iPhone hacked, new contract no longer required

iPhone hacked, new contract no longer required
Phone hackers have found a way to unlock the popular Apple iPhone, less than a month after the phone hit retail stores. Currently, the iPhone is unusable without a new 2 year contract with AT&T which costs consumers a minimum of $1400 USD by the time it is over.

A group by the name of iPhone Dev Wiki has found a way to unlock the device so it can be used with any AT&T/Cingular SIM card without the need for a new contract.

“Using iASign, you'll be able to activate existing AT&T and Cingular Sims without signing a new contract,” wrote the hackers on the Wiki page.

“As a side note, we'd like to clarify that we are not even close on giving up the full unlocking, as reported on some websites. We're still up and running, but we won't comment on a possible time line. If the unlocking is possible we'll eventually find it, so stay tuned,”
the Wiki page update concluded.

You can view the details on HackTheiPhone.com.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Jul 2007 15:47
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  • lxfactor

    that will save alot of money.

    19.7.2007 16:32 #1

  • limelight

    So the hack lets you use the phone without a contract...but the phone is $1400??!!


    19.7.2007 16:51 #2

  • sk8flawzz

    ummm limelight no
    the NEW contract required to activate the iPhone would cost the consumer 1400 after 2 years
    the iPhones costs $500 and $600
    so this way you can use an iPhone with your current service account..
    pretty sweet for ATT customers

    19.7.2007 16:57 #3

  • ThePastor

    Yeah, but it's still an Apple...

    19.7.2007 17:44 #4

  • i1der

    Can the iphone be use with T-mobile now?

    19.7.2007 18:17 #5

  • sk8flawzz

    no not yet but i dont think it will be too long

    19.7.2007 18:23 #6

  • taylor30

    1400 for 2 years

    That's 58.33 a month

    Not all that bad.

    20.7.2007 03:25 #7

  • zarlaan

    Quote:taylor30 (Member) 20 July 2007 7:25
    1400 for 2 years

    That's 58.33 a month

    Not all that bad.

    That is for the very minimum service package. The majority of people will actually be paying much more then that if they intent to utilize all the features.

    20.7.2007 04:24 #8

  • whitechoc

    I would like to interrupt and say that this is a very negative move indeed for the Apple engineers who so lovingly craft the items we endear so close to our hearts and ears. As one Apple engineer once stated,

    Quote:This generation of wanna-be hackers and crackers is ruining the integrity of the computing industry. Their actions detract from corporate pursuits to the point where the sum of their activities spells catastrophic disaster for those involved.Let's issue a call-to-arms, throw down the gauntlet, and make a personal vow to ourselves. Repeat after me:

    Quote:As a member of Afterdawn, I solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and defend the economic and intellectual pursuits of corporate America in an effort to preserve what is good and demolish what is morally evil, Amen.I leave you with the words of General Douglas MacArthur, a good friend and comrade I once shook hands with on the battlefield:

    Quote:We are bound no longer by the straitjacket of the past and nowhere is the change greater than in our profession of arms. What, you may well ask, will be the end of all of this? I would not know! But I would hope that our beloved country will drink deep from the chalice of courage.I invite all of you to drink from this chalice; it appears that Afterdawn's members think it cool to "hack" and "crack", and you badly need a remedy.

    20.7.2007 04:52 #9

  • SProdigy

    Hey whitechoc, what's the difference if people are still buying the iPhone? It's not like anyone here is getting it for FREE. What is merely stated is that you can take your current sim, for instance like the one in my RAZR and use it with an iPhone without getting scammed into the larger data packages that AT&T sells. I don't see what your fuss is. Apple still makes revenue from iTunes and AT&T from the monthly cellular usage. How is that ruining the economics of either company?

