Xbox 360 with internal HD DVD player coming?

Xbox 360 with internal HD DVD player coming?
Once again rumors of an Xbox 360 with an internal HD DVD hard drive have surfaced, this time courtesy of a "senior Toshiba executive" in Australia.

According to Australian tech site Smarthouse, the exec is quoted as saying "An Xbox with a built in HD DVD drive is critical. (Microsoft) and we are working on it. It also has to be more than a gaming machine. Microsoft recognise(s) this. A version of the device may also be sold under the Toshiba brand name." Smarthouse also says that this new "Entertainment Xbox" is planned for release at the 2008 CES show in Las Vegas.

Of course Microsoft is not commenting but we will be sure to update you if any more evidence surfaces for this interesting new proposition.

HD Digest

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Oct 2007 21:56
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  • JorDogg

    i wonder if many xbox fanboys will be eating their words "microsoft will never do this!"

    22.10.2007 22:12 #1

  • 26r0cK

    @ JorDogg ..ahaha i wonder too. Cuz you kno M$ would never want to shove down a format in ppls faces. Seems like Xbox360 is slowly trying to be like the PS3 in every way.

    Quote:An Xbox with a built in HD DVD drive is critical. (Microsoft) and we are working on it. It also has to be more than a gaming machine. Microsoft recognise(s) this.Its critical? Meaning that Xbox360 will start making games on HD-DVD. I wouldnt doubt that. AND it also has to be more than a gaming machine which M$ recognised this? So when Sony recognized this when the PS3 was being released, M$ thought it was useless and meaningless until M$ does it.

    All of you xbox360 fans that thought wat the features on the PS3 sucked can now shove it cuz your xbox360 is becoming exactly like that. Face it, deep down xbox360 fans wish and M$ wished the xbox360 was just like the PS3. And now that this is gonna happen, M$ just screwed all of xbox360 fans. You may say taht you dont need HD-DVD and they not shoving it down your throats, but dont be suprised if they start making HD-DVD games, and lets see how M$ is really screwing you guyz over. Afterall, its M$, "They just can".

    22.10.2007 23:17 #2

  • sk8flawzz

    dammit i just bought my 360 haha
    these bastards shoulda released this model prior to halo 3's launch, at a reasonable sure i wouldve picked it up

    22.10.2007 23:23 #3

  • shummyr

    This Sucks What about the 10+ million people that already bought a
    XBOX 360 This Will be disasterous

    Modded Consoles
    psp 3.71 m33-2 1.5 patch psp PHAT
    xbox 1 Softmodded
    DS+R4+2gb MicroSD
    Xbox 360+Iextreme 1.2REvisionC
    Soon to Get WII+Wiikey or D2cKEY

    22.10.2007 23:28 #4

  • poolpro

    What they should have done was make a 360 with the capabilities of playing HD DVD movies and HD DVD 360 games right out of the box from the beginning.That would have eliminated all the other 360's that have come out.

    22.10.2007 23:34 #5

  • sk8flawzz

    maybe if for like 50 bucks you can take your 360 into a gamestop or something certified by microsoft they replace the drive..that wouldnt be too bad...

    but its still a rumor..who knows if itll ever happen, to me the most realistic thing thall happen is they release a firmware upgrade that allows HD dvd games to be played by the drive addon, and the price of that thing will drop

    22.10.2007 23:36 #6

  • Rudeboi

    Originally posted by sk8flawzz: maybe if for like 50 bucks you can take your 360 into a gamestop or something certified by microsoft they replace the drive..that wouldnt be too bad...50 bucks?!
    Biggest joke I've heard all day. (Not to make fun of you or anything)
    but it'll be at LEAST 150 bucks, if it became mandatory.

    Honestly M$ is gunna end up shooting themselves in the foot.

