Best Buy starts $10 million USD HD DVD refund program

Best Buy starts $10 million USD HD DVD refund program
Best Buy has announced that it will be giving any BB customer who purchased an HD DVD player or the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on before February 23, 2008 a $50 USD gift card as a way to make amends.

The retailer also added that it will be distributing at most $10 million USD in cards, meaning that about 200,000 individuals bought a player from BB since the format's launch.

To receive the gift card, many customers will not have to do anything but have a phone. BB plans to locate buyers using Reward Zone and service plan program information but those that cannot be identified need to call (888) BEST BUY and supply a receipt or credit card statement with the transaction.

If you did not purchase an HD DVD player from BB but would still like to get rid of it the company is also starting a trade-in program where the "company's Online Trade-In Center will provide estimates for how much the company will pay for various Toshiba HD DVD player models. Individuals can agree to the estimate and mail in their players to receive a Best Buy gift card for that amount."

"Now that the format war is over, we hope these gift cards will reassure our customers that we will help them make a smooth transition into the Right technology for their needs,"
added Best Buy president Brian J. Dunn.

You get to keep your HD DVD player and make $50 dollars, what a great deal.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Mar 2008 18:01
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  • tripplite

    thats balls mcfaggot for me......i got mine on amazon....BUT I STILL HAVE FAITH!!! yes HD-DVD will be the next sure of it:D

    (just kidding u know!)

    19.3.2008 18:19 #1

  • Gradical

    "Now that the format war is over, we hope these gift cards will reassure our customers that we will help them make a smooth transition into the Right technology for their needs,"

    what the hell does that mean???

    I feel dirty just to think big BB corporation taping me in the back and sayin there there boy here you go take this 50 bucks and get the tec you really need, and not the one you thought was best for you.

    i dont try to be in favor of neither sony nor toshiba, but this looks extremely bogus to me, its just like the format all the big fishes wanted to win for their own interests and now are just extra happy to throw money to celebrate

    i dont know, i really dont know what to think from this kind of things

    19.3.2008 18:24 #2

  • defgod

    It's just a marketing ploy. Just so people will spend that $50 and more on a Blu-Ray player or other things in their store.

    19.3.2008 18:35 #3

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by defgod: It's just a marketing ploy. Just so people will spend that $50 and more on a Blu-Ray player or other things in their store.Absolutely correct.

    19.3.2008 18:58 #4

  • core2kid

    Doesn't Circuit City have something like this?

    19.3.2008 19:06 #5

  • sgriesch

    Sounds great to me. I keep my HD DVD player, which was discounted over $200. I get 7 free movies. And now, I get a free unexpected $50 gift card. That's as good as cash in my household. I'm in electronics stores twice a week. It's a shame that the first HD DVD player I bought was at Circuit City. Could've had 2 cards.
    By the way, marketing ploy - yes. They want to look like the good guys after selling the expensive obsolete products. BUT, it really wasn't their fault that HD DVD lost, so in my opinion they are being the good guys.

    19.3.2008 19:07 #6

  • 905drager

    I find it surprising that Best Buy did this AFTER their Future Shop division up here in Canada. They must have used the FS one as a test to see the tractability of the rebate since up here you have to give up your HD-DVD player for a $100 store-credit.

    19.3.2008 19:47 #7

  • PantherM

    BB could have done NOTHING....seems like a good deal to me.

    19.3.2008 20:12 #8

  • emugamer

    $50!! I wish I could grab that. Put that towards a new jump drive or something. Or maybe a $60 video game :(

    19.3.2008 20:54 #9

  • ripxrush

    Originally posted by tripplite: thats balls mcfaggot for me......i got mine on amazon....BUT I STILL HAVE FAITH!!! yes HD-DVD will be the next sure of it:D

    (just kidding u know!)
    LMFAO! that was good! This is sweet too bad i bought that xtra HD-DVD add on on the 26th! lol oh well! i bought it for being able to up convert SD dvd's for my 2nd t.v.

    19.3.2008 21:52 #10

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by PantherM: BB could have done NOTHING....seems like a good deal to me.
    Best Buy could have done nothing, alright! But please, do not mistake this move with kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness and so forth. I bet the last thing they have had in mind is customer's interest. It is a good marketing move. Spend $50 to make $500 profit( or whatever the numbers add up to in the end). You have the gift card, so obviously you will be buying stuff at BB( like a new BR player,the replacement for a HD-DVD,for example, or whatever...).So, they got you in the store, half the mission accomplished. And then you have the Reward Zone program, so of course, to increase that, your next purchase will be from BB instead of the competition.And so on.

    If anyone thinks that BB is being nice with this promo,I think they are being naive. It is a nice deal,no one denies that,unexpected, free $50, but is not all philanthropy. It is aimed for a good profit.

