Scholastic sues file sharing sites over Potter leak

Scholastic sues file sharing sites over Potter leak
Scholastic Books, the publisher behind the giant Harry Potter series has gone to court in efforts to stop the leaks over the latest book of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The book is scheduled to hit retail stores Friday at midnight.

The publisher has filed a lawsuit against as well as a few file sharing sites including The Pirate Bay. DeepDiscount is accused of mailing out 1200 copies of the book early.

Pirated versions of the book have been on torrents and P2P all over the internet for days now but J.K. Rowling, the author of the series is begging people to keep the secrets of the book to themselves. "In a very short time, you will know EVERYTHING!" a note on her Web site read.

If anyone decides to post spoilers or links to a pirated copy in the comments, commenting will be disabled and the user will be banned.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Jul 2007 15:29
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  • tucker001

    it was on crapidshare since may

    19.7.2007 15:48 #1

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by tucker001: it was on crapidshare since mayMaybe junk fake ones were...

    19.7.2007 16:08 #2

  • navi1199

    Quote:The publisher has filed a lawsuit against as well as a few file sharing sites including The Pirate Bayyes go sue piratebay even though millions of companies did before you and nothing happened to that site.

    19.7.2007 16:45 #3

  • AXT

    harry potter sucks anyways. once it leaks onto the internet it's almost impossible to stop so they shouldn't even bother.

    19.7.2007 17:46 #4

  • DoomLight

    its kinda like that rage disease from 28 days later. once it spreads and can't be contained.

    so like anyting on the net. once its out there. u can't qwell the demand for high downlaods.

    not that i give a crap. i like the movies. but im not gonna read a 1000 page book either.

    after all J.K. Rowling is rich as hell for making up this crap about a kid with glasses and a somewhat unique twist on a fokked up family background.

    too bad so sad. she's gonna lose like 500,000 people tops from buying the hardcopy if even that much? my heart bleeds... NOT

    19.7.2007 18:52 #5

  • arlet_o3

    Quote:J.K. Rowling, the author of the series is begging people to keep the secrets of the book to themselves. "In a very short time, you will know EVERYTHING!" I dont thing rowling is worried about the piracy of the book ,but instead to keep the people from revealing the spoilers

    19.7.2007 20:06 #6

  • phantasee

    This isn't the same as pirating a movie. So what if you see the movie? And then you can tell your friends the ending, but they still want to SEE it.

    With a book, it kills the reading of it because all the foreshadowing that was so subtly written becomes huge signposts that scream 'look at that!' Literature isn't the same thing as film.

    If she's asking you to keep it to yourself, it's so you don't ruin it for other people. Besides, she's not worried about piracy. People check out books from the library all the time, for free. And I know I'm not going to read it until my friend is done her copy, because I didn't preorder in time.

    19.7.2007 22:03 #7

  • navi1199

    lol i just saw that piratebay has a new the piratebay and the torrent of fire LMAO!!!

    19.7.2007 22:12 #8

  • aone

    you know, they can really just save their money. i've read it already AND i still plan to buy it (later..when the clamor dies down). i mean, if theier fans have invested this far, do they really think reading it early will keep them from buying it? the collection's gotta be complete. tch.

    19.7.2007 23:20 #9

  • JonnyCabs

    Totally unrelated spoiler

    I've watched "The sixth sense" and guess what

    ............Bruce Willis is a ghost


    20.7.2007 07:46 #10

  • diableria

    who gives a sh1t about harry potter anyways, they made enough money already , stop being greedy

    20.7.2007 11:10 #11

  • maxsixer

    I have never read one of the books and didnt really like the films but when you start seeing "...... leaked on the internet" on the news it makes it juicey. now i want a copy. infact i think ill start reading the potter series in reverce using my totally legal torrent search engine Google

    20.7.2007 11:33 #12

  • tucker001

    the real thing was on rapidshare in may i downloaded it trust me but thats not stopping me from buying the book

    I don't need a sig.

    20.7.2007 17:01 #13

  • borhan9

    I am all for it not being leaked. However they had to realize that it was going to happen whether they like it or not.

    21.7.2007 04:01 #14

  • DXR88

    Harry potter and the devils flame. page 666 poter uses a forbidn spell thats send him and all his fake wichcaft buudys to hell were there constanly being pissed on by R kelly. a perfect spoiler

    21.7.2007 11:13 #15

  • phantasee

    Originally posted by DXR88: Harry potter and the devils flame. page 666 poter uses a forbidn spell thats send him and all his fake wichcaft buudys to hell were there constanly being pissed on by R kelly. a perfect spoilerThat's disgusting.

    21.7.2007 15:56 #16

  • DXR88

    yep i know. (Yea but R Kelly still one that case.)

    22.7.2007 07:56 #17

  • tucker001

    i bought the book at target today scholastic didn't lose my money. Now I have the nice hardback book and a pdf

    22.7.2007 12:05 #18

  • craftyzan

    Them lovelies so need to grow a clue... if your product is good, the pirates are a free adverting teaser. A net on fire, you can't BUY advertising like that!!

    22.7.2007 12:33 #19

  • wetsparks

    I don't see why people would want to download the book. It is ~760 pages and if I read all those pages on my computer screen my eyes would start to bleed, get pissed off at me, jump out of my skull and beat me to within an inch of my life. Besides, if Scholastic (it seems J.K. Rowling didn't care to much) looses 100,000 books sold from this leak, I would be surprised. The public has been waiting for this book for nearly a decade if they read the first one when it came out. A leak isn't going to stop anyone from buying a hard copy.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add something on here. On the local noon news today they said that this Harry Potter book is the fastest selling book ever. So that pirating really hurt sales. (End sarcasm)

    God hates console fanboys. Heres the proof....
    May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce.

    22.7.2007 21:40 #20

  • tucker001

    piracy helps sales in my opinion

    I don't need a sig.

    23.7.2007 13:05 #21

  • PrinceFX

    isnt piratebay based in middle east?

    24.7.2007 10:05 #22

  • tucker001

    piratebay is based in sweden

    I don't need a sig.

    24.7.2007 11:18 #23

  • Unfocused


    I read all my ebooks on my cel phone. I can't seem to get through more than a page or two on the PC screen.

    As far as the leek was concerned, I downloaded about 10 different versions of the PDF and still went out to the store to buy the hardcover version and the audio discs.

    16.8.2007 16:16 #24

  • albino92

    Most of the spoilers were fake the only real ones were the scanned pages, but what potter fans would read that!? This is so stupid!

    16.8.2007 16:39 #25

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