    22.10.2007 23:50 #7

  • b18bek9

    unless older boxes can use add on hd dvd drives or get and internal hd dvd drive installed microsoft is gonna see alot of ppl gettin rid of the old 360's or have alot of ppl buying ps3's and wii's

    22.10.2007 23:53 #8

  • Rudeboi

    Originally posted by b18bek9: or have alot of ppl buying ps3's and wii'sIt'll more than likely be PS3.

    People want their graphics and their hi-def, I mean, some people bought hi-def T.V's just for their console, so they won't be switching to a Wii.

    Wii is in a category of it's own really.

    22.10.2007 23:55 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    I was wondering when they would get around to this, now only if this is the jasper line coming to replace the the current one, MS would do well to drop the HDVD into the normal line and not change the price just drop the core unit line, its damaging games with tis lack of a hard drive.

    Come on MS show us you know how not to screw over the consumer, I handle these miniupdates along the way if you keep the price of the system around 400.

    Now dose this mean they will make HDVD games...maybe by the end of 09, theres only so much MS can do to keep the 360 from showing its age and around 09 or 010 would be a good shot int eh arm to keep the system going for another 2-3 years.

    I wish MS would start polishing up the holes in the console, build issues, locked HDD(the fact you can not change it youerself), and finally HDVD the elite should have one built in but oh well, MS needs to get them in all new units by the end of 010.

    I am still on the fence heckling at both MS and Sony, MS dosent seem the worst of the 2, at least they are not raping left and right features to try and stay relevant to their shear holders.

    23.10.2007 00:14 #10

  • ChiknLitl

    I personally would rather have the external drive for use with the PC and/or 360. This allows me to rip HD DVD movies and/or watch them on t.v.

    23.10.2007 00:16 #11

  • canuckerz

    They should have had it in there from the start in my opinion, the dongle was a stupid idea and now they're stuck with dvds as the sole media of which to run games off of.

    23.10.2007 02:47 #12

  • weird0

    lol, even if they do add a hd-dvd drive, it don't mean anything. now if microsoft say they will release games on HD-DVD, then it will be a big deal. so until then STFU, you sony tools have other things to worry about.

    btw. played motorstorm and warhawk at a friends house this afternoon.... LMAO!

    23.10.2007 02:58 #13

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by canuckerz: They should have had it in there from the start in my opinion, the dongle was a stupid idea and now they're stuck with dvds as the sole media of which to run games off of.Looking at the MS build quality for the you want to pay 500-600 for a RROD machine that can play hdvds? no...didn't think they should have had this in the elite...but whatever its not that imaporant least not till they decide if they will move the HDVD gaming and that wont be for acouple more years if then.

    23.10.2007 03:20 #14

  • NexGen76

    Who's shocked by this announcement Microsoft bash Sony for this saying it wasn't needed now they going in the same direction.There has been countless things Microsoft have said Sony didn't need & they come right behind Sony then add it.

    23.10.2007 04:44 #15

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by NexGen76: Who's shocked by this announcement Microsoft bash Sony for this saying it wasn't needed now they going in the same direction.There has been countless things Microsoft have said Sony didn't need & they come right behind Sony then add it.
    Since they had to change thier stance on HDD (no we dont need a bigger one,ZOMG 5 HD def movies can fill up the hard drive OMG we was wrong) this coems as no suprise, sony trying to wiggle out of BWC is a surprise!

    23.10.2007 04:47 #16

  • BIGnewb

    Microsoft talks a lot of shiit about the ps3 coming with blu-ray and now they do the same.go shoot yourselfs in the the xbox 360 is going to be the same price as the playstation 3 so dont whine about the prices anymore.

    23.10.2007 06:22 #17

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by BIGnewb: Microsoft talks a lot of shiit about the ps3 coming with blu-ray and now they do the same.go shoot yourselfs in the the xbox 360 is going to be the same price as the playstation 3 so dont whine about the prices anymore.
    I don't think ,putting the elite aside they could well put a Hdvd into the new units in 1-2ish years and simply not drop the price of the 360, in some ways its better in some ways its not.

