"Transformers" becomes fastest selling HD movie

Transformers becomes fastest selling HD movie
Paramount Pictures has announced that its hit film Transformers has become the fastest selling HD movie ever, including the top selling launch day in HD history.

On its release date, October 16th, the movie sold 100,000 copies on HD DVD to set the record, and over its first week, over 190,000 copies were sold. As boasted by Paramount, Transformers is “the fastest and best-selling week one release on either high definitionformat as well as the best selling HD DVD ever.”

“The performance of the Transformers DVD and HD DVD has demonstrated the phenomenal success of this global franchise,”
said Kelley Avery, president, Worldwide Home Entertainment, Paramount Pictures. “We’re happy to be kicking off the fourth quarter with a title that clearly shows home entertainment releases are still an event that drives consumers into stores — which is a win for both content providers and retailers.”

In other news pertaining to the movie, standard definition sales of the film hit 8.3 million, dwarfing the HD sales as well as setting a 2007 record for sales.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Oct 2007 21:46
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  • chaos_zzz

    transformers is a awesome movie is a proof of whath tech is able to offer us nowadays

    22.10.2007 21:59 #1

  • chuckdog

    Take that BR!

    22.10.2007 23:00 #2

  • m3_chris

    Hughjars repetitive hd-dvd comments coming in 5..4...3...2...1

    22.10.2007 23:00 #3

  • 26r0cK

    wat Hughjars hasnt commented on this yet?? If i said that HD-DVD sucks and Transformer would looked a million times better on Blu-ray, would that summon Hughjars? lol

    22.10.2007 23:04 #4

  • elfman12

    Originally posted by 26r0cK: If i said that HD-DVD sucks and Transformer would looked a million times better on Blu-ray, would that summon Hughjars? lol
    No, but it might summon a giggle... hehe.

    22.10.2007 23:05 #5

  • wolfmanz

    Quote:wat Hughjars hasnt commented on this yet?? If i said that HD-DVD sucks and Transformer would looked a million times better on Blu-ray, would that summon Hughjars? lol
    The Transformers looked pretty good on plain old DVD and by the looks of this post the only thing that sucks is the spelling in your post.

    22.10.2007 23:21 #6

  • DVDBack23

    Hmm, how bout we keep these post on topic please...hughjars can come and post whenever he wants.

    22.10.2007 23:24 #7

  • sk8flawzz

    im not buying it yet cause im hoping to get it for my bday =D (halloween) buuuut if everyones cheap and just gives me candy like always..im picking it up for sure, and replacing the crappy cover with Bunny Dojos http://home.att.net/~bunnydojo3/TransformersBunnyDojo.jpg

    22.10.2007 23:53 #8

  • ZippyDSM

    I am sorry but dawsons creek gust staring transformers is full of fail....

    23.10.2007 00:04 #9

  • nptwenty

    Originally posted by chuckdog: Take that BR!I 2nd that! (and I own a PS3)

    23.10.2007 01:10 #10

  • NexGen76

    On its release date, October 16th, the movie sold 100,000 copies on HD DVD to set the record, and over its first week, over 190,000 copies were sold. As boasted by Paramount, Transformers is “the fastest and best-selling week one release on either high definitionformat as well as the best selling HD DVD ever.”

    That will be short lived,because Spider-man 3 will drop in two weeks which will break that record.Spider-man 3 was the highest grossing film this year so you can expect it to do better than Transformer.Also with Blu-Ray having more HD players in homes this will be easy to accomplish.

    Spider-Man 3 (2007) U.S. Box Office: $336,530,303


    Transformers (2007) U.S. Box Office: $317,601,309


    Congrats HD-DVD for 150 million dollar & a little bit of Headlines for about a week or so.After Transformer there isn't anything else that you can Bost about were as Blu-Ray will be dropping more major HD exclusive content this holiday season

    Cars (Buena Vista)
    Ratatouille (Walt Disney)
    Badder Santa: The Unrated Version (Buena Vista)
    Hairspray (2007) (New Line)Timed exclusive will be on HD-DVD 08
    The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (Buena Vista)
    Live Free or Die Hard (Fox)
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Buena Vista)
    Superbad (Sony)
    The Simpsons Movie (Fox)
    Rush Hour 3 (New Line)Timed exclusive will be on HD-DVD 08
    War (Lionsgate)

    All these BR exclusive & will be on Blu-Ray this holiday season lets look at HD-DVD so call exclusive lineup this holiday season.

