Apple apologizes for iPhone 3G S activation issues

Apple apologizes for iPhone 3G S activation issues
The anticipated iPhone 3G S was released on Friday and many users are still having delays activating their new phones.

Apple today, is trying to make amends for the delays, and is giving all users that are still experiencing the problems a $30 USD iTunes gift card for the "the inconvenience this delay has caused."

Here is the full email customers received:

Dear Apple Customer,

Thank you for your recent Apple Store order. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience caused by the delay in your iPhone activation.

We are still resolving the issue that was encountered while activating your iPhone with AT&T. Unfortunately, due to system issues and continued high activation volumes, this could take us up to an additional 48 hours to complete.

On Monday, you'll receive an email from Apple with an iTunes Store credit in the amount of $30. We hope you will enjoy this gift and accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this delay has caused.

Thank you for choosing Apple.

Apple Online Store Team

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Jun 2009 22:24
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  • aboy7

    This article also makes a great point.
    *bad link removed*

    21.6.2009 23:16 #1

  • Mik3h

    Bad link there, aboy7.

    22.6.2009 02:24 #2

  • 5fdpfan

    While it's nice that Apple is doing anything at all, their apologies would start to ring hollow by now if I were an Iphone customer. I mean this same crap happens every time an updated phone is released. Sorry, but there's no good excuse for being unprepared as they are surely aware that millions of people are gonna want tp purchase this thing and will probably try to activate it once it's in their hands. Thank goodness I've never bought an Iphone.

    22.6.2009 12:13 #3

  • Morreale

    WTF, with every new iPhone comes activation problems... This should be expected by now lol

    22.6.2009 12:16 #4

  • 5fdpfan

    If you're LOL has anything to do with sitting back and watching all the people who fall for this crap every year as no one seems to be able to excercise any patience or self control then I concur with your remark. Unlike the thousands of other iditos out there, I don't have to be the first to own a new Iphone or the newest gaming console. It's certainly inexcusable to have this current activation problem, just as it was for Sony to have shortages of PS3's when they camne out. But if people are going to continue to let companies screw them over like this then I guess they're getting what they deserve and I';ll be sitting at my computer or T.V screen laughing myself silly as they whine and cry about their problems.

    22.6.2009 13:24 #5

  • korgoth3

    i got a nano for christmas, and im still waiting for my apology

    22.6.2009 16:24 #6

  • johncchc

    at least they are humble enough to give us 30 dollars gift card.

    22.6.2009 17:47 #7

  • gnovak1

    Originally posted by 5fdpfan: If you're LOL has anything to do with sitting back and watching all the people who fall for this crap every year as no one seems to be able to excercise any patience or self control then I concur with your remark. Unlike the thousands of other iditos out there, I don't have to be the first to own a new Iphone or the newest gaming console. It's certainly inexcusable to have this current activation problem, just as it was for Sony to have shortages of PS3's when they camne out. But if people are going to continue to let companies screw them over like this then I guess they're getting what they deserve and I';ll be sitting at my computer or T.V screen laughing myself silly as they whine and cry about their problems.Well said and i agree on all points. I never understood the mentality of "I have to be the first to buy this." I 'll always wait for the price to go down and for all the bugs to get fixed before i buy.

    Those who bought the Iphone for 600.00 were the first ones to complain when the price dropped. Those stupid enough to spend that kind of money on a lousey phone are stupid enough to get screwed.

    Yet all these products that screw the customers or are way overpriced sell like hotcakes.

    24.6.2009 13:38 #8

  • vyze

    Quote:We are still resolving the issue that was encountered while activating your iPhone with AT&T.Quote:st00pid people. Don't use AT&T but a real carrier like T-Mobile (who DO support the iPhone). If you still have the $9.95 Internet plan you can hack it to be an unlimited T-Mob data plan :D

    26.6.2009 11:18 #9

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