    If MS used this plan I would be more happier with them

    prelaunch losted BWC through broken deal:Start BWC emulation and put on equal footing with live.

    launch:focuse on the build issues and get them fixed ASAP

    Live sells Hdef media: unlock the HDD with 29.99$ kits

    disc eating+ hardware issues: issues would ahve been nearly solved by now

    HDVD add on: work out Hdvd game plan in 2 years

    "fixing hardware issues": it'd be fixed by now....

    HDD upgrade: no need it would be fixed by now

    Elite:sold with Hdvd drive for 550

    09/010 all new 360 untis have Hdvd drives in them.

    And guess what if they did this then they would not have to lower the price of the unit because they are selling a solid product, but no they just have to dck around with it.

    while MS is a day late and a 100$ short sony is worse off.

    23.10.2007 06:53 #18

  • 26r0cK

    I think that adding the new HD-DVD shouldnt change the price or else it wont look too good for xbox360. Anybody that owns an Xbox360 should get the external HD-DVD player for free, while newcomers will have the built-in one when they buy it. Because now the 80gb PS3 is the same price as the Elite and the 40gb is the same price as the Pro. Seeing that just thinks that the PS3 is the better bargain. So M$ really shouldnt do anything to make their console more expensive then the PS3.

    23.10.2007 07:37 #19

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by 26r0cK: I think that adding the new HD-DVD shouldnt change the price or else it wont look too good for xbox360. Anybody that owns an Xbox360 should get the external HD-DVD player for free, while newcomers will have the built-in one when they buy it. Because now the 80gb PS3 is the same price as the Elite and the 40gb is the same price as the Pro. Seeing that just thinks that the PS3 is the better bargain. So M$ really shouldnt do anything to make their console more expensive then the PS3.I think MS will go with a 490-590 elite with a HDVD drive in it, they don't seem to keen on hdvd gaming even tho they need it, they really need to get things on track.

    23.10.2007 07:40 #20

  • metal13

    Microsoft can do WHATEVER they want. Idiot 360 owners are still going to shell out $$$ to buy a new hd dvd box when it comes out. How many people do you know that went out and bought a new 360 after the first one failed? Im pretty sure each of you knows at least two. Why fix a problem (overheating, RROD etc) if its not a problem?

    23.10.2007 08:00 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by metal13: Microsoft can do WHATEVER they want. Idiot 360 owners are still going to shell out $$$ to buy a new hd dvd box when it comes out. How many people do you know that went out and bought a new 360 after the first one failed? Im pretty sure each of you knows at least two. Why fix a problem (overheating, RROD etc) if its not a problem?True true,even the PS3 fans are waiting for sony to pull their head out of their arse,

    23.10.2007 08:04 #22

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by NexGen76: Who's shocked by this announcement - Er, what "announcement"?

    It's merely a rumour on the net (you obviously want to believe).

    In fact both Toshiba and Microsoft have said it's not happening.

    Quote:After reports spread last week on a new Xbox 360 with a built in HD-DVD player, it seemed only a matter of time before the two parties involved declined such vicious rumours.
    Sure enough, Toshiba have sent the word out that no, nothing is planned, and Microsoft have sent out their usual response to such rumours and speculation.

    23.10.2007 08:55 #23

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by NexGen76: Who's shocked by this announcement - Er, what "announcement"?

    It's merely a rumour on the net (you obviously want to believe).

    In fact both Toshiba and Microsoft have said it's not happening.

    Quote:After reports spread last week on a new Xbox 360 with a built in HD-DVD player, it seemed only a matter of time before the two parties involved declined such vicious rumours.
    Sure enough, Toshiba have sent the word out that no, nothing is planned, and Microsoft have sent out their usual response to such rumours and speculation.
    " target="_blank">

    meh if its not happened in 25 months I will believe its not happening LOL

    they fight hard to keep such deal hush hush, theres a 50/50 chance on this.