    I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (Universal)
    Shrek the Third (DreamWorks)
    Hot Rod (Paramount)
    The Bourne Ultimatum (Universal)
    Stardust (Paramount)

    Lmao...If i was HD-DVD i would ask for my 150 million back because after Transformers Paramount goes into hiding again.That HD-DVD exclusive list looks really strong this hoilday season....what a joke.

    23.10.2007 03:55 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by NexGen76: On its release date, October 16th, the movie sold 100,000 copies on HD DVD to set the record, and over its first week, over 190,000 copies were sold. As boasted by Paramount, Transformers is “the fastest and best-selling week one release on either high definitionformat as well as the best selling HD DVD ever.”

    That will be short lived,because Spider-man 3 will drop in two weeks which will break that record.Spider-man 3 was the highest grossing film this year so you can expect it to do better than Transformer.Also with Blu-Ray having more HD players on the market this will be easy to accomplish.

    Spider-Man 3 (2007) U.S. Box Office: $336,530,303


    Transformers (2007) U.S. Box Office: $317,601,309

    " target="_blank">http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808716430/info

    I am sure emo spidy will do well 1 and 2 did, why shouldn't 3, altho I can just barely stand TF a bit more...its like the difference in pokeing your eyes out with hot pokers or popping them out with a dull spoon X-x either way you go blind!


    23.10.2007 04:05 #12

  • hughjars

    Ta da! lol

    Originally posted by NexGen76: That will be short lived,because Spider-man 3 will drop in two weeks which will break that record. - You hope.

    Spiderman 3 was a genuinely awful movie......but no doubt aimed perfectly at that PS3 demographic the Sony execs refer to.
    You're welcome to it.

    Originally posted by NexGen76: Spider-man 3 was the highest grossing film this year so you can expect it to do better than Transformer.Also with Blu-Ray having more HD players in homes this will be easy to accomplish. - Well it wasn't that much bigger grossing and it turned out to be cr@p, I wouldn't bank on too many more PS3 owners rushing out to buy it that usual (and we all know how low the PS3 retail movie disc attachment rate is).

    Originally posted by NexGen76: Congrats HD-DVD for 150 million dollar & a little bit of Headlines for about a week or so.After Transformer there isn't anything else that you can Bost about were as Blu-Ray will be dropping more major HD exclusive content this holiday season - LMAO, so HD DVD has no big movies coming at all eh?

    I guess Shrek 3 is nothing, Bourne Ultimatum is nothing, The Aviator is a bust too, I now pronounce you Chuck & Larry is nothing, Ocean's Thirteen is a waste of time, The Harry Potters, Stardust, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica & of course Led Zeppelin.

    You really do get laughably ridiculous when you start on this dreary & tired old 'they have nothing' routine you know.

    HD DVD offers the most available movie content, the most exclusive movie content and the most potential movie content.

    But you will undoubtedly ignore this and continue your laughable attempts to imply otherwise.

    Originally posted by NexGen76: All these BR exclusive & will be on Blu-Ray this holiday season lets look at HD-DVD so call exclusive lineup this holiday season. - I wonder just how many of those supposedly 'Blu-ray exclusive' movies will show up on HD DVD internationally soon?
    It's over 70 out of the 215 claimed so far (slightly under 1/3rd).

    Originally posted by NexGen76: Lmao...If i was HD-DVD i would ask for my 150 million back because after Transformers Paramount goes into hiding again.That HD-DVD exclusive list looks really strong this hoilday season....what a joke. - Viacom/Paramount are ramping up releases that Blu-ray will never see.
    Old School, Hot Rod, Star Trek & Stardust are all Paramount & all for release before X-mas, that's some idea of "hiding" you have there.
    Suck it up.

    They also just saw record sales with Transformers on HD DVD so I guess they won't be crying too much about your absurd claims
    (and they will not have seen the costs Blu-ray imposed on them which negated those previously & temporary higher sales numbers they used to have with some BD movies).

    I see you can't give up the $150 million claim.
    So prove it.

    Prove it with actual proof and not press reports of a rumour or the use of the words 'sources' and 'allege'.

