Legal downloads jump following IPRED in Sweden

Legal downloads jump following IPRED in Sweden
Following the introduction of new measures under the IPRED anti-file sharing law in Sweden last week, legal downloads of music enjoyed a 100 percent increase in the country. The information was released by digital content provider InProdicon. The company did not want to release information on the exact number of songs sold however.

"The first week after the introduction of IPRED, sales increased by 100 percent compared to the previous weeks. I don't know if this is only because of IPRED, but it is definitely a sign of a major change," said managing director Klas Brännström.

This could mean good things for Swedish artists however, as about 60 percent of downloaded music in the country is from Swedish artists. "We have seen a clear sales increase compared to last year. There has been a 20-30 percent increase on an annual basis, but sales fluctuate a bit depending on which artists are launching new albums," said Brännström.

Just days ago, the Pirate Bay revealed that over 100,000 had signed up to test its IPREDATOR service, which claims to offer anonymity to users.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 12 Apr 2009 16:48
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  • nonoitall

    Quote:The first week after the introduction of IPRED, sales increased by 100 percent compared to the previous weeks.
    Hear that? The first week after IPRED they sold two songs in Sweden! :-P

    12.4.2009 19:44 #1

  • Run4two

    Whose info are you going to trust in all this? My best guess is that nothing has truly changed. Those who purchase, will continue to. Those who don't, won't. Nothing gained, nothing lost.

    12.4.2009 20:35 #2

  • windsong

    You cant compete with FREE.

    13.4.2009 01:15 #3

  • SgtDavis

    A 100% increase with no numbers to back up the claim? Smells fishy to me.

    13.4.2009 08:30 #4

  • adamryan

    Originally posted by windsong: You cant compete with FREE.
    lawl, so true.

    14.4.2009 06:27 #5

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