'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' movie leaked one month early

'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' movie leaked one month early
One month before its theatrical release, a workprint version of X-Men Origins: Wolverine has been leaked online, and is seeing huge downloads as I type.

The film, being a "workprint", has some special effects missing, as well as the occasional view of wires still attached to actors during action scenes. Although unconfirmed, some are reporting that the leaked version is missing some of the director's re-shoots. We probably won't know until next month however what is missing.

The film was supposed to compete with other blockbuster fare such as Star Trek and Transformers 2 but poor reviews of the film based on the leaked version may kill that buzz.

The more important question may be, at least from 20th Century Fox's perspective, is where the leak came from. There is a small caption at the beginning of the video that says 'Rising Sun Pictures' and is dated from last month.

Rising Sun Pictures is an Australian visual effects company that worked on editing the film, and is currently working on the upcoming blockbuster Terminator Salvation. There is no evidence however to support that RSP was involved in the leak.

20th Century Fox has yet to comment publicly on the leak.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 Apr 2009 15:39
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  • dude845

    Haha. I can't wait for them to go cry in the corner.

    1.4.2009 15:49 #1

  • Pop_Smith

    Upon some Google searching it doesn't look to be a "bad" workprint like previous ones.

    However, it probably doesn't contain the reshoots that occurred and this is one of the movies I would much rather see in the theater first than on my tiny computer screen. :P

    1.4.2009 15:53 #2

  • SSSJDanny

    Thought it was an April Fools Joke, but its true.

    1.4.2009 15:56 #3

  • amf0802

    It's definitely true, I watched it this morning. The missing effects don't really subtract from the film, but I don't know about any re-shoots. The quality was near DVD-rip and very watchable and with good sound. The film itself was decent though, I'd give it like a 6.5.

    1.4.2009 16:04 #4

  • 5fdpfan

    That's friggin hilarious! I had no idea another sequel to this franchise was even coming out. Mostly cause it's a franchise I really have little interest in and cause I have yet to see the previews for it on T.V Hahaha! Think of all potential money Fox is losing because of this. Millions will have already seen the movie so that by the time it "officialy" hits theaters hardly anyone will be there cause it'll be old news by then. "Yeah yeah, I saw that movie like last month. Why the hell would I go and pay to watch it now?" Anyyways, I'll wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes now and go on about my day.

    1.4.2009 17:12 #5

  • ThePastor

    Advertised on this page... Up there to the right... is "Mutan Chronicles" ... "Out in Theaters soon"...

    I watched that a couple of months ago. Good movie. Go see it!

    And oh, thanks for the heads up about Wolverine! ;)

    1.4.2009 18:16 #6

  • thor999

    Hell yeah, Mutant Chronicles was incredible! Won't even waste my bandwidth on X-Men related shite, and I was a huge fan of the comic when I was young.

    1.4.2009 19:23 #7

  • geestar20

    I already have the x264 720p version...PMSL!

    Well, all i can say is better luck next time film industries.

    1.4.2009 21:11 #8

  • o0cynix0o

    Originally posted by 5fdpfan: ....Why the hell would I go and pay to watch it now?"

    Because some people are like that. I for one am. If the movie is good enough...ala "The Dark Knight" I'll pay to see it.

    1.4.2009 21:38 #9

  • Burnasty

    I downloaded the dark knight, after which saw it twice in the theaters. Finally purchasing it on blu-ray. If the quality is their so is the money. The production companies need to learn that.

    2.4.2009 03:51 #10

  • iamgq

    I think thats a d*mn shame. Somebody puts an idea together, works at it to make it happen and BAM! Someon else destroys it. Thats selfish and plain wrong. Takes peoples motivation away from doing better, no respect. They could have waited till after it got relese the least.

    2.4.2009 05:57 #11

  • ak472009

    i will see this movie if i like it , i will watch this cinema

    2.4.2009 08:15 #12

  • 5fdpfan

    "They could have waited till after it got relese the least."

    With all do respect to your point, ripping people off is still ripping people off whether a legal alternative is avalible yet or not. Those who intended on paying to see the movie still can. The rest would have still downloaded and watched this for free anyway. Granted,the early word of mouth(which from what I've read has been poor at best)doesn't help the situation much but its too late to worry about that now. The cat's out of the bag now. The studio will just have to spend a little more to make any necessary alterations to the final product before it hits theaters or do better to secure their films next time so that at least they will have recieved something before a pirated version is leaked.