    You can't.
    It's just a myth you prefer to believe.

    23.10.2007 09:17 #13

  • ZippyDSM

    I dont see how sucking less but still sucking can make it not sell within the range of the other, you forget the mindless buying power left in the market...

    23.10.2007 09:22 #14

  • ChromeMud

    Sales of Transformers on HD-DVD and SpiderMan3 on Blu-Ray won't cement any argument to which format is winning as the numbers are most likely to continue confusing the consumer.
    All I see is Tennis and it's getting boring watching the ball flying
    back and forth into each court.I'd rather watch Ping Pong which is much faster and......I've gone way off topic so I'll stop :D

    23.10.2007 09:38 #15

  • morguex

    @nexgen76, Plz give it a rest. Thank you.

    As for transformers, It wasn't a very good movie, I bought the HD-DvD version and I wish I could return it.

    P.S. I think I'll start a new thread called "Are you as tired as I am of This stupid HD-DvD vs. Blu-ray crap."

    Peace all

    23.10.2007 09:50 #16

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by ChromeMud: Sales of Transformers on HD-DVD and SpiderMan3 on Blu-Ray won't cement any argument to which format is winning as the numbers are most likely to continue confusing the consumer.
    All I see is Tennis and it's getting boring watching the ball flying
    back and forth into each court.I'd rather watch Ping Pong which is much faster and......I've gone way off topic so I'll stop :D
    ture,I wish one format would die already so the community as a while and help "fix" the remaining one ^_~

    23.10.2007 09:55 #17

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM : Originally posted by ChromeMud: Sales of Transformers on HD-DVD and SpiderMan3 on Blu-Ray won't cement any argument to which format is winning as the numbers are most likely to continue confusing the consumer.
    All I see is Tennis and it's getting boring watching the ball flying
    back and forth into each court.I'd rather watch Ping Pong which is much faster and......I've gone way off topic so I'll stop :D
    ture,I wish one format would die already so the community as a while and help "fix" the remaining one ^_~
    both are doomed to fail. blu-ray with their over zealous propertarian anti consumer DRM and hd-dvd will fail because the main MPAA lobby's (Buena Vista Pictures Distribution (Walt Disney ), Sony Pictures and Fox(20th Century Fox)) constant fud because they choose the blu-ray zealous DRM architecture and will never support Hd-DvD, so because of this the up-scaling DvD will continue to be the real winner in the formats because of their fake war that backs blu-ray as the dominant format.


    what may happen is that solid state becomes the next format because of the sheer storage and the data transfer speed is not so severely limited like a cd/dvd/blu-ray because of the mechanics and jitter, or on-line distribution such as adobe and other companies are going to start rolling out very soon. Then you get holographic storage and many more that will be developed in the next 5 years that will actually make both blu-ray and hd-dvd completely pointless, so by the time consumers start the uptake it will be long outdated because of the MPAA's bickering over DRM propertarian control because of piracy even though sales continue to sky rocket!

    Track What Companies Have Edited Wiki http://wikiscanner.virgil.gr/ (very heavy load atm)

    23.10.2007 10:43 #18

  • odb992001

    Why is everyone saying blu-ray looks better than hd-dvd. i have a hd-dvd player and it looks awsome. how can one look better than the other when they both are high-def. just one holds 20GB more of data than the other one. if i had blu-ray i would say the something, i can say it i saw superman return blu-ray and it looks awsome. can someone please tell me whats the big diff in the two players. because i really don't see it. or is this just i love sony and no one else, or it's hd-dvd and i hate sony. that's what i think is happening.

    23.10.2007 10:58 #19

  • goodswipe

    First off, I just want it to be known that Transformers sucked...the movie had great potential but lacked therof. I definitely don't see any reason to waste 30 bucks on it.

    23.10.2007 11:37 #20

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: hughjars
    I dont see how sucking less but still sucking can make it not sell within the range of the other, you forget the mindless buying power left in the market...
    - I expect Spiderman 3 to be a good seller, don't mistake my comments zippy.

    The (real) sad truth underlying a lot of the movie output these days is that so much of it is garbage.

    Incredibly unimaginitive, desperately predictable, rather childish and utterly forgetable.
    Sad but true.

