Crysis 2 will 'max out' PS3 tech

Crysis 2 will 'max out' PS3 tech
Cevat Yerli, Crytek CEO, has suggested that the upcoming game Crysis 2 will for the most part max out the PS3's technology.

Yerli says the performance analysis of the game shows full occupation of the CPUs, the Cell, and the GPUs, adding there is very little more they could push.

His quote directly: "The interesting thing is we did run a performance analysis on the PS3 devkit, and you know the funny thing is the occupation on all the CPUs, the Cell and the GPUs, is pretty much – the needle is at the limit."

"There’s not much more you can do," he added, "and frankly the breakthrough was very recent, and otherwise we would’ve had a compromised strategy on the consoles, which we don’t have now."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Jun 2009 21:44
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  • leviticus

    Hmm very interesting...And I can't wait to see it!

    But wasn't PS3 hardware suppose to have a "shelf life" of 8-10 years? If Crytek is already pushing the limits, within 1-2 years that will be the normal for every company and will leave very little to look forward to...until PS4.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to see console gaming reaching new heights...Just didn't think they would hit this mark that quick lol. :P

    Edit: Sorry, just realized Crysis 2 release date is TBA, so it's probably a year or two down the road. I also wonder about frame rates. Because games that aren't pushing the limits already have a few problems.

    AMD Athlon 64bit FX-55 - Overclocked to 3.05Ghz -- Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI -- 4GB Dual Channel DDR400
    2x 120GB Seagate 10K RPM RAID-0 -- 2x BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI Express SLI -- Plextor PX-740A & TDK 40x20x52x -- Windows XP Pro SP2

    21.6.2009 22:02 #1

  • c.trigger

    well crytek is good at making games for hardware that doesn't exist.
    as for the previous comment GFX ain't every thing look at braid, crayon physics and to a lesser extent portal

    21.6.2009 22:08 #2

  • JorDogg

    They may have reached the limit graphicly, but there is still more hope for bright idea's, gameplay, content etc..

    21.6.2009 23:23 #3

  • stuntman_

    is this not coming out on the 360? Because if its pushing the limits of the PS3 I doubt it will be made for 360 its an inferior console hardware wise

    22.6.2009 01:01 #4

  • BurningAs

    Haha don't listen to these dumbasses over at Crytek, they have a history of loud mouth. When Crysis was in dev. same guy famously stated that the xbox 360 could not handle the game. Handle my ass... All a bunch of marketing. I'm no PS3 fanboy, in fact I dislike the PS3, but let me tell you a PS3 can run 2 instances of crysis easily!

    People over at Crytek needs to STFU and take a razor up the ass, preferably Razor1911.

    22.6.2009 01:22 #5

  • xnonsuchx

    Sounds like more developer self-aggrandizing. However, claims like this can make it sound like they think their code is so perfect and cannot be optimized further. The quote "performance analysis on the PS3 devkit" makes it sound like they might be talking about a basic port of their PC code. It's also EASY to get any CPU to run at 100% usage, so I also don't understand the "breakthrough" quote. Either the guy is talking out his ass (CEO's often don't know what they're talking about technically) or the quotes are taken quite a bit out of context.

    22.6.2009 01:28 #6

  • beanos66

    just means it's not programmed very well.

    compare early ps2 games to later ones, the graphics are so much better. the hardware didn't improve, the programming did.

    22.6.2009 04:52 #7

  • theridges

    The Thing is when crytek talks about a console not being able to handle a game or pushing the ps3 to its limits....there kind of in a shooting themselves in the foot...
    now of course the console versions of these games wont look as good as there PC counterparts but that because the PC is already ahead of consoles and crytek has great programming on the PC..
    the 360 could easily have played crysis but it wouldn't look like its pc counterpart because there programming..
    im sure the PS3 version will look undoubtedly beautiful in its own right but it wont look like it does on the PC because of hardware and programming..

    22.6.2009 07:07 #8

  • shaffaaf

    thing is at the res of 1024x600 on the PS3, or lower depending on the gasem some at 720p, maybe one or more higher/1080p, crysis will be at 600p, and im sure even crysis can run at that low res on the PS3.