    20.7.2007 08:08 #10

  • BcMester

    Quote:As a member of Afterdawn, I solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and defend the economic and intellectual pursuits of corporate America in an effort to preserve what is good and demolish what is morally evil, Amen.
    Dude, this was over the top and really ugly. Don't make me start to guess which company's payroll you're on. :/

    20.7.2007 08:59 #11

  • laguna_b

    I am SURE you must have your tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek......

    Personally I feel sorry for those that bought this silly phone under any circumstances. Until it is totally unlocked it ONLY works in the USA (unless you think $2/minute for a local call not being screwed), It doesn't support video calls, it is GROSSLY over priced, and will be worth $200 on Craigslist when the next version arrives....but those with it locked will be stuck....

    20.7.2007 09:35 #12

  • diableria

    haha that guy whitechoc is a dumbass , keep up the hacking!

    20.7.2007 11:07 #13

  • RuPtUrE

    Originally posted by diableria: haha that guy whitechoc is a dumbass , keep up the hacking!
    Ha Ha Ha LOFL!!! Yeah, Whitechoc or whatever your name is. You are probably a dumbass who bought the phone and is all into that legal crap. Probably on Sony's or Microsoft's Payroll kid!! Keep up the hacking this will bring them to their knees and drop the price on this dumb phone!!

    20.7.2007 11:30 #14

  • eLeCTR0n

    good job

    20.7.2007 12:04 #15

  • jetyi83

    agreed... whitechoc is a complete idiot. i mean not only is his opinion completely whacked out, but hes also just objectively wrong. What he says doesnt even make any sense.

    as for the iphone.. i think its great. This is the first phone of this type to be out on the market. It has created a new market for higher end phones, and hopefully it sells more than apple could have dreamed. The reason i route for the iphone isnt because i like the iphone, but because i know companies will eventually have to compete and create better products, which might even be cheaper.

    20.7.2007 12:11 #16

  • morguex

    Hey whitechoc, rember me.
    I knew i would find your trolling ass in another post sonner or later.
    People just ingore him, he just got his ass owned in another posting and left.
    But hey whitechoc, keep it up and sooner or later you will be BANNED!!!

    Peace all


    20.7.2007 12:49 #17

  • narmo

    but it is still gonna take awhile for them to fully hack the iphone and let other ppl use that hack to unlock their iphones
    btw can u buy the iphone without a contract from AT&T ???

    also would your current contract on a different phone be able to unlock all the features on the iphone i think somebody mentioned that u have to pay more to have more features enabled isn't that right??

    20.7.2007 13:15 #18

  • svtstang

    Dont pay any attention to whitechoc, nothing more then a forum troll aiming to piss everybody off.

    /me runs and tells ddp

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    20.7.2007 14:15 #19

  • mfstark

    Quote:Originally posted by diableria: haha that guy whitechoc is a dumbass , keep up the hacking!
    Ha Ha Ha LOFL!!! Yeah, Whitechoc or whatever your name is. You are probably a dumbass who bought the phone and is all into that legal crap. Probably on Sony's or Microsoft's Payroll kid!! Keep up the hacking this will bring them to their knees and drop the price on this dumb phone!!

    AAARRRGGGHH! he's obviously joking! people don't use the word 'demonish' without tongue in cheek.

    20.7.2007 14:19 #20

  • bubbah

    same kinda talk after original razr v3 came out ...I got mine from Cingular ...had the video "crippled" ...what a bummer!! ...took me coupla days to find a monsterpack and now has video (for which, I paid the price of the hardware) ...and lots of other features motorola put in it and cingular took out ...and you complain about hacking!! ...it's the sellers of "air" that are the truely criminal hackers disabling what we ponied up for in the first place!!

    20.7.2007 14:29 #21

  • bubbah

    furthermore, if some guy wantsta blend his ifone, so... once you own the chevy, nobody has the say over what kinda tires you put on it or whether you stick a bobblehead on the dash ...jeeez!!

    20.7.2007 14:32 #22

  • laguna_b

    I assumed he was cleverly pulling our legs.....if he was he may have lost faith in the sense of humor and sarcasm of webkind....

