YouTube blocks terrorism training, drug abuse

YouTube blocks terrorism training, drug abuse
The video-sharing site YouTube has added new stipulations to its community guidelines, this time banning terrorist training and 'drug abuse' videos.

However, the entire system will be based on users reporting videos that infract the new guidelines. This will of course be an impossible task, judging by the fact that 13 hours of new video are uploaded every 5 minutes to the site.

An AP report showed that the battle will be an uphill climb as there was at least 10 videos available using a quick search that showed how to make bombs.

The new guidelines specifically bans videos "that incite others to commit violent acts, videos on activities such as how to make bombs and footage of sniper attacks."

"It's good news if there are less of these on the Web," FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said, speaking about terrorism training videos. "But many of these jihadist videos appear on different Web sites around the world, and any time there is investigative or intelligence value we actively pursue it."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 14 Sep 2008 22:48
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  • matt876

    The department of home land security can surf youtube now and report the videos...

    14.9.2008 23:01 #1

  • susieqbbb


    I am so glad to see this.

    I have seen so many bomb making videos and other garbage on youtube good to here they are doing something about it thank you.

    15.9.2008 00:16 #2

  • windsong

    Saw a vid by Al Queda where they filmed the killing of a dog with some kind of nerve gas or something. Sickos. Its like that entire region of the world is possessed by demons or something.

    15.9.2008 00:40 #3

  • llongtheD


    I agree, doesn't it seem like that region has made almost no progress
    in the last few hundred years? It seems as if there are just two classes there, the mega rich oil barons, and the poor. The poor are incited to wage jihad on everyone else except the rich oil barons/princes/kings that are keeping them down. Religion is obviously a much more powerful tool for mind control than western mass media. I agree with youtubes stand, although I doubt any real terrorists are actually using it as a "research" site.

    15.9.2008 01:03 #4

  • pcrazy99

    You mean no more videos with a bunch of guys jumping through tires and playing on monkey bars in sandals?

    15.9.2008 01:29 #5

  • iamgq

    Uh ok, who cares

    15.9.2008 01:33 #6

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by windsong: Saw a vid by Al Queda where they filmed the killing of a dog with some kind of nerve gas or something. Sickos. Its like that entire region of the world is possessed by demons or something.That video was actually shown (with warnings) by CNN and a bunch of other reputable news agencies, while it was disturbing they didn't actually show you how to "conduct" terrorism (i.e. make bombs or other devices of destruction) so it wouldn't have gotten in trouble by the guidelines.

    However, it is nice to see them at least attempting to take an approach to curb videos like that.

    There are enough crazy people out there that do terrorist-group-style activities without the influence of the internet, let alone if they watch at least a few "how to make a bomb" videos on YouTube.

    15.9.2008 01:51 #7

  • dsws

    Considering that this is censorship it seems unusual that it is being praised. Rather, it is the content/information removal that is being praised, actually. So in a phrase, it is good to remove content that gives others information that is undesirable or can potentially be used to harm others; regardless of any other merits being positive, negative or simply indifferent.

    An illustration of this could that a person’s hobby is making explosives/fireworks. They do no harm to those around them nor do they intend to do harm. Are these types of people wrong in wanting to share this kind of content/information? How different is it from liking to make model airplanes and wanting to show others that? Rather, it is the association of a negative connotation that brings us to this conclusion. Hence, the requirement of a license for such hobbies; not only for safety, but control.

    Do not make the mistake that I am taking this content out of context. The content that is up for removal is not of a desirable nature and in most cases promotes violence to others and animals among other things. The fact of the matter is that these types of things happen. Making these acts truth. What is more favorable knowing the truth or being told a lie about what is happening? An aside is the mention that the truth hurts and lies make people happy. More often than not, this is the case. Allowing one to be denied the truth about an occurrence is almost as if it never happened, because how can a person know what happened if he was told a lie. It is like saying that the holocaust never happened.

    Conflicts such as these are not won by throwing those being subjugated into the desired outcome. They must be eased into it with those resisting being made to look like they promote dissonance and are deviants or don’t support the well being of said populace. A simple example is that of a frog and boiling water. If you throw the frog into the boiling water he will jump out, but if the water is started at a comfortable temperature and then increased slowly. Quite simply, the frog will stay in the water. Thus, its subjugation is complete.

    All of this in the guise of protection, safety, security or what will you.

