6.2007 13:26 #8

  • diableria

    halo sucks

    15.6.2007 09:17 #9

  • scott2k7

    how does it suck u freak halo is one of the top selling games ever so if it sucks why have so many people bought it?

    15.6.2007 10:11 #10

  • 2f4st4u

    you know what really sucks people who are losers and try to entertain themselves by saying things "suck"......=P

    15.6.2007 13:29 #11

  • scott2k7

    gd idea lol

    my psps lifes
    psp 1:2.0>2.5>2.6 brick
    psp 2(current):2.6>2.80>2.81>2.82>3.03>3.03HEN>1.5>3.03oe-c>1.5(bored lol)>3.03oe-c>3.40oe-c>1.5>3.03oe-c>3.40oe-a>1.5>3.40oe-a>1.5>3.40oe-a

    15.6.2007 14:23 #12

  • wetsparks

    I'll be interested when Halo 2 is "fixed" so that I can play it without getting Vista, same with Halo 3.

    15.6.2007 22:51 #13

  • tehjoker

    Why is everyone so bummed out about this? The Halo 3 beta sucked because it was, to me, the same gameplay and experience as Halo 1 and 2.

    Ya, you could either get the beta through an invite, Crackdown and some other things. But mostly everyone get it through Crackdown.

    Factory 2.6 > 2.71 HEN C/D and Devhook > 2.6 > 2.71 again > 1.50 > 3.02 OE A/B > 1.50 > 3.03 OE A/A2/B/C

    16.6.2007 15:49 #14

  • borhan9

    Thats some hardcore gaming hours :)

    21.6.2007 14:54 #15

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