    I might even get all impatient myself and buy Transformers for the visual spectacle (it is said to be extremely spectacular) and the Dolby Digital + soundtrack is said to be of "reference" standard -

    Quote:Everything about this (audio) track just screams "REFERENCE!" and it holds up easily to the best PCM and True HD mixes that I have heard. Call me a doubter no more.

    but I sure as hell wouldn't be expecting a genuinely 'great' movie.

    23.10.2007 11:45 #21

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by morguex: @nexgen76, Plz give it a rest. Thank you.

    As for transformers, It wasn't a very good movie, I bought the HD-DvD version and I wish I could return it.

    P.S. I think I'll start a new thread called "Are you as tired as I am of This stupid HD-DvD vs. Blu-ray crap."

    Peace all
    How bout skipping my post if you got a issue with what i say & also bring something valuable to this board weather someone agree or not.

    Originally posted by odb992001: Why is everyone saying blu-ray looks better than hd-dvd. i have a hd-dvd player and it looks awsome. how can one look better than the other when they both are high-def. just one holds 20GB more of data than the other one. if i had blu-ray i would say the something, i can say it i saw superman return blu-ray and it looks awsome. can someone please tell me whats the big diff in the two players. because i really don't see it. or is this just i love sony and no one else, or it's hd-dvd and i hate sony. that's what i think is happening.Really there is no major difference on either format it has to do with how good the studio transfer the movie & chosen the right codec for that movie.

    23.10.2007 13:13 #22

  • morguex

    My issue nexgen76 is that everytime someone says something positive about HD-DVD, you blu-ray fan boys gotta jump in and knock it down.

    But i'll tell you what, I promise never to waste anymore of my time reading any of this HD-DvD or blu-ray crap again posted on afterdawn.

    Because to be bluntly honest, I don't give a shit anymore.

    Have a nice day.

    23.10.2007 14:58 #23

  • venomX05

    man, that movie kicked @ss...don't care if it was on blu-ray, hd-dvd, xray, beta, vhs...who cares...movie kicked @ss!!!

    23.10.2007 17:37 #24

  • hughjars

    I wonder if there'll be a Transformers 2 (and if Bay will direct it)?

    24.10.2007 07:36 #25

  • error5

    Originally posted by hughjars: I wonder if there'll be a Transformers 2 (and if Bay will direct it)?Megatron and all the Decepticons were destroyed. The Cube was destroyed. Who else is there to fight?

    Unless they invent new adversaries they've run out of plotlines. Hey Transformers fans: were there any other enemies from the original cartoon series?

    Quote:man, that movie kicked @ss...don't care if it was on blu-ray, hd-dvd, xray, beta, vhs...who cares...movie kicked @ss!!! Agreed. The movie was 143 minutes of escapist bliss and a damn fine audio/video demo piece for any high-def setup. My B&W speakers got a really good workout.

    24.10.2007 08:51 #26

  • goodswipe

    Quote:Originally posted by hughjars: I wonder if there'll be a Transformers 2 (and if Bay will direct it)?Quote:Originally posted by error5: Megatron and all the Decepticons were destroyed. The Cube was destroyed. Who else is there to fight?
    They could bring back that squirrelly kid and that smoken hot broad and have him turn into some kinda transformer..

    24.10.2007 10:38 #27

  • eatsushi

    Quote:Megatron and all the Decepticons were destroyed. The Cube was destroyed. Who else is there to fight? Maybe they'll find way to resurrect those robot carcasses that they dumped in the Laurentian Abyss. LOL!

    Quote:The movie was 143 minutes of escapist bliss and a damn fine audio/video demo piece for any high-def setup. +1 here. If they can do DD+ as good as this then most people won't miss lossless True HD.

    Quote:My B&W speakers got a really good workout. Sweet. I really like their 700 Series speakers and I think dblbogey7 has their Nautilus line for his home theater.

    Quote:They could bring back that squirrelly kid and that smoken hot broad and have him turn into some kinda transformer.. Megan Fox in HD was smokin' hot indeed. Rachael Taylor was no slouch either.

    Just one issue. I got an e-mail from my younger brother. He can't get the web-enabled features to work on his Toshiba Qosimo HD DVD laptop. He also has a friend with the same problem on a 360 add-on connected to a PC. Any ideas?