    As anyone can see, information is power and those who have power rarely assent to sharing, but instead try to take any from those who could possibly be a threat. Those who are ignorant are much easier to control than those who are educated.

    15.9.2008 13:59 #8

  • tefarko

    Originally posted by windsong: Saw a vid by Al Queda where they filmed the killing of a dog with some kind of nerve gas or something. Sickos. Its like that entire region of the world is possessed by demons or something.except by the fact that al Qaeda is a CIA operation...

    btw, that video was as sick as the one showing some marines throwing a puppy off a cliff...

    15.9.2008 15:50 #9

  • tefarko

    if they are removing drug abuse videos does it mean that Amy Winehouse videos will be gone?

    15.9.2008 15:54 #10

  • llongtheD


    Al qaeda is CIA operation? Where the hell did you come up with that?
    So everyone living in the middle east, working for al qaeda, and training in their camps actually work for the CIA? Sounds like one of those far left conspiracy theories to me. I don't know what your smoking bro, but damn I wish I had some.

    15.9.2008 21:09 #11

  • varnull

    It's a common conspiracy theory.. and holds a lot of water when you look at it impartially.

    Senior figures in the US government are on the boards and are major shareholders in the armaments industry. With the collapse of the previous bugbear.. communism and Russia.. they needed another thing to make people frightened of so they could hold on to their influence, money and power..

    It's pretty cut and dried actually that people died to bolster the profits of this conspiracy.. and they are still dying now!

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. Im an a$$hole too.. and Im very proud of the fact.

    15.9.2008 21:21 #12

  • llongtheD

    I suppose your right, it is a common "theory", but its just that, a theory. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the U.S. government isn't corrupt, far from it. I just think there is more to it, than the evil empire of the United States is doing this all on their own. They would need help to pull off something that big, maybe if they got all of their allies on board, including most of Europe. You could also look at it impartially from the other stand point, that everyone wants to point their finger at the last remaining "super power." Show me one government in the world that is not corrupt. I think you'd be very hard pressed to find one.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    15.9.2008 21:45 #13

  • cousinkix

    Big Dead! You still wanna watch those terrorist executions on line? It took a couple of minutes to find a collection of those ragheads cutting off peoples's heads...

    16.9.2008 05:04 #14

  • tefarko

    Originally posted by llongtheD: @tefarko

    Al qaeda is CIA operation? Where the hell did you come up with that?
    So everyone living in the middle east, working for al qaeda, and training in their camps actually work for the CIA? Sounds like one of those far left conspiracy theories to me. I don't know what your smoking bro, but damn I wish I had some.
    actually is a better theory than the one that says a sick guy, deep in a cave in Afghanistan made a miracle and turned some stooges into jet pilots...

    just google "935 lies"...

    I can't believe people who tell one lie, much less 935...

    16.9.2008 13:17 #15

  • sKrEwZ

    Quote:YouTube has added new stipulations to its community guidelines, this time banning terrorist training and 'drug abuse' videos.Okay, what constitutes as 'drug abuse'?

    16.9.2008 15:56 #16

  • llongtheD

    @ tefarko

    Your obviously an islamic extremist, probably don't believe the holocaust ever happened either, or it was an inside job by the CIA.

    16.9.2008 19:12 #17

  • tefarko

    Originally posted by llongtheD: @ tefarko

    Your obviously an islamic extremist, probably don't believe the holocaust ever happened either, or it was an inside job by the CIA.
    lol... nah, not really... it just happens I'm not part of the brainwashed sheeple...

    17.9.2008 12:44 #18

  • lubricant

    Originally posted by llongtheD: @tefarko

    Al qaeda is CIA operation? Where the hell did you come up with that?
    So everyone living in the middle east, working for al qaeda, and training in their camps actually work for the CIA? Sounds like one of those far left conspiracy theories to me. I don't know what your smoking bro, but damn I wish I had some.

    cia gave money to proto-al qaeda (or something like that) to help push the russians out of afganistan.. there you go

    20.9.2008 16:53 #19

  • llongtheD

    Your right lubricant..

    I guess that proves 9/11 was a CIA job. WTF?????
    Is that your proof?

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    23.9.2008 00:01 #20

  • llongtheD

    Originally posted by tefarko: Originally posted by llongtheD: @ tefarko

    Your obviously an islamic extremist, probably don't believe the holocaust ever happened either, or it was an inside job by the CIA.
    lol... nah, not really... it just happens I'm not part of the brainwashed sheeple...
    Nope, your just part of the brainwashed counter culture.