    23.10.2007 08:58 #24

  • ChiknLitl

    Actually, if this does come to fruition, it may not cost much to implement. Stand alone HD DVD players are around $200 now. That's with the drive, case, processor, memory, etc. The 360 has all of these already except the blue laser drive. En masse the drives alone can't be all that expensive and the prices are dropping every month.

    23.10.2007 09:05 #25

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by ChiknLitl: Actually, if this does come to fruition, it may not cost much to implement. Stand alone HD DVD players are around $200 now. That's with the drive, case, processor, memory, etc. The 360 has all of these already except the blue laser drive. En masse the drives alone can't be all that expensive and the prices are dropping every month.Exactly if they can push it off a year to get it in elites and a year from there to get in all new units they wont have to add cost to it, they just can't lower the price, if they can finally bring a great product to the consumer I am all for it.

    23.10.2007 09:09 #26

  • c1c

    So does this really mean that they will start making games on HD DVD?

    Aren't the current games for 360 just an upconvert DVD? So if you play 360 on a 1080p TV you aren't playing an 'HD' game? Only a 480p game?

    My friend has a 1080p TV and a 180$ M series HDMI cable and says it looks better. But how can it be if it is a DVD game?

    23.10.2007 09:41 #27

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by c1c: So does this really mean that they will start making games on HD DVD?

    Aren't the current games for 360 just an upconvert DVD? So if you play 360 on a 1080p TV you aren't playing an 'HD' game? Only a 480p game?

    My friend has a 1080p TV and a 180$ M series HDMI cable and says it looks better. But how can it be if it is a DVD game?
    *falls off chair*

    some/most 360 games are made at Hdef, Hdef has nothign to do with Hdvd, Hdvd will be about the space limit the 360 is starting to have on games, like the diffrance in PGR on the 360 they removed the day/night system and put in static tracks, on the PS3 they have day/night tracks, while not a bad issue right now it will be in time.

    23.10.2007 09:47 #28

  • ChromeMud

    Originally posted by c1c: So does this really mean that they will start making games on HD DVD?

    Aren't the current games for 360 just an upconvert DVD? So if you play 360 on a 1080p TV you aren't playing an 'HD' game? Only a 480p game?

    My friend has a 1080p TV and a 180$ M series HDMI cable and says it looks better. But how can it be if it is a DVD game?
    Yeah,the 360 can only do 480P because it uses DVD and VGA....err...whatever,can't be bothered to explain there,just google for some common sense why don't ya' or are you spreading some Sony fanboy FUD.

    I don't believe that games on the 360 will use HD-DVD disks at all.
    Most likely that 2 DVDs will be used,1 for the single player and 1 for multiplayer,that's if the developer needs to.So far developers are doing well with 1 DVD,just look at 'Orange Box' three games in one all on one DVD,Oblivion,Halo3 are also examples of what can be done with good coding and compression.
    If Toshiba launch a 360 console with HD-DVD it will only be there for movies not games because some people would rather have one box under the telly and that is all.
    You hear a rumour and Sony fanboys chant the Doom of the 360 and how the PS3 was the wise choice after all...predictable and just shows how insane you lot are.

    23.10.2007 10:05 #29

  • AXT

    Shafted by Microsoft Yet Again. Not me of course, I own no XBox.

    23.10.2007 11:00 #30

  • DXR88

    480p is effeciant enough at the current momment because people arnt going to rush out and buy a 1080p set there expensive and there restricted to plasma at the moment. i have a 780p/1080i lcd tv

    But hi def is becoming more and more standerd so there pushing the hi end further.

    also the external hd dvd will work on games. as long as the games are on hd-dvd. your point that games will not work on the external hd dvd player is invalid becuase you cant play a game on it they have yet to make

    23.10.2007 11:01 #31

  • 26r0cK

    @ hughjars ..i dun think this is a rumour. G4 tech TV said it wasnt and even showed the console of it. Tho im sure the inside is empty. But it showed all the new ports etc. Said to be released 2008-2009. They said this is the real console thats to compete against the PS3. If thats tru then it is very possible that they will be making games on HD-DVD. I wonder wat they'd this new console now? G4 just titled it as Xbox720 just for fun probably.