    2.4.2009 08:15 #13

  • emugamer

    "Rising Sun Pictures is an Australian visual effects company that worked on editing the film, and WAS working on the upcoming blockbuster Terminator Salvation. There is evidence however to support that RSP will not obtain work again."


    2.4.2009 08:43 #14

  • DoomLight

    i paid to see dark knight even tho the bootleg was online. the movie was too dark to bother with CAM copies.

    but since this workprint is missing special effectsand has wires mixed in. i will likely pay to see the xmen movie too

    2.4.2009 09:15 #15

  • markurai

    i watch it twice and storyline is not that great.. the actors who play the other charaters are stupid.

    2.4.2009 09:26 #16

  • DVDBack23

    I feel like all studios should do this...leak unfinished workprints, as I can honestly say that I will be paying to see the final cut in theaters, the workprint won me over.

    2.4.2009 10:47 #17

  • wolf123

    I think they did this on pupose to advertise the movie and get the buzz going because i would see the finished product anyway.

    I wish star trek was leaked rather see that.

    but from what i saw the story was good and acting was good the main surprise finding out how old wolverine was that was a surprise.

    i believe if he was 9 in the beginning then that would put him around 1836 as when he was born.

    I liked it and other people that dont I dont care what you think thats your opinion.

    2.4.2009 11:50 #18

  • jookycola

    Originally posted by markurai: i watch it twice and storyline is not that great.. the actors who play the other charaters are stupid.True story, this movie is getting raked over the coals on the imdb.com forums for being monumentally horrid. It's being called the Speed Racer of 2009.

    2.4.2009 12:05 #19

  • 5fdpfan

    Anything is possible I suppose, but I doubt very highly that this was done on purpose.

    2.4.2009 12:24 #20

  • omegaman7

    Myself, even being able to download a leaked version...I would rather wait and see it on the big screen! I cant believe some people dont have the patience. Ive been anxiously awaiting this for quite some time. This movie will see some return from me, and others like me. I liked Xmen I,II,III! 5-10 dollars really isnt that much to go see a movie. Heck 20$+ counting munchies isnt that bad either, when a movie deserves it. But then, im pretty easy to please :D The last movie I saw was, Watchmen! I dont regret spending over 20 for both my brother and I. Though I must admit, im even more anxious for Star Trek!!! Ive been waiting MUCH longer for that one!!! I would spend 100$ on that one!!! Do you hear me Paramount, Disney, Etc? If a movie is worth it...

    2.4.2009 14:27 #21

  • ThePastor

    Right or wrong, these things are out there. If Hollywood would put out a quality product there would be no problem.
    The Dark Knight was widely available on the net but it set box office records. On the other hand, Speed Racer, which just plain sucked didn't do so well.
    The public is sick and tired of paying hard earned money for crap. Early releases give them the ability to make an informed decision.
    Maybe this will help Hollywood to start making good movies, or start charging appropriately.

    2.4.2009 15:39 #22

  • omegaman7

    Originally posted by ThePastor: Right or wrong, these things are out there. If Hollywood would put out a quality product there would be no problem.
    The Dark Knight was widely available on the net but it set box office records. On the other hand, Speed Racer, which just plain sucked didn't do so well.
    The public is sick and tired of paying hard earned money for crap. Early releases give them the ability to make an informed decision.
    Maybe this will help Hollywood to start making good movies, or start charging appropriately.

    Well put! Well put buddy :)

    2.4.2009 15:45 #23

  • veyron

    I found it very interesting to see the movie unfinished. And will definitely be going to the theatre to see it again.

    Even more interesting will be how the movie is reshaped due to widespread opinions. Something that very few movies are fortunate enough to have.