    20.7.2007 14:36 #23

  • bubbah

    ...hey, how long you think its gunna be til iASign gets hacked anyhow ...now it's $1400, later it's up on eBay for $15 (s/h included) ...giv'em time!!

    20.7.2007 14:37 #24

  • creaky

    The last time i checked, this forums was entitled "News Comments", so let's knock off the silly comments

    gif created by phantom69, he's a good lad
    Forum Rules - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
    'Verbatim Taiyo Yuden', Verbatim DataLifePlus, vanilla Taiyo Yuden & RICOHJPNR03 are the ONLY media allowed near my Burners/standalone players.

    20.7.2007 14:56 #25

  • maitland

    Quote:I would like to interrupt and say that this is a very negative move indeed for the Apple engineers who so lovingly craft the items we endear so close to our hearts and ears. As one Apple engineer once stated,


    I invite all of you to drink from this chalice; it appears that Afterdawn's members think it cool to "hack" and "crack", and you badly need a remedy.
    Scathing satire!! I love it!


    20.7.2007 15:08 #26

  • bubbah

    we were told to reserve this thread to "News Comments" ...so I started a "Stupid Comments" thread for iPhone hacking, etc.


    20.7.2007 15:24 #27

  • whitechoc

    Mr. Moderator your ridiculous check on the freedom of this forum confounds my rational senses; go back to your hole you silly Nerd-Nator.

    As for the rest of this post, I am unsure as how to approach the negativity that I have been confronted with; after all, this is America isn't it? As my good friend John McCain once stated:

    Do not yield. Do not flinch. Stand up. Stand up with our President and fight. We're Americans. We're Americans, and we'll never surrender.
    That goes for all of you. This is America; aren't we supposed to be more inviting and forgiving for each other?

    While all of you ponder that, I should get back to our iPhone talk...people like you are contributing not only to the financial and intellectual decline of America, but to a slide in morals. How do you think network engineer Max Schuler of startup co. Tiller Inc. said when hackers broke into and stole hundreds upon hundreds of customer records, forcing the company out of business. As he once told me in 1991,

    Quote:Life is a perpetual battle between good and evil, do-gooders and cheats, white hats and black hats. Unfortunately, my job at Tiller ended with the blackest nightfall possible.The nightfall not only ended Max's career aspirations, but his life; the stress was too great even for him, a strong-willed man only in his late 20s.

    But let's not dwell on the bad; no, instead, lets continue to ruin the aspirations of the white-collar workers across the country that make "civilized life possible for the rest of us," as the noble Mike Rowe put it. If you wish to continue such detriment, I urge you to continue your walk down the forsaken path of devastation and take no heed of people like Mr. Schuler...those of you who do are terrible people.

    20.7.2007 16:53 #28

  • jetyi83

    you try to hard. its not funny when you try that hard

    20.7.2007 17:08 #29

  • maitland

    hahaha, agreed

    20.7.2007 17:11 #30

  • ddp

    whitechoc, lightning struck!!! just to let you know unless you are in your 60's or 70's, you did not shake general douglas macarthur's hand. also this is not america but the planet earth with 100's of independent nations so what is good for america does not mean it is for other nations.

    20.7.2007 17:34 #31

  • bubbah

    whitechoc ...this is America ...speak Spanish !!

    20.7.2007 17:48 #32

  • rammstein

    Are you all really taking that guy seriously ? I was laughing reading his post because I was pretty sure he was being sarcastic. There is no way anyone would say any of that stuff without laughing.

    20.7.2007 18:42 #33

  • bubbah

    ROTF ...PMP !!

    20.7.2007 19:10 #34

  • Hvygear

    The people behind this group are most likely ex corporate software and hardware engineers themselves, good on them I say. You spend that sort of cash on an Iphone and then they want you to spend $1400 on a new contract when theres no real need for one except for them to make more money.... daylight robbery.