    23.10.2007 11:14 #32

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by 26r0cK: @ hughjars ..i dun think this is a rumour. - If you think it might turn out to be true then that's fine.

    The difference is that you're not pretending that there has been an official "announcement" from either Microsoft or Toshiba.

    There has been no "announcement" official or otherwise from Microsoft or Toshiba, in fact just the opposite, there has been an 'on the record' denial of the rumour.

    By all means choose to believe the rumour but let's call it for what it is, a rumour and not an announcement.

    Those spreading this tale as if it were fact and proof that the XBox owners had all been "shafted" by Microsoft etc etc are just revealing their own ludicrous agenda.
    Basically it comes down to 'they wish' - cos they then imagine it might help sales of their beloved company/sku.
    That's all this is about.

    If a new sku appears with the HD DVD drive built in and the HD TV tuners etc it will compliment and add to the existing XBox 360 range.
    It will not leave anyone 'high and dry'.
    That makes no sense at all, either from a practical POV - what 3rd party game company is going to ditch the large, growing, well established and successful XBox 360 market?
    From a marketing POV, there is no way Miocrosoft will kill the XBox 360 before at least the usual 5 yr cycle is up
    (how on earth could that be 'better' or more profitable for them?).

    Those pretending it would be like what happened with the mk1 XBox are - deliberately? - failing to remember that it was Nvidia that pulled the plug on the mk1 Xboxs gpu.

    Even if, eventually, games were released on HD DVD it would be most likely to involve simultaneous multiple DVD9 releases
    (cos relatively few HD DVD equipped XBoxs would be out there and what game company is going to cut itself off from the majority of the market?).

    23.10.2007 11:52 #33

  • weird0

    personally, i think this rumor will become true
    like already mentioned, some people will want to watch hd-movies through their 360. and as long as games are on DVD9, buyers will still have a choice. so theres no reason for you sony fanboys to get your panties in a bunch.

    i wouldn't buy this myself as i already have a stand-alone. but if they do eventually put games on hd-dvd, then i'll just pick up an addon... which will be alot cheaper by then

    23.10.2007 12:15 #34

  • scorpNZ

    Blah,blah,blah rumour ,blah,blah,blah,more rumours,blah,blah,blah.

    Have any of you that are falling for the hddvd being installed given thought as to where they would put it,last point HD-DVD is for movies not games,honestly how long do you want to wait for a game to load dah!...lmao

    23.10.2007 13:46 #35

  • SProdigy

    Originally posted by c1c: Aren't the current games for 360 just an upconvert DVD? So if you play 360 on a 1080p TV you aren't playing an 'HD' game? Only a 480p game?Does your PC do 480p only? Who ever gave anyone the idea that 360 can't do 720p/1080i/1080p??? You're only limited by the cables you are using, just like the PS3. I'm sorry, but you're not going to get 720p out of RCA cables, okay?

    Why all the fuss over the HD-DVD rumor? Who cares, let them add another SKU to a confusing list of packages. At least it's labeled "Elite" on the box, and you don't have to guess "gee, this is the 40gb bundle with no BWC" when you stare at store shelf.

    Honestly, go buy a Wii. You don't have to worry about next gen HD discs, and there's only one box you can buy. It has the same controller and game that the rest of the systems came with. And it will save you some money too. End of story.

    23.10.2007 13:57 #36

  • BIGnewb

    they cant make hd dvd games anymore.not in the near future atleast.all the new games then wouldnt work on the consoles of the people who bought during is retarded if they do was a lose-lose situation since the beginning.the games arent hi def and you support a format but require an additional 200 dollar purchase to use it.not very appealing.

    23.10.2007 14:20 #37

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by BIGnewb: the games arent hi def and you support a format but require an additional 200 dollar purchase to use it.not very appealing. - Well that's where a lot of people beg to differ.