    2.4.2009 15:54 #24

  • hollowsou

    i hope they did some better stuff on the re edit because the whole implying that weapon XI is wade wilson was horible it ruined his character totaly. Deadpool never had those kind of powers he was a merc with a mouth who do to his cancer was dying so they fused him with wolverines healing powers which kept the cancer at bay but the side effetcts were his disfiguration and like wolverine he had gaps in his memory from the experimenting, and come on stealing other mutants powers to put in weapon XI without hurting the mutants or causing some kind of trauma, isnt stryker suposed to be a sick and twisted man he killed the General but he doesnt hurt the mutants with painful mutanat power extraction experiment< Gay as hell. i hope the edited version is better not that it would be good cause all be told it is a mockery to Wolverines character, he fell inlove with a Oriental lady where he learned the way of the samurai not some teacher in the mauntains of Canada, and his memory loss came from experimentations and attempts to twist the truth, not a werewolf type scene "Wolverine can only be stopped with a silver bullet"(adamantium bullet) sorry all and all lame. i take it as it is a movie with entertainment value and nothing more.

    2.4.2009 16:50 #25

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by hollowsou: ... sorry all and all lame. i take it as it is a movie with entertainment value and nothing more.Amm...uhh...duh! What else would it be? Entertainment. It is meant to make money. It is not a documentary based on "Wolverine's" real life- coz' you know, he ain't real,just a graphic novel character!
    All these movies are "adaptations", based on the comic book. People, stop beaotchin' about how the story is so far from the books and all that garbage.Just don't watch it, go back to "reading".

    . I liked the first X-Men movies a bit more (it had more "mutant" powers show offs). Overall, I thought it was pretty good.
    I am curious if the official released version will be changed much, following the public's reactions/critiques.

    2.4.2009 18:28 #26

  • trexxus

    Some people may not like this but who cares/My buddy has the movie and i'm gonna probably check out his copy this weekend and if I like it then I will support it by giving up my hard earned money next month but if I think it blows chunks then I won't waste my time.The same thing happened with American Gangster almost 2 years ago when it was "leaked" before the studio release and it did ok(somewhat).

    2.4.2009 21:14 #27

  • homesick

    i think it is very cool to have an early release of a movie without some of the special effects and things like that. I cant wait to watch it, and from what i hear it is a awsome movie, so i dont think they should be ashamed it got leaked, because alot of people are hypeing it up!

    2.4.2009 22:09 #28

  • trainmstr

    sometimes I wonder if these "releases" are leaked on purpose ... not to get public opinion, but to bait torrent trackers and people to d/l them... especially for a crappy movie they know will not make money.

    I mean ... lets say the movie is a flop ... the finished product stage... the editors and whomever knows its shit ... so they "leak" the movie ...then cry in court saying people cost the film millions of revenue ..and have a leg to stand on.

    3.4.2009 01:38 #29

  • cyprusrom

    LOL, that is some conspiracy theory;)!

    Made me smile!

    Piss me off, and I Will ignore You!

    3.4.2009 02:34 #30

  • iamgq

    Originally posted by 5fdpfan: "They could have waited till after it got relese the least."

    With all do respect to your point, ripping people off is still ripping people off whether a legal alternative is avalible yet or not. Those who intended on paying to see the movie still can. The rest would have still downloaded and watched this for free anyway. Granted,the early word of mouth(which from what I've read has been poor at best)doesn't help the situation much but its too late to worry about that now. The cat's out of the bag now. The studio will just have to spend a little more to make any necessary alterations to the final product before it hits theaters or do better to secure their films next time so that at least they will have recieved something before a pirated version is leaked.

    With all do respect how about you sh*t the f*ck up! Im not supporting neither, its not cool regardles was my point.

    3.4.2009 07:42 #31

  • pcrazy99

    If the movie was actually good I would go see it with the special effects added. The movie isn't good so I'm glad I don't have to waste fifty bucks seeing it in the theater. Also, maybe this will stem the flow of comic book or super hero movies. It's getting kind of played out.

    3.4.2009 10:16 #32

  • bangor09

    I liked the movie a lot, actually,I will see it on theaters and it will interesting to see what changes are made, my only gripe was the weapon XI thing, I though Deadpool was cool to beging with, I didnīt liked the idea of him turned into a Adamantium welding guy,letīs hope they change that, as for Logan being involved with Mariko and not some Canadian lady, well, this movie itīs supposed to be 15 years before the first movie of X-men, so thereīs time for Logan to frolic on Japan and Madripoor,)and for saberthoot to get the bulking guy who was on X-men too) the other thing is Gambit was in this one, so with this they made him to be a lot OLDER than rogue for the movies, too bad Magneto didnīt showed up, he was supposed to have his own movie coming out too.....