    22.6.2009 07:23 #9

  • canuckerz

    They may max out the hardware but a few other games have done that or come close aswell. The only reason for that is they're using the hardware more like brute force rather than programming correctly so that it uses its power more efficiently.

    22.6.2009 08:05 #10

  • lawndog

    How about this.................It's a sales ploy.
    First off I didn't like the 1st game. Way over hyped for not enough content. Was basically the same mistake as every other game out there.
    they start with the advertising now. People start thinking, "wow I gotta see this" go dump $60.00 to buy it, then take it to a gamestop and get $30.00 for it a month later.
    Sales Ploy

    22.6.2009 09:02 #11

  • Oner

    Originally posted by beanos66: just means it's not programmed very well.

    compare early ps2 games to later ones, the graphics are so much better. the hardware didn't improve, the programming did.
    Exactly. Plus I fail to see how Crytek will outdo Sony inhouse 1st party devs like Polyphony Digital (GT), Team ICO, SCE Studios Santa Monica (God of War), Guerilla Games (Killzone 2) and even some 3rd party's like Naughty Dog (Uncharted), Insomniac (Resistance/Ratchet & Clank) and even Konami (MGS).

    I'm not saying they can't do it nor that it's not possible for them to do so but I have to see it to believe it. Now if only Crytek can match gameplay to their graphics...then they will have a true winner ;)

    22.6.2009 09:04 #12

  • lxhotboy

    When i read about the PS3 being pushed to the limit i really was kind of shocked. I dont believe that they have done what they claim.

    Quote:is this not coming out on the 360? Because if its pushing the limits of the PS3 I doubt it will be made for 360 its an inferior console hardware wise Woa now!!!.. LOL I just recent read about a guy who works for microsoft who says that they xbox 360 has some game coming out that will graphically surpass anything that to be released on the PS3 like Metal Gear Solid and the soon to be released Uncharted 2and even Killzone 2, But i will say that i am not saying either one of the consoles is more powerful than the other. No one is perfect and any console can suffer from hardware designs such as the "Great Sega Saturn". It was said that once they figured out the programming it was going to be twice as powerful as the PSone. Doesnot that sound familiar with Sony's problems and claims right now? Just b/c they have more CPU under the hood doesnot neccessarily mean they have an superior console as i have heard their GPU will be their achilles heal. Now dont get too technical with me guys, I dont know anything about computers or programming all i am saying is lets keep an open mind. I dont really think any of us can give a correct analysis of which console is more powerful. I honestly think they will be about the same in what visual graphics they are able to put on screen with each console having a slight edge in certain areas but nothing that will be so significant that it makes either, PS3 or Xbox360, version of a game noticeably better than the other. At the end of the day, when you walk into your friends house, one who may own both consoles, there will be no way to tell if he is playing Madden 2010 on PS3 or Xbox360 unless you look at the console or controller in hand to see.

    22.6.2009 09:22 #13

  • ZippyDSM

    Thats not hard to do with the poor optimization of the PS3 hardware.....

    FYI to the noobs due to the bottle neck limits of the PS3 plus poor code= this is why half the multi console 360 titles look better.....

    Now when they get the code really optimized it will run a bit better than the 360 but for now........ when one mentions maxing the hardware,ect its just mindless PR/fanboy drivel....

    22.6.2009 10:52 #14

  • Morreale

    Most multiplatforms look better on a 360 then a PS3 cause the devs are "too lazy to reinvent the wheel" so you say and just port it from 360 to PS3 lol

    They have gotten better at making multiplatform games par on par with each other which is nice but for the PS3, the potential is there... Why not try it?

    22.6.2009 12:15 #15

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Morreale: Most multiplatforms look better on a 360 then a PS3 cause the devs are "too lazy to reinvent the wheel" so you say and just port it from 360 to PS3 lol

    They have gotten better at making multiplatform games par on par with each other which is nice but for the PS3, the potential is there... Why not try it?
    In time perhaps but looking at the jump to new dev hardware thats going to double or tipple game production costs.. I dunno...I think they would be better off spending the next 5 years refining the skill and code they have rather than moving to a newer dev platform that increases the shine and cost.....