    21.7.2007 01:40 #35

  • morguex

    "Rational senses"?
    If you had any sense at all, you would not be in these forums spouting that garbage you do.
    Do me and everyone else at Afterdawn a favour and STAY THE HELL OUT!!!!
    But hey if you wanna continue with this crap, i'll post 50 links to websites that prove you wrong.
    Peace all

    21.7.2007 04:11 #36

  • Hvygear

    Originally posted by morguex: "Rational senses"?
    If you had any sense at all, you would not be in these forums spouting that garbage you do.
    Do me and everyone else at Afterdawn a favour and STAY THE HELL OUT!!!!
    But hey if you wanna continue with this crap, i'll post 50 links to websites that prove you wrong.
    Peace all

    21.7.2007 04:47 #37

  • borhan9

    I love this and the way its going. By the time it will hit Australia it will be hacked fully and then we can just buy it and then just continue with our old contracts :)

    21.7.2007 05:01 #38

  • morguex

    No not you hvygear, that asshat whitechoc,I'm sorry if you thought I meant you.

    Peace all

    21.7.2007 05:55 #39

  • Hvygear

    O.k lol, no problem.

    21.7.2007 06:32 #40

  • rammstein

    The way I see it the only intent of that whitechoc guy was to piss everyone off...and guess what; he succeeded. Here we are wasting our time responding to his worthless babble....right ?

    21.7.2007 09:40 #41

  • DXR88

    Come on leave the whitechoc man alone. Perhaps he right. mabey he is over 50. and new some great people. Perhaps he's wrong. mabey hes in his 20 like his post Name whitechoc is somthing a 50 year old whouldnt know about. any whoo'

    Iphone is a great divice but its the first too. corporet tactics
    Sqeez as much money as posible out of this first in its class device before somebody makes a genaric of it. if a generic is made theyed be forced to lower there prices.

    21.7.2007 11:04 #42

  • maitland

    Hehe, oh it's already being made.


    Free your phone!


    21.7.2007 11:17 #43

  • DXR88

    But it's not in pulic hands. so no price drop yet

    21.7.2007 12:50 #44

  • DXR88

    Oh and what hardware platform is it compatibale with. never herd of a neo####

    21.7.2007 12:54 #45

  • maitland

    yeah, that's true. It's not going to be any immediate threat to the iPhone. I bought a Neo instead of an iPhone, but I'm a nerd. :)

    Anyway, it uses a Samsung chip, based on the ARM architecture. It isn't compatible with any existing hardware platform. But, since it's all open source, future platforms will be able to adapt the code base for whatever purpose.


    21.7.2007 13:17 #46

  • bubbah

    how does the 2.8" screen stack up against the 3.5" iPhone for interoperability with various rendering specs and also user friendliness of such things as the text and dialing digitally (without the stylus)? Does it do landscape (not hard to enable)? Will it run java apps (like OperaMini which does NOT do landscape, unless of course you opt for the very nice hacked version on a russian site)? How's the battery life in real life usage? Have you found an aftermarket battery with greater than 1200mAh (my razrV3 came with 720 mAh stock but I have a 1900 mAh I got from a source in Germany which works great and extends the useful battery life with little calling and heavy internet and email to several days or, at very least, a whole day)? What color did you get (white or orange)? Does it "feel" well made and not like junk from Fisher Price? ...we all wanna know (I spoze)!!

    21.7.2007 14:16 #47

  • maitland

    Good questions, all. I just ordered it, and I haven't actually received it yet. Also, the version that is currently available is pre-production; so, I don't really expect that there will be too much stuff working when I get it. I'll letCHA know when I get it. Also, I'll try to implement anything I can (landscape mode, what have ya).