    3.4.2009 14:15 #33

  • atomicxl

    Ehh, that sucks. If they find the person, they should punish this guy to the maximum extent of the law.

    Rising Sun Pictures has basically written themselves out of the industry with this. When you're leaking out movies... what studio in their right mind would let you work on their project? They've pretty much blacklisted the company and all of their employees from ever working with 20th Century Fox again in any way, shape or form.

    4.4.2009 00:56 #34

  • EricCarr

    I've watched the unfinished movie here and it is awesome. I will go see it at the movies and buy the DVD. Who ever leaked it, and the purpose was to get some buzz going. They have succeeded.

    4.4.2009 02:07 #35

  • knfusd

    Saw it at friend's house, then watched credits had names of people and or actors not in the product. Wondering or coming to conclusion that it's not finished product. Was pretty good though considering. Will be going to theatre to see finished movie. Much better than Xman 3 !

    4.4.2009 20:55 #36

  • homesick

    Originally posted by iamgq: Originally posted by 5fdpfan: "They could have waited till after it got relese the least."

    With all do respect to your point, ripping people off is still ripping people off whether a legal alternative is avalible yet or not. Those who intended on paying to see the movie still can. The rest would have still downloaded and watched this for free anyway. Granted,the early word of mouth(which from what I've read has been poor at best)doesn't help the situation much but its too late to worry about that now. The cat's out of the bag now. The studio will just have to spend a little more to make any necessary alterations to the final product before it hits theaters or do better to secure their films next time so that at least they will have recieved something before a pirated version is leaked.

    With all do respect how about you sh*t the f*ck up! Im not supporting neither, its not cool regardles was my point.
    That's an awfully bold statement with so many mods subscribed to this thread. JMO

    4.4.2009 20:59 #37

  • cyprusrom

    Quote:With all do respect how about you sh*t the f*ck up! Im not supporting neither, its not cool regardles was my point.That's an awfully bold statement with so many mods subscribed to this thread. JMO

    I don't know if I would call it bold...If that's the only way one can get his point across...I'd call it senseless and childish, maybe(and that's just to be civil).

    4.4.2009 21:41 #38

  • iamgq

    Quote:With all do respect how about you sh*t the f*ck up! Im not supporting neither, its not cool regardles was my point.That's an awfully bold statement with so many mods subscribed to this thread. JMO

    I don't know if I would call it bold...If that's the only way one can get his point across...I'd call it senseless and childish, maybe(and that's just to be civil).

    im not trying to take away from the main disscusion the movie. what i said was to the point, maybe harshley but not personal in anyway nor selseless or childish... dont analyze and make it what its not.
    ---i also want to point out, people keep saying that if the movie is great yadi yadi yada, it will sell great! but you guys are forgetting how much work gets putt in to making a movie(good or bad)... not trying to get anyone to change their ways, just stop and look at the complete picture. be a little thankful that we still have a strong movie industry.

    5.4.2009 02:37 #39

  • Burnasty

    To take this a little more off topic, I would disagree with you and so would the critics. Look at AFI's top 10 movies of all time. The most recent being Schindler's list. You have to go to the number 50 to get a film made in the last decade. So, no we don't have a great movie industry anymore.

    5.4.2009 04:18 #40

  • bangor09

    just stop and look at the complete picture. be a little thankful that we still have a strong movie industry. We do????

    (kidding, well, not really, ok, so maybe I am, but anyway....)

    5.4.2009 04:23 #41

  • iamgq

    Originally posted by Burnasty: To take this a little more off topic, I would disagree with you and so would the critics. Look at AFI's top 10 movies of all time. The most recent being Schindler's list. You have to go to the number 50 to get a film made in the last decade. So, no we don't have a great movie industry anymore.
    You must be only comparing it to the States. Im comparing it to the world, name to me the last blockbuster made by Europeans, Africans or South South Americans...

    5.4.2009 06:21 #42

  • iamgq

    Originally posted by bangor09: just stop and look at the complete picture. be a little thankful that we still have a strong movie industry. We do????