    EDIT: I wish I hadn't skipped 1st grade. My spelling sucks!

    19.3.2008 21:59 #11

  • ematrix

    Here's a thought... it's a nice idea that some stores want to help HD-DVD owners to get a Blu-ray player, of course they don't do this from the kindness of their hearts, as they aim to profit from it, but that only solves the issue with hardware, but what about the software? If they want to help us make a smooth transition from HD-DVD to Blu-Ray, even more from DVD to Blu-ray, why don't they make a permanent worldwide refund/credit program on movies as well?

    I'm sure that owners of HD-DVD and DVD movies, would gladly accept to exchange them for Blu-ray movies, if that meant for us to pay just a few extra dollars. If they told us that we could replace our already owned HD-DVD and DVD movies, and don't have to pay full price (not even to pay full discount price) for those same movies on Blu-ray, then we got a pretty good deal.

    Because let's face it, Blu-ray and HD-DVD are just an upgrade from DVD, it not a new media since still delivers movies on disc. I agree that they offer a higher definition than DVD, but most of their movies share the same transfers that DVD movies, which still delivers high quality picture and sound, from restored and remastered digital transfers.

    The problem is not about people not recognizing the higher definition that Blu-ray or HD-DVD has to offer, but rather the rejection to repurchase their already owned movies, and as long such impediment exists, there'll not be a smooth transition to Blu-Ray. But i guess we'll first see Lindsay Logan win an Oscar for best actress, before such refund movie program comes to place.

    19.3.2008 22:25 #12

  • Paladore

    its funny when future shop and best buy have some sort of refund program for hd dvd people complain. they dont have to do jack for us but they are, stop the whining and hating.

    19.3.2008 23:31 #13

  • sciascia

    Why do people try to make a company look bad when they're just trying to make sales? You're pretty much saying: "Best Buy isn't nice for giving you free credit in their store, they're being greedy bastards!", forgetting the fact that their sole purpose as a store is to sell items.

    19.3.2008 23:34 #14

  • Paladore

    EVERYONE, Last i checked, Future Shop, Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack etc....are not a charity...they are there to make money and sell crap that me you and our friends want to buy....they are not greedy, they are a business who provides a service for us, stop your whining you little bitchs.

    19.3.2008 23:37 #15

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by sciascia: Why do people try to make a company look bad when they're just trying to make sales? You're pretty much saying: "Best Buy isn't nice for giving you free credit in their store, they're being greedy bastards!", forgetting the fact that their sole purpose as a store is to sell items.LOL!! No one says they are greedy bastards! At least I wasn't trying to imply that. You are right, the sole purpose of a store is to sell items, so that's what this $50 donation is aimed at, to get customers back in the store and buy more stuff. Good business move. I don't think I said " don't do it, they're evil, they'll brainwash you or something, if you get the money"!:~) I was just saying that it has nothing to do with "helping" the customers,like Best Buy president Brian J. Dunn says, is "just good business"! That doesn't make them a bad company by any means.

    Originally posted by Paladore: they dont have to do jack for us but they are, stop the whining and hating.That's where you're miss-perceiving, I doubt they did that for us, with the customer's benefit in mind!
    Hating?! Where would the hate come from? I don't own shares from Circuit City or other BB rival business:~)

    19.3.2008 23:53 #16

  • Run4two

    that's what this $50 donation is aimed at, to get customers back in the store and buy more stuff.

    I disagree. This is about trying to make the public believe that BB is sympathetic to the travesty that played out in the "HD format war." There were many reports from consumers describing their experiences at BB with sales reps trying to persuade them into purchasing BD. HD-DVD fan boys were venting all over the net over this practice. Out of all the B&M stores that sold both products, BB might have been the best in doing their customers justice. And I hate to say that. I hate BB with a passion. I had to go through so much BS to buy a PC and reject warrany and extra services!

    I am wary about how many people will receive this gift card. I want to hold BBs feet to the fire and see to it that it is a high percentage of HD-DVD players sold. I believe that most of these people will wander in and purchase DVDs and other small $$$ stuff and not be using it towards major purchases. In all honesty I'm surprised that BB didn't make it $75 dollars coupon towards a new BD player.

    20.3.2008 00:13 #17

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by Run4two: that's what this $50 donation is aimed at, to get customers back in the store and buy more stuff.

    I disagree. This is about trying to make the public believe that BB is sympathetic to the travesty that played out in the "HD format war."
    That too. The business game is played on many fronts, and the customers that receive the gift card are not the only players taking in consideration, but also future customers.

    One of those gift card receivers one day is gonna meet his neighbor or friend that is looking into buying a new electronic device, or stuff that BB might have on the shelf. That gift card receiver is gonna say " you know, I really had a good experience with BB, when HD-DVD was killed, they were really nice, gave me a gift card...". And there ,you have another potential customer.

