Guide for jailbreaking v2 iPod software with WinPwn

Guide for jailbreaking v2 iPod software with WinPwn
If you have an iPod Touch and want to take advantage of the new iTunes App Store you have to upgrade to the new v2 software (firmware 2.0). Unfortunately if you had jailbroken your iPod to load software you'll lose this functionality with the new software.

With WinPwn, a Windows port of Pwnage Tool from the iPhone Dev Team, you can create customer firmware from Apple's official updates and load it on your iPod to jailbreak it again. This will once again give you access to programs created by the independent development community that's grown around the iPhone and iPod Touch while allowing you to continue using the iTunes App Store and all the software found there.

Our new guide, Jailbreak an iPod Touch with v2 Software walks you step by step through the process of creating the new firmware and restoring it to your iPod using WinPwn and iTunes.

As a bonus there's also an Boot Logo, which you can use to replace Apple's default power-on image. Instructions are included in the guide.

Since the new iPod software is a substantial change from the old, software from the old Installer program won't work with it, but a lot of those titles are being ported, and others can already be found in the App Store. Some programs, like Winterboard, are already available.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 11 Aug 2008 4:06
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  • lxfactor


    11.8.2008 08:56 #1

  • OneMember

    Nice =)

    11.8.2008 14:16 #2

  • varnull

    Typical.. the very day we shut down for 3 weeks.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. An engineer with a single tool in his toolbox is an idiot, not an engineer

    11.8.2008 15:04 #3

  • 7thsinger

    Score! :D

    11.8.2008 15:16 #4

  • susieqbbb

    Great and not so great...

    Great we can unlock the iphone again bad news it's for windows.

    12.8.2008 04:47 #5

  • vurbal

    Originally posted by susieqbbb: Great and not so great...

    Great we can unlock the iphone again bad news it's for windows.

    Actually the original it's just a Windows port of software I believe was written for OS X originally. Our guide is for Windows because that's what we have to work with.

    12.8.2008 10:09 #6

  • mrcrab1

    Is there anyone in the Will county Illinois area that can help me? I have Myasthenia and MS and I am at home on disability. I have tried repeatedly to jailbreak my 3g and have had to restore 4 times. Is ther anybody out there that can do it for me? I can meet anywhere like a library or Panera or starbucks to get help? Please help. My computer and my IPhone are my only means of communications and I want to get all the toys on my 3g? Please I need somebody to either do it for me or at least meet with me and show me how to doit? My email address is and my phone number is 630.809.1443 please contact me if there is anyone that can assist me?

    7.11.2008 08:58 #7

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