    (kidding, well, not really, ok, so maybe I am, but anyway....)
    Yall some ignorant ass selfish people. Telling you, outside the states who else is making movies we willing to spend 12-15 buck for?

    5.4.2009 06:28 #43

  • binkie7

    You need to chill - here's vacation to do so.
    When you return check the attitude at the door.

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    5.4.2009 11:03 #44

  • cyprusrom

    be a little thankful that we still have a strong movie industry...
    Yall some ignorant ass selfish people. Telling you, outside the states who else is making movies we willing to spend 12-15 buck for?
    Not sure where the selfishness comes into play.
    You are not taking in consideration the fact that whatever movies you, or some, might find to be these great blockbusters and are willing to spend your 12-15 dollars on, other people might not want to waste a potato chip on them.And that's for good reason.

    Just because you live in US,where Hollywood movies are the mainstream,and that's all you've been exposed to, it doesn't mean the rest of the world revolves around it. Very good movies come also from Europe and Asia, just because you're not exposed to, appreciate or care for, it doesn't mean they don't exist.
    Quote:Im comparing it to the world, name to me the last blockbuster made by Europeans, Africans or South South Americans...
    I think "Slumdog Millionaire" would qualify, as a recent one.

    5.4.2009 11:12 #45

  • varnull

    It has a bit more story content than I'm used to from a superhero film tbh.. but not bad. I might actually waste some of my bandwidth for the final version. *gasp*.. me .. a superhero film?... but wolverine is sexy :lol:

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Welcome to the other side of the looking glass Alice

    5.4.2009 11:17 #46

  • binkie7

    Heck ya Wolverine is sexy - I'll pay to see it in the theater too just cause of that :)

    Quote:Just because you live in US,where Hollywood movies are the mainstream,and that's all you've been exposed to, it doesn't mean the rest of the world revolves around it. Very good movies come also from Europe and Asia, just because you're not exposed to, appreciate or care for, it doesn't mean they don't exist.Good point cyprusrom.

    A good recent one that comes to mine for me would be Mongol - can't wait for the rest of the trilogy. Oh but wait you have to read subtitles......

    Personally I thought Slumdog was your typical Hollywood story - poor boy makes out and gets girl. This is just my opinion and others will disagree - that's cool.

    5.4.2009 11:37 #47

  • varnull

    I can't see what all the fuss is about with "slumdog".. want to see a good public funded film (which should be free to uk peeps who are paying for them after all) .. watch "mischief night"

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Welcome to the other side of the looking glass Alice

    5.4.2009 11:49 #48

  • kevinv

    sometimes i wonder if they do not leak the films themself, so they can get feedback from the net. if the leak flops, then a change is needed, else keep going ahead.

    just my 2 cents

    5.4.2009 12:25 #49

  • cyprusrom

    I didn't qualify Slumdog Millionaire as a great piece of art, but as a blockbuster made elsewhere other than Hollywood.

    I didn't know Mongol was a trilogy, although should've figured there was more by the way it ended. Red Cliff was a pretty good movie also.

    5.4.2009 13:23 #50

  • varnull

    never mind.. looking at the tv trailers there might be some films worth downloading in the next few weeks

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    Soon to be everybodys antipodean sex goddess.. actually only one persons.. but thats not the point. Move over Minogue.. midgets cant compare XD

    5.4.2009 13:42 #51

  • binkie7

    Yeah the next one is tentatively called The Great Khan and will hopefully be released in 2010.
    Thanks for the tip in Red Cliff - I'm going to check that one out.

    While I love these great epic Asian movies sans CG I do like the big blockbuster w/ cg too like X men, Transformers etc. I like variety :)

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    5.4.2009 14:38 #52

  • tgill09

    well whoever released it and when they catch that person they are in some serious trouble. i would like to see if it is good tho.

    14.4.2009 14:16 #53

  • danny4237

    Obviously Hollywood can't sustain this type of leak, but their approach, mainly deterrence and threats, doesn't seem to be working on its own.

    Here is an alternative, moving to the preventive maintenance side:


    1.5.2009 17:08 #54

  • many6

    Hey ppl i found this really cool site for taking money off you and free premium accounts...
    Just go here:
    SCAM removed

    trust me it works.......google it if u dont believe me
    Thnx...hope this helps u guys to help give me money

    6.5.2009 14:54 #55

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