    I have a feeling due to cost the PS3 wont be optimized for another 2-4 years there's no need to fool with it the 360 is simply good enough and thats how the industry rolls, IE good enough is good enough.. really when its not really.......

    22.6.2009 12:22 #16

  • TBandit

    wow cant wait to see what this looks like

    22.6.2009 23:45 #17

  • eiamhere

    Don't get me wrong this will look great, but overtime, devs will make more efficient graphic engines that will squeeze that bit more out.

    23.6.2009 03:38 #18

  • jonnstarr

    "Yerli says the performance analysis of the game shows full occupation of the CPUs, the Cell, and the GPUs, adding there is very little more they could push. "

    he said it right there

    they couldn't PUSH any more of their code through the pipelines,...

    its like me trying to run the original half life engine and getting 25 fps and then running the source engine on the same computer and getting 50 fps.

    any ol joe might think he would need a better computer to run a newer engine, but mine does better with the new engine than the old one(half life), which means they did a sucky job on the first engine and it "PUSHED IT TO THE LIMITS" unquote.....

    maybe when game company's dont have ceo's and private jets they will actualy spend time and or money on making a real game, instead of a super sparkly version of pong.....

    23.6.2009 04:19 #19

  • keith1993

    Quote:"the funny thing is the occupation on all the CPUs, the Cell and the GPUs, is pretty much – the needle is at the limit."Hmmm if I remember correctly the same can be said for early versions of DOS. and that's a black screen with words on....

    23.6.2009 09:58 #20

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:"the funny thing is the occupation on all the CPUs, the Cell and the GPUs, is pretty much – the needle is at the limit."Hmmm if I remember correctly the same can be said for early versions of DOS. and that's a black screen with words on....For all reasonable explanations the PS3 is at its limit, least until the code evolves more....

    23.6.2009 13:05 #21

  • shaffaaf

    crysis warhead :D

    23.6.2009 17:45 #22

  • laf0106

    man cant wait to see thtis SPAM in action!!

    24.6.2009 01:17 #23

  • Jemborg

    Quote:When i read about the PS3 being pushed to the limit i really was kind of shocked. I dont believe that they have done what they claim.

    Quote:is this not coming out on the 360? Because if its pushing the limits of the PS3 I doubt it will be made for 360 its an inferior console hardware wise Woa now!!!.. LOL I just recent read about a guy who works for microsoft who says that they xbox 360 has some game coming out that will graphically surpass anything that to be released on the PS3 like Metal Gear Solid and the soon to be released Uncharted 2and even Killzone 2, But i will say that i am not saying either one of the consoles is more powerful than the other. No one is perfect and any console can suffer from hardware designs such as the "Great Sega Saturn". It was said that once they figured out the programming it was going to be twice as powerful as the PSone. Doesnot that sound familiar with Sony's problems and claims right now? Just b/c they have more CPU under the hood doesnot neccessarily mean they have an superior console as i have heard their GPU will be their achilles heal. Now dont get too technical with me guys, I dont know anything about computers or programming all i am saying is lets keep an open mind. I dont really think any of us can give a correct analysis of which console is more powerful. I honestly think they will be about the same in what visual graphics they are able to put on screen with each console having a slight edge in certain areas but nothing that will be so significant that it makes either, PS3 or Xbox360, version of a game noticeably better than the other. At the end of the day, when you walk into your friends house, one who may own both consoles, there will be no way to tell if he is playing Madden 2010 on PS3 or Xbox360 unless you look at the console or controller in hand to see.
    You may not know anything about computers or programming... but you got it exactly right.

    3.7.2009 17:34 #24

  • ZippyDSM

    The market was tired of new sega consoles combined with programming issues it pretty much killed the Saturn out of of japan.

    Sony managed to hit the industry in the groin and won the market without much of a fight.

    Nowadays you have a more ridged industry with 2 high tech competitors in the back giving the industry horse power(PS360) and a single wheel(WII) in front kind of steering things.

    Both Sony and MS shot themselves in the foot, only Sony is limping more than MS still is.

    3.7.2009 18:55 #25

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