    24.10.2007 11:00 #28

  • juankerr

    Originally posted by eatsushi: Rachael Taylor was no slouch either.There's nothing sexier than fighting Decepticons while in 4-inch heels.

    Quote:He can't get the web-enabled features to work on his Toshiba Qosimo HD DVD laptop. He also has a friend with the same problem on a 360 add-on connected to a PC. Any ideas?My friend has the same problem. He's behind a firewall so he's trying to fiddle around with the settings. No luck so far.

    24.10.2007 13:03 #29

  • sk8flawzz

    starscream escaped didnt he?
    im curious to see how spiderman 3 will do

    24.10.2007 14:21 #30

  • eatsushi

    Originally posted by sk8flawzz: starscream escaped didnt he?
    You're right. Starscream survived and flew off into space I think. But like my younger brother said "It's just not the same without Megatron."

    24.10.2007 14:56 #31

  • sk8flawzz

    yea youre bro's right

    24.10.2007 16:06 #32

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by eatsushi: Originally posted by sk8flawzz: starscream escaped didnt he?
    You're right. Starscream survived and flew off into space I think. But like my younger brother said "It's just not the same without Megatron."
    megaton always comes back, he could be dredged up from the depths and have some human mad scientist(whos controlled by a 3rd party prehaps) with the aid of dumb but loyle late coming decpticons be rebuilt into a tank,while starscream bullies up a hand full of decpticons to target the autobots base...that just happens to be a tricked out cave...of coarse this would be much to completcaited for hollywood to pull off.... *sigh*

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!

    24.10.2007 16:16 #33

  • borhan9

    This is surprising to me due to the fact that i dont see this as a great movie i found it to be too long and boring and just too pointless. If you like over the top CGI watch it but if you want CGI with a excellent story watch 300.

    24.10.2007 17:10 #34

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by borhan9: This is surprising to me due to the fact that i dont see this as a great movie i found it to be too long and boring and just too pointless. If you like over the top CGI watch it but if you want CGI with a excellent story watch 300.the reason why it was too long is the dumb fleshies got way to much screen time and draged the whole thing down...

    24.10.2007 17:17 #35

  • goodswipe

    i agree z1ppy..

    24.10.2007 17:51 #36

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by goodswipe: i agree z1ppy..
    its like bad US teen TV on the big screen under a diff name.....*shudders*

    24.10.2007 17:55 #37

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by borhan9: This is surprising to me due to the fact that i dont see this as a great movie i found it to be too long and boring and just too pointless. If you like over the top CGI watch it but if you want CGI with a excellent story watch 300.I agree fully borhan9, films made now from the big producers are mostly utter crap with 0 story, bad scripts and appalling acting. transformers is as bad as 300 and ghost rider, but what do you expect from an industry that just wants to cash in, its mostly the same with computer games now.

    maybe because its because i'm older and more cynical and all the story lines are just copies of ones i have experienced before, or the new media is far too reliant on computer graphics to amaze people. how many classics have been made this last year?

    25.10.2007 05:32 #38

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by borhan9: This is surprising to me due to the fact that i dont see this as a great movie i found it to be too long and boring and just too pointless. If you like over the top CGI watch it but if you want CGI with a excellent story watch 300.I agree fully borhan9, films made now from the big producers are mostly utter crap with 0 story, bad scripts and appalling acting. transformers is as bad as 300 and ghost rider, but what do you expect from an industry that just wants to cash in, its mostly the same with computer games now.

    maybe because its because i'm older and more cynical and all the story lines are just copies of ones i have experienced before, or the new media is far too reliant on computer graphics to amaze people. how many classics have been made this last year?
    they have the talent but they don't have the effort, its much easier to slop togather a film than it is to set down and try and not rape it.

    The tweens(12-2X) will watch sht twice just because they are bored and they will go long to keep the media indutry placid to their crappy ways.

    You'd think making a film that 30+ could watch without being revolted would better than the inbred crap they do.

    25.10.2007 07:46 #39

  • davidrose

    The KIDZ... loved it.

    25.10.2007 11:22 #40

  • 7thsinger

    Originally posted by hughjars: I wonder if there'll be a Transformers 2 (and if Bay will direct it)?check it out...


    And Shepards we shall be...

    25.10.2007 12:33 #41

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