HMV starts GTA IV pre-order promotion

HMV starts GTA IV pre-order promotion
The retailer HMV has begun a promotion for gamers eagerly awaiting the upcoming Grand Theft Auto IV that will include 1000 free Xbox Live points "and vouchers worth over GBP 130."

The free XBL points are exactly double what rival retailer GAME is offering. "We've come up with what we believe to be a market-leading offer for Grand Theft Auto IV," added Duncan La Barre, online games specialist at

"Grand Theft Auto IV is the biggest game release of 2008, and we're pleased to offer our online customers a great deal. If there's a better deal out there, we haven't seen it,"
he finished.

Obviously, the deal is only for pre-orders of the 360 version of the game and will not be included on the Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition. The game is set for release in Europe on April 29.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Mar 2008 18:20
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  • Pop_Smith

    Its fun to see retailers giving some decent stuff away to promote a game.

    While 1000 points = ~$12, which isn't too bad, I wonder what other things are offered/discounted with the vouchers.

    20.3.2008 03:38 #1

  • r0b0t3ch

    Who really cares!!!

    This "HMV" is a British company and Rockstar as well as Take-Two Interactive are American owned and corporately based companies so what they do out there with their egomaniacal GBP makes no difference and can BITE ME. Now..........if Circuit City, Walmart or BestBuy were doing something then that would be a different story but until other countries buy these games and patronize the companies MORE THAN the U.S. then WHO FRAKKIN' CARES.

    20.3.2008 12:27 #2

  • varnull

    I saw this and thought "EH"??

    GTA 4.. now I may be completely wrong but haven't we had that years ago in the form of GTA Vice City? Where does San Andreas sit?? and that psp thing??

    Surely this must be GTA VII ...

    Nice one tho HMV.. shame you are part of the "group of 4" media cartel ******* pricefixing ****** ***** (***=expletive-deleted)..
    We will never forget you sueing your customers... morons

    I don't think that this has anything to do with any kind of generosity.. It's purely an attempt to get people back into the shops to pay inflated prices on films and music. Last time I passed a HMV store it was a ghosttown.. tumbleweeds blowing and 2 bored staff hiding in the back room smoking.. needless to say I spoiled their fun by browsing through the empty dvd boxes and then leaving without buying anything. I was sorely tempted to try to order something I kno they would have heard of, but would not be able to get.. and salt in the wound.. make sure it was an EMI release.. muahahaha.. However being a smoker I decided 15 minutes away from the back room was torture enough for the spotty oiks and let them return to their preferred mission of removing the battery from the smoke detector...

    I don't know anybody who would even consider this any kind of offer.. They will be playing it before it hits the shelves anyway as they mod and burn.. No live gaming is a small price to pay against saving yourself £40 on every game...

    Us adults have a great big online game.. It's called t'internet (who do you want to p*ss off today?).. and it is huge... mmmm matrix time (dons different skin and heads off to the vintage TV forums)

    And just a little bit to annoy the yanks.. If it wasn't for us you would not have LCD screens.. multigun colour TV crt tubes.. computers.. stereo recording.. and you would all be talking FRENCH or SPANISH.. so there .. hahaha

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work....

    20.3.2008 12:33 #3

  • polegirl

    How much do i agree with you mate - OH Totally!!! LOL

    29.4.2008 17:32 #4

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