    I got the silver/black one. The orange/white was just a little TOO funky for me ;)


    21.7.2007 14:35 #48

  • bubbah

    the real story of this device will be whether the firmware/hardware execution is comfortable and if it will support the functionality without the horrible menu lags that plague motorola devices and some small screen rendering issues that plague most of the makers as well as the horrible signal capture of nokias (which is why I still have my v3 which, at my desk in a terrible, poorly covered, GSM zone in the Delaware valley area gets 5 bars and GPRS which is faster than my stinkin' dial-up on my desktop). Some older things were just well made, I spoze. After lots of hacking (sadly, not my own, but gotten off great sites) the crippled camera on the v3 (Cingular/ATT disabled video) is fully functional and some improvement in the phonebook, etc. has been possible. What really makes this fone great is a very nice display and, OperaMini, which operates in the advanced form (midp2) on it with aplomb!!

    21.7.2007 14:43 #49

  • maitland

    Well, the nice thing about it is that the group of developers will all be users as well. So, if annoying problems like menu lags occur, they will probably be the first things to get fixed.

    Sometimes I wonder if some developers ever even use the devices they create at all...


    21.7.2007 15:00 #50

  • eLeCTR0n

    Originally posted by rammstein: Are you all really taking that guy seriously ? I was laughing reading his post because I was pretty sure he was being sarcastic. There is no way anyone would say any of that stuff without laughing.it was hilarious to read.

    21.7.2007 16:28 #51

  • O_C_FReaK

    Quote:Mr. Moderator your ridiculous check on the freedom of this forum confounds my rational senses; go back to your hole you silly Nerd-Nator.Why r u calling names?I guess this is the way you CEOs and CFOs talk to ur employees right?

    Quote:As for the rest of this post, I am unsure as how to approach the negativity that I have been confronted with; after all, this is America isn't it? As my good friend John McCain once stated:

    Do not yield. Do not flinch. Stand up. Stand up with our President and fight. We're Americans. We're Americans, and we'll never surrender.

    That goes for all of you. This is America; aren't we supposed to be more inviting and forgiving for each other?
    As my good friend Herakleitos said,"A silly man is always entranced with what he says."So,figure this out for urself.Btw,America is not the world and you sound like a chauvinist.

    Quote:While all of you ponder that, I should get back to our iPhone talk...people like you are contributing not only to the financial and intellectual decline of America, but to a slide in morals. How do you think network engineer Max Schuler of startup co. Tiller Inc. said when hackers broke into and stole hundreds upon hundreds of customer records, forcing the company out of business. As he once told me in 1991,

    Quote:Life is a perpetual battle between good and evil, do-gooders and cheats, white hats and black hats. Unfortunately, my job at Tiller ended with the blackest nightfall possible.

    The nightfall not only ended Max's career aspirations, but his life; the stress was too great even for him, a strong-willed man only in his late 20s.

    But let's not dwell on the bad; no, instead, lets continue to ruin the aspirations of the white-collar workers across the country that make "civilized life possible for the rest of us," as the noble Mike Rowe put it. If you wish to continue such detriment, I urge you to continue your walk down the forsaken path of devastation and take no heed of people like Mr. Schuler...those of you who do are terrible people.
    Oh yes!!!That's it!How didn't I think about it?Damn,it was not the war in Afganistan,it's not the war in Iraq,it's not the money that The Carlyle Group is making via the United Defense company,it's not the Exxon Mobile and the other oil companies nor Haliburton who make huge profits for their shareholders (aka the goverment also included) and of course not the HMOs that charge huge bills with fake promises of medical care.It's the non-elite of the American society who are a perfect example of unethicality by doing...OMG the cracking of iPhone for choosing another telephone company instead of AT/T which is PEOPLE'S RIGHT.Alas,the American economy will crumble!

    OK,multiple choice time:
    A)You are probably the most ignorant person in the world.
    B)You are joking,right?
    C)You make us see like fools by believing what u said.
    D)You live in another planet!(I choose that)

    Choose wisely.