    If your fish seems sick, put it back in the water.

    23.9.2008 00:02 #21

  • PrinceFX

    i guess Al Qaeda was under CIA until some deal went wrong and then Osama started his own personal war on the USA... the CIA felt like they were slapped in the face so they made 9/11 happen so that they could get back at Osama.

    But Al Qaeda was definitely a CIA operation during the USSR-Afgahnistan war in the 80s... the US was at cold war with USSR and so they wanted to win... but they couldnt just jump in like that so they hired people to fight and gave them weapons. One of these people was Osama...

    7.10.2008 01:31 #22

  • lubricant

    Originally posted by llongtheD: Your right lubricant..

    I guess that proves 9/11 was a CIA job. WTF?????
    Is that your proof?
    nope. im not trying to prove anything.
    why are you?

    7.10.2008 10:32 #23

  • varnull

    Just remember this.. Whatever reasons you see and hear in the media concerning the middle east situation most are fabrications generated to keep up this atmosphere of fear.

    the taliban came up as a force during the Russian "invasion" of Afghanistan.. The first lie.. It wasn't an invasion at all. the government of Afghanistan asked the Russians for help in putting down a religious civil war.. The USA because at the time they were the "enemy" of Russia backed the terrorists with arms and funds. the Russians haven't forgotten this, which is why they are very reluctant to get involved with the Western powers in the region now.
    I remember the CNN and BBC news teams traveling around on the Pakistan border with these terrorists making news reports about how our "allies" were doing in the guerilla war against the Russian army... Who were propping up the democratically elected government. Anybody old enough to remember the fall of the Shah of Persia will know how that went too. Replaced by a medieval horror who had been banished by the legal government of the now Iran for stirring up inter islamic sectarian violence and terrorist acts.

    We only have ourselves to blame. Bin Laden is a product of the continual betrayal and meddling by the west in affairs which really don't concern us.
    We have time and time again gone against our word, changed sides to suit our current political masters who are puppets in the hands of the oil, drug and arms cartels.. and sought to have our wars fought by proxy in this region, and now we get some payback.. and guess what.. We don't like it.

    As for censoring these pathetic bomb making and terrorist training videos. What's the point?.. To say it isn't happening or what?.. I don't believe any of these films are really generated from where they say they are. I see more lies here. Put lost of nasty videos up.. spoofed films at that, using actors and locations that look more like the Nevada desert than Afghanistan.. and then making a lot of fuss about removing and banning them.
    I don't believe any real terrorist group would ever be so public about it's organisation and training. They survive by the very fact they are hidden and shadowy, not because they are out on public display.
    As for the bomb making films... what you are so thick that you can't go to a library and get a high school chemistry book off the shelf and work it out for yourself? Go on.. follow the instructions.. you don't get a bomb.. you get an embarrassment.

    To make a bomb in proper style you can use all kinds of comon household substances.. Red top matches are a good source of a pretty devastating explosive, and are particularly useful as a detonator for a larger bulk explosive... then you need some agricultural supplies and a bucket and some paraffin or diesel... red top matches or a few over the counter fireworks or a couple of shotgun shells... a timer device of some kind.. a phone, or hell.. just sit on it and press the button... hehehe.

    Information is mute.. it's the uses the propagandists would put it to that is dangerous.
    Guns don't kill people... people kill people.

    That's enough of that.. open your eyes and actually look instead of just accepting what you are shown or told.

    Again the lessons of history are being ignored for the sake of current power and wealth, and keeping it in the hands of those who hold it. Only when we start to look at the future as a species in a global context will we ever get anywhere.. Religion, borders and nations make wars. It has always been so.. and these are our true enemies, not some bloke with a beard and towel on his head sitting in a cave somewhere.
    Ozzy does talk sense, even if it is poisoned with hate, betrayal and the methodology of the fanatic... if we listen we can learn why he is so angry, and maybe we can do something to solve or redress those wrongs of the past in a way that will satisfy everyone. BUT.. we need to be allowed to listen, and that is something that those who would keep us in fear for the sake of their own power and position don't want.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. The flower of carnage-shura no hana

    7.10.2008 12:09 #24

  • joshcoops

    30.12.2008 19:39 #25

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