    20.3.2008 00:44 #18

  • Paladore

    come now boys, you know we are all going to best buy with our gift cards and buying an xbox 360 or ps3 game :)

    20.3.2008 01:13 #19

  • goodswipe

    Quote:I feel dirty just to think big BB corporation taping me in the back and sayin there there boy here you go take this 50 bucks and get the tec you really need, and not the one you thought was best for you.
    Hmm, I don't find anything wrong with this. Their giving you a 50 dollar gift card for nothing, what's the problem with that? You don't have to spend it on anything Sony or Blu-ray. Go buy a video game or something.

    I still don't think anyone has lost out buy purchasing a Toshiba HD DVD player. They have excellent upscaling abilities and you can still watch over 500 HD DVDs and imports. I'm happy with my purchase and the fact that BB is going to give me a 50 dollar gift card so that I can just turn around and buy more HD DVDs. ;)

    /BB FTW!!

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    20.3.2008 10:35 #20

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by goodswipe:

    I still don't think anyone has lost out buy purchasing a Toshiba HD DVD player... I'm happy with my purchase and the fact that BB is going to give me a 50 dollar gift card so that I can just turn around and buy more HD DVDs. ;)

    /BB FTW!!

    LOL! That's what I was thinking, the funny thing would be when people get "compensated" for their HD-DVD "loss", and and use the gift card to buy some more good,low priced HD-DVDs :)! Not a bad deal at all!!

    Piss me off, and I Will ignore You!

    20.3.2008 10:45 #21

  • goodswipe

    Quote:LOL! That's what I was thinking, the funny thing would be when people get "compensated" for their HD-DVD "loss", and and use the gift card to buy some more good,low priced HD-DVDs :)! Not a bad deal at all!! Exactly! I hated the ending to I Am Legend. The HD DVD release is suppose to have an alternate ending or something of that nature. I'm going to use this to buy it. Either way I win, I get the movie for free even if it still sucks.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    20.3.2008 11:00 #22

  • sciascia

    My apologies for the misconception, and thanks for clearing it up maturely :)

    Quote:LOL! That's what I was thinking, the funny thing would be when people get "compensated" for their HD-DVD "loss", and and use the gift card to buy some more good,low priced HD-DVDs :)! Not a bad deal at all!!They are probably hoping for people to come in and take the remaining HD-DVD stock off of their hands with that $50 like you plan to do.

    21.3.2008 00:55 #23

  • Gradical

    Quote:will reassure our customers that we will help them make a smooth transition into the Right technology for their needs,let me put it on bold letters, this is the part i dont feel ok with

    its maybe just the way he says the right technology for you (wink, wink)

    21.3.2008 02:42 #24

  • goodswipe

    Originally posted by Gradical: Quote:will reassure our customers that we will help them make a smooth transition into the Right technology for their needs,let me put it on bold letters, this is the part i dont feel ok with

    its maybe just the way he says the right technology for you (wink, wink)
    Either way, you are still getting something for nothing(well, somewhat). I'm always down for free stuff. Did you even purchase an HD DVD player? If you did, I don't think this article would have bothered you. All I read was, "BB handing out 50 dollar gift cards to HD DVD owners", I could care less about what that guy had to say.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    21.3.2008 11:10 #25

  • tripplite

    Quote:BB could have done NOTHING....seems like a good deal to me.
    im very glade best BUY would make such an offer, its a flex of show that other business cant even afford a little bugget change:)


    24.3.2008 18:17 #26

  • ddetroit

    Guess what! If you bought an UPCONVERTING HD DVD player from Best Buy, it does not qualify for this $50 refund program. I just called their Customer Service headquarters, and after looking up my purchase, they told me my purchase of the upconverting HD DVD player did not qualify because it was an an upconverting HD DVD player. I don't understand, since the player does not upconvert to Blu Ray. I feel Best Buy is misleading the public with this offer.

    Also note there is some info out there that Blu Ray will be upgrading their format to 2.0 soon, and some Blu Ray players already purchased may not be compatible with the new format. So if you do plan to use your $50 Best Buy refund to buy a Blu Ray player, make sure it is not one that will become obsolete soon. Check out

    for more information.

    5.4.2008 10:59 #27

  • glassd

    Did you happen to find out when the phrase HD-DVD to Upconverting HD-DVD took place. Is this the time line that BB is using.

    Dont worry about the 2.0 format. The people without a 2.0 player wont be able to acces the internet with the players and use the 2.0 function to buy tollet paper. They will play the movie perfectly which is what the people bought the player for in the first place.

    5.4.2008 16:31 #28

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