    The seperate XBox 360 HD DVD add-on allows people to make the choice of whether or when they get the HD DVD drive.....and a lot of PC users to have the HD DVD add-on as a PC HD DVD ROM drive.

    The XBox 360 games are high def btw.....but, just like with the PS3, all of this is dependent on whether you have an HD TV to use the higher resolution or not.

    The XBox 360 HD DVD add-on (or for that matter any built-in HD DVD drive in future) will only use the HD DVD format for movies......there isn't a single official word (anywhere) about Microsoft or any game developers using HD DVD for games.

    23.10.2007 16:00 #38

  • eatsushi

    Originally posted by c1c: Aren't the current games for 360 just an upconvert DVD? So if you play 360 on a 1080p TV you aren't playing an 'HD' game? Only a 480p game?No they're not.

    DVD movies are different from 360 DVD games. Movies on DVD are encoded in MPEG 2 at 480i.

    The DVD games for the 360 have graphics that are native high def 720p. Some are even at 1080p. Just because the games are on DVD9's doesn't mean they're not high-def. They're not upconverted.

    23.10.2007 16:50 #39

  • sk8flawzz

    Quote:Originally posted by c1c: Aren't the current games for 360 just an upconvert DVD? So if you play 360 on a 1080p TV you aren't playing an 'HD' game? Only a 480p game?No they're not.

    DVD movies are different from 360 DVD games. Movies on DVD are encoded in MPEG 2 at 480i.

    The DVD games for the 360 have graphics that are native high def 720p. Some are even at 1080p. Just because the games are on DVD9's doesn't mean they're not high-def. They're not upconverted.
    FINALLY someone who gets that content on a DVD9 is not only 480i/p!!!
    i burn some HD rips onto DVD-RW and play em on my 360..and these are in fact at 720/1080p..
    theres a huge difference in the way the disc is burned, dvd-video is mpeg2 and limited to 720x480 to play on dvd players
    however a game or in my case HD rips can be done in watever as long as the drive you put it in can read it...correct? yes?

    23.10.2007 17:44 #40

  • saltynuts

    Originally posted by BIGnewb: Microsoft talks a lot of shiit about the ps3 coming with blu-ray and now they do the same.go shoot yourselfs in the the xbox 360 is going to be the same price as the playstation 3 so dont whine about the prices anymore.


    23.10.2007 18:00 #41

  • ZippyDSM

    Am I the only one seeing MS moving to internal Hdvd in 2 years?
    That would be a good final step to put games on Hdvd as well.

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!

    23.10.2007 20:33 #42

  • saltynuts

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: Am I the only one seeing MS moving to internal Hdvd in 2 years?
    That would be a good final step to put games on Hdvd as well.

    i agree with you 100%

    23.10.2007 20:46 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by saltynuts: Originally posted by ZippyDSM: Am I the only one seeing MS moving to internal Hdvd in 2 years?
    That would be a good final step to put games on Hdvd as well.

    i agree with you 100%
    And I kinda hope they will even if they cant get it to work with the HDVD add on, the reason I say this, better to have the 360 in some form live a extra 2-3 years than a whole new system come out, I want the next MS system to be solid and polished this time around with cookies!(BWC,full BWC)!

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!

    23.10.2007 20:51 #44

  • Spenman91

    I would actually rather have an external HD-DVD drive than one included in the console. If it is internal and the drive breaks then you are screwed. But if the laser on the external drive goes out, you can atleast still play games, and buy another drive. Then you don't have to send in your console to get it repaired from watched tons of HD-DVDs on your 360. Similar to the wear, watching DVDs does on PS2 and Xbox.

    23.10.2007 22:34 #45

  • borhan9

    Well i just hope the aussie guy does not loose his job for leaking this info out there.

    24.10.2007 17:13 #46

  • kubapolak

    It's just a matter of time until I get my hands on a hd dvd xbox 360.

    25.10.2007 13:05 #47

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