    Finally,of course SONY-BMG incorporation involved in the rootkit scandal perfectly installed the program without the user's consent posing a security risk.Of course,their hacking ability was moral as SONY's server were communicating continuously with the infected machines collecting...information.Generally.Oh,SONY didn't know that and is laying a lawsuit in the creator of MediaMax Copy Protection?R u kidding me?And,I have never heard a story of this Max Schuler and if u ask me it was his company's responsibility to secure those information in an appropriate manner and in an efficient way.I say someone there was "careless".Or maybe many inside the company were "careless".Or else every company's information would leak in no time.Don't you think whitechoc?

    P.S.:Forgive my insolence for not using plural.

    21.7.2007 18:28 #52

  • eLeCTR0n

    bravo O_C_FReaK!

    MSI K8N Neo Platinum Ed nForce 3 mobo
    AMD Athlon 64 3400+ cpu
    Innovatek CPU Water Cooling system
    1x Kingston 512MB DDR400 ram
    ATI Radeon All-in-Wonder 9600XT v-card
    Maxtor 200GB SATA150 RAID 0 harddrive
    Lite-On 52X32X52X16 COMBO SOHC-5232K

    21.7.2007 23:37 #53

  • jameslf

    Quote:The nightfall not only ended Max's career aspirations, but his life; the stress was too great even for him, a strong-willed man only in his late 20s.

    Who's Max?

    When/how did I become an American?

    Is this a soap opera?

    22.7.2007 07:03 #54

  • DXR88

    MHh. Oh i see thats fabulistic its an ARM9E featuring Jazelle DBX technology, well the minimum anyway, bound to lag with that setup what they need is to update/add the MMU&SIMD setup. in all current cell phones devices then you'd see that lag automagicly disapper. that would deffintly increase compatability with open moto as well.

    22.7.2007 09:50 #55

  • maitland

    The commercial release of the neo is set to have a faster cpu and an extra graphics co-processor. I think that will be the extent of the parallelism. However, they do have a handful of other devices in the works for the openmoko platform; no specs yet, though.

    ...but that's all just jibba-jabba.

    DXR88, your vocabulary is excellent. May I use "fabulistic" in a sentence sometime? Or do you own the trademark on that one? :)


    22.7.2007 13:10 #56

  • DXR88

    go ahead.your safe its open source. fabulisticly Astronamicly Amazing(Or so says freedom of speach)

    22.7.2007 16:26 #57

  • bubbah

    supercaliFABULISTICexpialidocious ...sounds of music from the melifluous voice of julie flowing over the edelweiss fields foley panning to the max !!

    22.7.2007 16:50 #58

  • bubbah

    Originally posted by bubbah: supercaliFABULISTICexpialidocious ...sounds of music from the melifluous voice of julie flowing over the edelweiss fields foley panning to the max !!and just think...!! all that visible today on your brand spankin' new iPhone (we're back on topic, eh?)

    22.7.2007 17:21 #59

  • maitland

    Exactamundo!! And you don't even need a bloated service contract in order to see it! Happy days are here!


    22.7.2007 18:16 #60

  • lecsiy

    I miss whitechoc :P

    Main System Specs: "Alien Case" , 2gb Corair/ unbrandedram! , AMD San diego 3700 O'cd to 2.9Ghz (VERY PROUD) , Evo 33 Akasa , A8N-Sli Mobo , 450W Jeantech PSU (Stable as hell) , X1800GTO GPU (I can thank sammorris for that one!) , LG 16x Dvd-+ RW ,IDE :( 160GB:( ,Floppy Drive (Problematic!) , Xpert TV-PVR7134 TV Tuner Card , Blue Led Lazer Beam(Ohhhh yeee!!!) lol
    2nd System , Sempron 3000 , Hiatchhi 80Gb Ide , X700 (256mb) , Standard Psu , Standard cheapy case!

    27.7.2007 16:01 #61

  • bubbah

    oh whitechoc, lilly whitechoc, snow whitechoc, wherefor art thou??

    27.7.2007 16:41 #62

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